
Title of Book:
Integers: Positive and Negative
Irving Adler
The John Day Company, 1974
Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 7th Grade
7.1 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student represents and uses numbers in a
variety of equivalent forms.
(A) compare and order integers and positive rational numbers;
7.2 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds, subtracts, multiplies, or
divides to solve problems and justify solutions.
(C) use models, such as concrete objects, pictorial models, and number lines, to add,
subtract, multiply, and divide integers and connect the actions to algorithms;
(F) select and use appropriate operations to solve problems and justify the selections
Summary: This book explains the meaning of integers and describes how they are used;
including the rules for addition and subtraction on a number line.
o Rulers
o Copy Paper or Cardstock Paper
o Scissors
o Internet Access
o Wireless Mouse
Activity: A Slide Rule for Addition
Two copies of the number line can be used to make a slide rule for the addition of integers.
o Cut a strip of copy paper that is twelve inches long and two inches wide.
o Draw a straight line down the middle of the strip, so that it is an inch from each of the
long edges.
o Fold the strip together so that their long edges meet.
o Rub the end of the ruler along the crease to flatten it.
o Along one of the cut edges of the folded strip, make a series of short lines to divide it into
half-inch spaces.
o Write 0 under the center of the strip.
o Then put positive integers on the right, and negative integers on the left, as shown.
o Both edges will then show the part of the number line that extends from -11 to 11.
o Next cut a strip of copy paper that is six inches long and
inches wide.
o Draw a straight line one half inch from one edge.
o Along this line make a series of short lines that divide it into half-inch spaces.
o Label them to show the part of the number line that extends from -5 to 5, as shown in the
drawing below.
o To add two integers, put the 0 of the short strip over the point on the long strip where you
see the first of the two integers that are to be added.
o Now locate the second integer on the short strip.
o The drawing below shows the setting for adding 3 + (-5).
o Now insert this strip in the fold of the longer strip, so that the part with the numbers on it
is on top.
Use your slide rule to do these addition exercises:
2 + (-4)
(-3) + (-4)
3 + (-3)
(-4) + 1
0 + (-3)
(-2) + (-1)
(-5) + 4
After the students have completed the hands-on activity, copy and paste the web address below
into your browser to allow the students to get more involved with interactive concepts in motion
involving integers by
References and/or websites:
Adler, Irving. (1974). Integers: Positive and Negative. The John Day Company New York.
Adapted by Laura Delgado, 2013