Scientific Method2

Title of Book: Science Verse
Author: Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
Publisher: Penguin Group
ISBN: 0-67091057-0
Grade Levels for Recommended Use: Grades 4-8
7.4 (A) Scientific investigation and reasoning.
(ii) Scientific investigations are conducted for different reasons. All investigations require a
research question, careful observations, data gathering, and analysis of the data to identify the
patterns that will explain the findings. Descriptive investigations are used to explore new
phenomena; such as, conducting surveys of organisms or measuring the abiotic components in a
given habitat. Descriptive statistics include frequency, range, mean, median, and mode. A hypothesis
is not required in a descriptive investigation. On the other hand, when conditions can be controlled in
order to focus on a single variable, experimental research design is used to determine causation.
Students should experience both types of investigations and understand that different scientific
research questions require different research designs.
Brief Summary:
The book Science Verse reviews many science concepts that cover TEKS for students 4- 8th grades.
The Poem Scientific Method At the Bat can be used to provide an introduction or as a reinforcement
of the scientific method. The Paper Airplanes & Scientific Methods activity provides students with a
hands on example of the scientific method, practice measuring and graphing.
Materials needed:
Blank paper
Lab worksheet
Meter stick
Science Verse
Suggested Activity:
1. Start class by reading Scientific Method At the Bat and discuss the steps and importance of
the scientific method.
2. Provide each student a copy of the Paper Airplanes & Scientific Methods Lab.
3. Have students selectively highlight the key steps in the introductory paragraph.
4. Give each group a sheet of plain printer paper and instruct them to create a paper air plane
5. Number the planes on the wing for identification
6. Line all of the planes up at the front of the class.
7. Have each student write a hypothesis stating which plane they think will go the farthest.
8. Create a start line and select one student to throw all of the planes. Have a recorder and
measurer for each group.
9. Have the students throw each plane one at a time and measure their distance.
10. Repeat step 9 two more times
11. Students should be taking notes and recording all information in the data table.
References and or websites:
Adapted by: Samantha Uhlenhaker (2012)