Chapter 58 MOVING EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Have a basic understanding of moving expense reimbursements REVIEW: This chapter discusses the employee moving expense reimbursement. Advantages and disadvantages of this recruiting tool are covered first. The tax implications section focuses on Internal Revenue Service tests for deductibility. ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) does not come into play with moving expense reimbursement. After a reference to IRS Publication 521, the chapter closes with a question and answer section. CHAPTER OUTLINE: I. What Is It? II. When Is It Indicated III. Advantages IV. Disadvantages V. Tax Implications VI. ERISA and Other Regulatory Implications VII. Where Can I Find Out More About It? VIII. Questions and Answers IX. Chapter Endnotes FEATURED TOPICS: Moving expense reimbursement 1 Chapter 58 CFP® CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TOPIC: NONE COMPETENCY: Upon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to: 1. Have a basic understanding of moving expense reimbursements DISCUSSION: 1. Discuss reasons why an employer might want to reimburse an employee’s moving expenses. 2. Discuss IRS requirements for moving expense deductibility. KEY WORDS: Moving expense reimbursement Distance test Time test Types of deductible expenses QUESTIONS: 1. Which of the following advantages and disadvantages apply to moving expense reimbursement? (1) it can be a tax-free form of compensation (2) even with a moving expense reimbursement, the employee can still deduct expenses for house hunting (3) employers have complete flexibility in plan design (4) the new house must be at least 75 miles farther away a. b. c. d. (1) and (3) only (2) and (4) only (1), (2), and (3) only (2), (3), and (4) only Chapter 58, p. 415 Chapter 58 2. Which of the following are requirements that must be met in order for an employee to deduct moving expenses? (1) distance test (2) reasonableness of compensation test (3) time test (4) types of expenses limitation a. b. c. d. (1) and (2) only (2) and (3) only (3) and (4) only (1), (3), and (4) only Chapter 58, pp. 415, 416 3. For how long must an employee work full-time at the new job in order to deduct moving expenses? a. b. c. d. 48 weeks in the first 24 months 45 weeks in the first 24 months 39 weeks in the first 12 months 24 weeks in the first 12 months Chapter 58, p. 416 4. Which of the following are considered to be nondeductible moving expenses? (1) loss on sale of the old home (2) reinstalling carpets or draperies (3) mortgage penalties (4) traveling to the new home a. b. c. e. (1) and (3) only (1), (2), and (3) only (2), (3), and (4) only (1), (2), (3), and (4) Chapter 58, p. 416 ANSWERS: 1. a 2. d Chapter 58 3. c 4. b