Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs EL CAMINO COLLEGE

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
FEBRUARY 23, 2012
Present: J. Anaya, F. Arce, S. Dever, C. Fitzsimons, C. Gold, E. Geraghty, D. Goldberg,
D. Hayden, J. Hormati, T. Kyle, C. Lee, T. Lew, G. Miranda, B. Mulrooney, R. Murray,
R. Natividad, D. Patel, B. Perez, S. Rodriguez, J. Shankweiler, D. Shrader
Other Guests: J. Casper
A. Notes of 1/26/12: Distributed.
B. Academic Senate Update:
1. CurricUNET – Three modules are up and running. K. Holt and J. Simon will provide
joint SLO training. Faculty are encouraged to attend training.
2. Student Success Task Force –Need to adopt general responses to the guide responses
for recommendation. VP Arce and Nishime will organize a group to spearhead
response. S. Blake and C. Mosqueda will be assisting. Representatives are needed
from Math and Industry & Technology.
3. Accreditation – E. Uyemura resigned as co-chair of accreditation. Another co-chair is
needed. The ACCJC letter dated February 1 was discussed.
4. Resolution of No Confidence – a task force was created in December. The task force
agreed to name process of collegiate consultation as a more broad term. A plenary
session will be held on 3/6 to discuss the resolution.
C. CEC Update: R. Murray provided an update:
-- 100% of grades were submitted online for the winter session.
-- Started a program in basic accelerated mathematics (BAM).
-- A general faculty meeting was held to discuss accreditation subcommittees including
SLOs, assessments, and program review.
-- Cosmetology Program will be phased out 6/30/12 due to Title 5 and economic reasons.
D. PBC Update: D. Patel provided an update of the last meetings:
Meeting on 2/2:
-- Audit finds were reviewed and posted on the website. Ten items were discussed.
 There were some findings in reconciliation of two systems not working –
Peoplesoft and Datatel.
 Return to Title IV fund – money was not returned within the required 45 day
 There was an error in reporting FTES in Fire Technology course.
 AB 540 students were reported as out of state when it should have been in-state
students. (B. Mulrooney indicated the AB 540 students were coded correctly. In
the past two years, either a patch or upgrade in Datatel changed coding. It has
since been resolved.)
Meeting on 2/16:
-- VP Higdon provided a budget update from the Regional CBO meeting she attended.
The deficit is between 3.3-3.4%.
-- Reviewed the ACCJC response letter to the midterm progress report where 5 of the 9
recommendations were recited. A site visit is scheduled for October 2012. Concerns
were expressed at how the letter implied the Compton Center should meet all standards
and 21 eligibility requirements.
-- Need faculty co-chairs from CEC for midterm report.
-- A. Spor and D. Manno offered training relating to planning.
-- Work with Academic Senate and Council of Deans regarding timelines and deadlines
for creating plans and updates.
-- A. Spor reviewed program, unit and area plans for ECC and CEC.
E. ASO Update: J. Hormati provided an update:
-- A town hall meeting will be held on 2/23 to inform students about ASO.
-- Eight students and two advisors will participate at the “March in March” in
Sacramento on 3/5.
F. Enrollment Update: Enrollment is at 100%. No cancelled classes. Six classes in transfer
pattern were added.
K-12 Students: approximately 1,000 students are in the category of below 11th grade.
Students in lower grade need to be classified as “gifted.” Deans are asked to determine
within their division a decision on terminology and if the student has the ability to
benefit. We are working on refining procedure to provide the definition of “gifted.”
“Highly gifted” is considered anyone with an IQ of 150 or higher. There is an Education
Code on this topic in the 7000 series not based on IQ. There are some students that may
be gifted in music/art and not necessarily in the IQ range.
A. Policy Update:
BP/AP 4225 – Course Repetition: Committee members are R. Natividad, B. Mulrooney,
D. Vakil, and G. Sequeira. The procedure has been revised. The Ed Policies Committee
will review. Goal is to implement changes by March 1. An issue of concern is lapse of
BP/AP 4250 – Probation Dismissal: Committee members are S. Rodriguez, R. Smith,
and J. Shankweiler. S. Rodriguez reported the committee is still working on it. BP/AP
were mixed together and have been cleaned up. It will be available in two weeks.
BP/AP 4255 – Student Progress Early Alert & Referrals: Errors were discovered in the
numbering of BP/AP. AP is being overseen by R. Smith and J. Wagstaff. It is suggested
that it be implemented in fall. C. Fitzsimons will inform R. Smith and J. Wagstaff that it
should be completed in two weeks.
BP 4260 – Prerequisite Policy: It was discussed at Academic Senate. There are minor
changes and will be available after the committee meets on 3/9.
Another update will be held at the next Council meeting.
A. Concern was expressed if there was a policy in determining when a student can be
dropped as a no show on the first class meeting. According to Title 5, the three
conditions which students can be involuntary dropped: (1) student does not meet
satisfactory prerequisite; (2) disciplinary action; (3) excessive absence. Tom Lew will
provide the legal opinion and Title 5 policy regarding this issue to Council members.
B. CurricUNET: Program review CurricUNET training will be held on 2/23. 12 of 17
programs are represented. C. Lee will send the deans an attendance sheet of faculty who
attend the training.
The next Council of Deans will meet on March 8 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Adm 131.