Title: What’s New at the Zoo?: An Animal Adding Adventure Author: Suzanne Slade Publisher: Sylvan Dell Publishing Publishing Date: 2009 ISBN: 9781934259938 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: K-2nd TEKS: (1.3) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student recognizes and solves problems in addition and subtraction situations. The student is expected to: (B) use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts (up to 9 + 9 = 18 and 18 – 9 = 9). Brief Summary: This adorable story incorporates both math and science facts. On an animal adventure through the zoo, add baby animals to the adults and see how many are altogether. Learn what the baby animals are called and what some of the animals eat. Materials: Animal math game cards (see publishers website) http://www.sylvandellpublishing.com/NewZoo.php Activity: Mix up the cards and place them face down on a table. Taking turns, each player should turn over two cards so that everyone can see. If the animal numbers add up to ten, he or she keeps the pair and takes another turn. If they do not add up to ten, the player should turn the cards back over and it is another player’s turn. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins. Activity borrowed from publishers website where materials and various activities for all subjects using this book can be found. Follow the Teaching Activities link. http://www.sylvandellpublishing.com/documents/TeachingActivities/NewZoo_TA.pdf Adapted by Kristian Arredondo, 2010