
February 5, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As a 5th grade team we have decided to make a change in our behavior policy.
As you know we give “marks” on a detention clipboard throughout the week. When
students receive three “marks” they receive one detention that is served during two
recess periods. We are now going to be holding before school detention from
8:30-9:00 a.m. and after school from 4:00-4:30 p.m. We will no longer be having
detention during recess. Every time your child receives three “marks” he/she will serve
ONE before or after school detention. The homeroom teacher will send home a notice
informing you of the time in which his/her detention will be served. We are hoping by
making this change it will align better with the 6th grade policy and eliminate the
continual amount of detentions. Please let us know if you have any questions. Please
refer to new policy statement listed below.
We will implement the following consequences for not following procedures:
 1st warning in a week - (mark written in discipline book)
 2nd warning in a week - (mark written in discipline book)
 3rd warning in a week
- 30 minutes detention before school from 8:30-9:00a.m. of after school
from 4:00-4:30 p.m.
DETENTIONS are scheduled before school and after school, at the teacher’s discretion.
Because this may be inconvenient for transportation purposes, please discuss the importance
of your child’s behavior at school.
Four or more detentions in a nine week period will result in further consequences.
***Certain behaviors result in immediate referral to the office and notification to parents. These include: fighting, threatening
or bullying, damage to property, refusal to work, disruptive class behavior.
Thank you for your support,
5th Grade Team