Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs EL CAMINO COLLEGE

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
MARCH 22, 2012
Present: F. Arce, S. Dever, C. Fitzsimons, C. Gold, E. Geraghty, D. Goldberg, A. Grigsby,
D. Hayden, J. Hormati, T. Kyle, C. Lee, T. Lew, W. Morris, B. Mulrooney, R. Natividad,
J. Nishime, D. Patel, B. Perez, G. Sequeira, J. Shankweiler, D. Shrader, R. Smith, A. Spor,
D. Vakil, J. Wagstaff
A. Notes of 2/23/12: Distributed with the following changes:
I.D. PBC Update: VP Higdon report the current budget was overstated needs to be reduced
by $655,000.
III. A. Planning Summit Workshops: The workshop will be mandatory for managers and
department chairs which will include the planning process, what to include in components,
and maintain consistency across the board. Managers will be requested to bring their unit
plans to review, edit, and share with others. There will be a group discussion and how it will
be presented to faculty.
B. Academic Senate Update: C. Gold provided an update from the last meeting on 3/20:
 The second reading of the Resolution of No Confidence will be done at the 4/3
 C. Wells reported on the CSULB Admission Policy Hearings. There are minor
changes on the policy.
 C. Gold will be nominated to serve another term as Academic Senate President.
 Second reading of BP 4025-Philosophy for Associate Degree and General Education
was passed.
 First reading of BP/AP 4225-Course Repetition was reviewed. Second reading is
scheduled for the next meeting.
 PBC – input for program plans by end of fall.
 Core competency assessment results were presented.
C. CEC Update: B. Perez provided an update:
 Projected 2012-13 budget sheets were distributed – 8% reduction cut. Need to ensure
student services support for students is not significantly reduced.
 Working to get SLOs completed for the year.
 D. Vakil working on program review with faculty. Most of fall is completed and
preparing for spring program reviews.
 Gathering documents for FCMAT meeting.
D. PBC Update: D. Patel provided an update of the last meeting on 3/15:
 VP Higdon presented a draft of the potential budget reductions.
Committee worked on five-year budget assumption (ACCJC recommend fiscal plan).
A. Spor explained the rubrics from ACCJC.
In lieu of the April 5 meeting, members can attend President Fallo’s budget forum.
The total 2011-12 budget for unrestricted general funds is $88.7 million with deficit.
If the Governor’s tax initiative passes, reductions would not go into effect and remain
at $91.9 million.
E. ASO Update: J. Hormati provided an update:
 Blood drive was held last week.
 Six ASO members attended a conference in Washington D.C. One topic was Pell
Grants and loans.
 The first green bag lunch will be held 3/22.
A. BP/AP 4260 – Prerequisite Policy:
 The changes will allow to develop prerequisite for content review only and content
review with statistical validation. This change did not affect the board policy.
 Program Review was changed to “Review of Requisites and Advisories.” Course
review process occurs on a six year cycle and vocational courses or programs (CTE)
reviewed every two years.
 Discussion with committee and curriculum – desire to have in plan that the
prerequisite be reviewed at the next schedule course review.
 B. Perez reported there was a change in the prerequisite for CIS 13. It was incorrectly
stated that a prerequisite for CIS 13 was completion of English 1A. Of the 259
students that enrolled in CIS 13, only 69 have completed English 1A. C. Lee will
follow up.
 M. Winfree will forward BP/AP to Academic Senate for input.
 A link for the administrative procedure will be included in the college catalog.
B. BP 5010/AP 5011 – Admissions & Concurrent Enrollment: It was noted that Deans may
do an assessment for 9th and 10th grade students that wish to enroll. For students below
9th grade, a possible solution would be to have a centralized location, a petition by the
student submitted 30 days prior to a semester, and a review panel. The panel that reviews
the petitions would comprised of the Director of A&R, an academic dean and a faculty
Parents have the right to petition to the Board. If a request is denied for a highly gifted
student, the Board would need to respond. The President/Superintendent would
designate a designee. The Board will maintain findings and reason for denial.
C. BP 4250 – Probation, Dismissal & Readmission: S. Rodriguez reported the board policy
was review by the committee and many edit changes were made. The policy was
distributed to Council members for review. It will be forwarded to the Academic Senate
Ed Policies Committee for review.
A. Registration Priority: The policy was reviewed and revised. Students will need to be
aware that if they are on probation, they will lose priority.
The next Council of Deans will meet on April 12 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Adm 131 (Note:
meeting was cancelled.)