
Title of the Book: Apple Fractions
Author: Jerry Pallotta
Publisher: Scholastic Books/2002
ISBN: 0-439-38901-1
Grade Levels for recommended Use: third –fifth grade
(3.C) Use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of whole objects or sets of
Brief Summary:
The Apple Fractions is a bright colorful book that uses apples to illustrate fractions. Pallotta uses
a combination of the science of apples to identify different fractions such as 1/2, and so on. It
gives the readers a real life connection to math through familiarity of apples.
Materials needed:
9 assorted apple shapes, ruler, brads, markers, and pencil
Open the lesson by reading Apple Fractions. The student will then use exploratory learning as
individual or groups. Each student will get 9 assorted cut out apple shapes. With the use of a
ruler and pencil the students will identify a different fraction on each apple, for example 1/2, 1/3,
¼, 1/6, and 1/8. After the students will put all the apples together and connect them with a brad.
The students will then have created their very own apple fractions book.
Suggested Activity:
Technology- a online activity that can be used as supplementary activity for children to learn a
practice fractions
Art/language arts- As an extension activity, students can create their apple trees with paint. Each
student can use their finger prints to illustrate the apples or seeds in the apple. When completed,
the students can write a fraction problem that their picture illustrates and include the poem
Thumbprint Apple Art.
Graphing- The teacher can take a poll of the apples that the students in the classroom like (red,
green, or yellow) with the data can create a pictograph. The students can then determine what
fraction of the class likes a certain apple over the other. For example, if there are 10 students and
5 students prefer the red apple the 1/2 of the class likes red apples.
Created by Lisa Calaway 2010