Title of Book: One Lonely Sea Horse Author:

Title of Book:
One Lonely Sea Horse
Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers
Scholastic Press, 2000
Grade Levels for Recommended Use: K- 2nd
(K.1) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses numbers to name
quantities. The student is expected to: (C) use numbers to describe how many
objects are in a set (through 20) using verbal and symbolic descriptions.
Brief Summary:
A lonely sea horse named Bea cries when she finds herself all alone in the ocean.
As she moves through the ocean she meets two small crabs, three puffer fish, and so on,
until she finds herself surrounded by a variety of new underwater friends. The
illustrations in this book are amazingly created out of fruits and vegetables so each page
reveals a cleverly conceived realistic underwater moment.
Adapted by : Twyla Wilson (2011)