Title of Book: Author: Illustrator: Publisher and Date: ISBN: One Potato, Two Potato Cynthia Defelice Andrea U’Ren Farrar, Straus, and Giroux / 2006 0-374-35640-8 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 5 - 6 (5.3) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides to solve meaningful problems. The student is expected to: (B) Use multiplication to solve problems involving whole numbers (no more than three digits times two digits without technology). (C) Use division to solve problems involving whole numbers (no more than two-digit divisors and three-digit dividends without technology) including interpreting the remainder within a given context. (6.2) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides to solve problems and justify solutions. The student is expected to: (C) Use multiplication and division of whole numbers to solve problems including situations involving equivalent rations and rates. Brief Summary: This read aloud math picture book is about a couple that have to share everything because they are so poor. They split one potato a day which serves as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One day after digging up the very last potato in their patch, comes up a metal pot, it was no ordinary pot for whatever goes into it come out doubled. It introduces multiplication concepts along with other mathematical non-mathematical concepts. Materials needed: 1-10 manipulatives (ex: counters or cut outs) to represent the number of potatoes that will be placed into the magical pot or removed from the magical pot. Pre-label each manipulative with a predetermined number (vary the values). A container (a box or can) to represent the magical pot will also be needed. Each cooperataive group will need a set of dice. A copy of worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 per student in each cooperative group will also be needed. Suggested Activity: 1. Have students work in groups of three. Have them place the first set of pre-numbered manipulatives next to the container that represents the magical pot. Then have each student complete the front page of worksheet 1. The student must use multiplication to calculate the number of potatoes that they would have gotten out if a certain amount was first placed into the pot (see the worksheet for clarification). As they calculate each amount have them place each manipulative (potato) into the pot. 2. After completing the front page. Have the students place the second set of pre-numbered manipulatives inside the pot. Then have each student complete the back side of worksheet 1. The student must use division to calculate the number of potatoes that were originally placed in the magical pot in order to have gotten the amount of potatoes marked on each manipulative (see worksheet for clarification). As they calculate each amount have them remove each manipulative (potato) from the pot. 3. After completing worksheet 1 (front and back), have the students work on worksheet 2. They will use a set of dice to determine what type of magical pot each cooperative group has. For example, if a group throws the dice for a total of 7 points, then that will be what they multiply each number (on the same manipulatives from worksheet 1) to calculate the amount of potatoes that they would have retrieved from their magical pot. Created By: Frances Martinez (2012)