Unit 8 – Secant & Tangent Lines and Rate of Change Pre-AP Math Analysis Give each objective a +, √, or 0 based on what you currently know. + means you know everything, √ means you know a little bit, and 0 means you have no idea what the statement means. Before Learning Objective After Learning ______ Use the average rate of change to write the equation of lines secant to various types of graphs. _______ ______ Use tables and graphs of real world data to explore average rate of change. _______ ______ Use the Mean Value Theorem to explore the relationship between tangent and secant lies and solve real world applications. Use algebraic techniques to simplify the difference quotient of various types of functions while connecting it to the average and instantaneous rates of change. _______ ______ Day Monday 1/18 Tuesday 1/19 Topics Covered Thursday 1/28 Friday 1/29 Monday, Tuesday, Wed Assignment MLK Day – NO SCHOOL Slope of the Tangent Line Wed. 1/20 Slope of the Secant Line Thursday 1/21 Friday 1/22 Monday 1/25 Tuesday 1/26 We 1/27 _______ Slope of a Secant Line & Limits Average and Instantaneous Velocity Average Velocity 8-1 WS 8-2 WS 8-3 WS 8-4 WS 8-5 WS REVIEW Test – Unit 8 Practice Test – 30 minutes. Problems 1 – 35. Sub will read answers and you will correct mistakes. Show all work and all corrections. Practice Test – 30 minutes problems 36-60. Same instructions as yesterday. Movie Day – The Martian Revised 4/10/20 Pass out HW 9-1 Due Wed. ACT Practice Please do not write on my tests. ACT Practice Please do not write on my tests. You will have an assign/quiz Wed. when the movie is over Unit 8 – Secant & Tangent Lines and Rate of Change Pre-AP Math Analysis Give each objective a +, √, or 0 based on what you currently know. + means you know everything, √ means you know a little bit, and 0 means you have no idea what the statement means. Before Learning Objective After Learning ______ Use the average rate of change to write the equation of lines secant to various types of graphs. _______ ______ Use tables and graphs of real world data to explore average rate of change. _______ ______ Use the Mean Value Theorem to explore the relationship between tangent and secant lies and solve real world applications. Use algebraic techniques to simplify the difference quotient of various types of functions while connecting it to the average and instantaneous rates of change. _______ ______ Day Monday 1/18 Tuesday 1/19 Topics Covered Thursday 1/28 Friday 1/29 Monday, Tuesday, Wed Assignment MLK Day – NO SCHOOL Slope of the Tangent Line Wed. 1/20 Slope of the Secant Line Thursday 1/21 Friday 1/22 Monday 1/25 Tuesday 1/26 We 1/27 _______ Slope of a Secant Line & Limits Average and Instantaneous Velocity 8-1 WS 8-2 WS 8-3 WS 8-4 (worksheet from another book) Pg 762 1, 3, 6, 11, 15, 16, 30-35 8-5 (worksheet from another book) 17, 20-24, 41, 44, 48, 49-52 Average Velocity REVIEW Test – Unit 8 Practice Test – 25 minutes. Problems 1 – 35. Sub will read answers and you will correct mistakes. Show all work and all corrections. Pass out HW 9-1 Due Wed. ACT Practice Please do not write on my tests. Practice Test – 30 minutes problems 36- ACT Practice 60. Same instructions as yesterday. Please do not write on my tests. Movie Day – The Martian Revised 4/10/20 You will have an assign/quiz Wed. when the movie is over Revised 4/10/20