Title of Book: Brainy Baby 1, 2, 3’s Author: Edith Reynolds

Title of Book: Brainy Baby 1, 2, 3’s
Edith Reynolds
Publisher/Year: Bendon Publishing International/2005
Grade Levels for Recommended Use: Kindergarten/First Grade
K.1 Students learn to count and recognize numbers and patterns in Kindergarten and
First Grade.
Brief Summary: This is basically a simple counting book. It has no words-just numbers
and things to count. It builds confidence because even very young children can “read” it.
The objects being counted are spaced such that a child can place a finger on each one as
he or she counts. It starts off very simple on numbers 1 through 3. When the book gets to
5 there is more than just 5 goldfish to count. There are 5 bubbles. It is the same thing with
the 8 dogs. There are 8 bones. When it gets to the number 10 there are 10 eggs but just 1
chick. This the only problem “posed”- how many eggs compared to how many chicks.
Children seem to like feeling smarter than the baby in a diaper.
Materials Needed: poster board Brainy Babies, construction paper, a few markers, glue,
10 plastic bins and everything to decorate a “Brainy baby.” (See attached handout)
Suggested Activity: The teacher gives each student a blank Brainy Baby. A finished
Brainy Baby sits at the front of the room with the teacher or an aide. The teacher or aide
has 10 bins with all the components to make a Brainy Baby e.g. googly eyes, buttons for
the shirt, blocks, balloons, cheetos to spill etc. Each student must request the number of
each component he or she wants e.g. “Can I please have 8 splats of food for Brainy
Baby’s shirt?” Some students will make several trips to get parts. Other students will get
several parts in one trip-as long as he requests them by the correct number. Clues are on
the blank Brainy Baby, on the parts bins, and on the fully assembled Brainy Baby. At the
end the teacher will help the student write each Brainy Baby’s name at the bottom. The
student can choose a real name or make up a silly one.
Adapted by: Kathy Camponovo, 2011