December 13, 2012

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
DECEMBER 13, 2012
Present: F. Arce, S. Dever, C. Fitzsimons, E. Geraghty, C. Gold, D. Goldberg, I. Graff,
A. Grigsby, D. Hayden, T. Kyle, T. Lew, G. Miranda, W. Morris, B. Mulrooney, R. Murray,
R. Natividad, J. Nishime, D. Patel, B. Perez, M. Ramey, V. Rapp, S. Rodriguez, R. Shabazz,
J. Shankweiler, D. Shrader, R. Smith, D. Vakil
Other Guests: Q. Chapman, M. Lipe
A. Notes of 11/18/12: Distributed.
B. CEC Update:
 Director of Admissions & Records will begin January 2013.
 Nursing Pinning Ceremony will be December 12.
 Susie Dever will retire effective 12/31/12.
C. PBC Update: D. Patel provided an update of two meetings:
The 11/14 meeting gave members an opportunity to meet with the visiting accreditation
team. PBC Committee members were asked:
 How are equipment and maintenance specifically addressed in program review and
 Describe the feedback loop to departments of what was funded or not from their
 How does the district handle total cost of ownership for initial purchases – this would
include training, support and maintenance.
The second meeting on 12/6:
 Budget update. The projected state revenue reductions was initially $7.3 million but
was adjusted to $2 million cut. As a results of changes in Prop 30 and 1% growth.
 Estimated cost for Measure E was $450,000.
 Late faculty retirees – $550,000
 A gap of $500,000 - deficit funds this year.
The target goal is 18,131 FTES. F. Arce reported 44 additional sections for spring and 30
sections for summer.
CEC will add 22 sections for spring and 14 sections for summer.
D. Academic Senate Update: C. Gold reported on Academic Senate:
 Faculty representative for senate vacancies are needed in the following areas: Fine
Arts, Health Sciences & Athletics, Humanities, and Natural Sciences.
 Accreditation Committee – two additional faculty members needed in (1) basic skills
or developmental math and (2) Nursing or Radiologic Technology.
 The Ed Policies Committee has five open positions.
 ALC changed its name for the following: core competencies are now called
institutional learning outcomes (ILOs) and program level outcomes are called
program learning outcomes (PLOs).
 Working on final revisions for the following board policies:
BP 4021 – Program Discontinuance
BP 4025 – Philosophy for Associate Degree & General Education
BP 4205 – Probation, Dismissal and Readmittance
 Clarification was made with DE faculty. Publisher site for one additional year if
guidelines are met. Faculty need to encourage students to enter through Etudes for
authentic purpose. Etudes training will be provided to faculty.
 Program Review – faculty working on final version of 17 programs being reviewed.
E. Announcements:
A. Two management positions will begin 1/14/13: Assistant Director of Financial Aid
and Dean of Enrollment Services.
B. Margaret Ramey, Interim Director of Admissions & Records, will end her assignment
on 12/21/12.
C. I. Graff announced program plans are due 12/31/12. Unit plans are due February
D. Respiratory Care graduation will be held on 12/14/12.
E. Nursing Pinning Ceremony will be held on 12/14/12.
F. The visiting accreditation team completed its assignment and will forward a report
upon completion to the Accrediting Commission. Goal is to achieve sustainability
level by end of 2013.
G. Committees for the various accreditation standards have met and provided a status
H. Upcoming move in December to MBA building will take place for Business, Math,
Nursing, Respiratory Care, and Rad Tech.
A. Course Repeatability & Changes: Q. Chapman and M. Lipe reported on the changes of
repeatability. It will take in effect Fall 2013. There are 400 courses on campus that need
to be reviewed for repeatability under revised Title 5 regulations. 100 courses have met
the criteria for repeatability intercollegiate athletic competition, intercollegiate
conditioning courses, academic or vocational competition courses, and repetition for a
bachelor’s degree. Some courses will need to be deactivate and renumbered. For Fall
2013, approximately 20 new courses were generated to deal with repeatability.
Some courses were placed in a “family” of courses (up to four). Some challenges
included: (1) How to track students who take family of courses? (2) How to handle substandard grade? A current rule is under completion. (3) Is it attempts under new policy?
(4) Can courses in family be taken concurrently? Within a family, a student is done if
he/she has four takes even if a “W” is received. The goal is for students to have the
opportunity to excel is a skilled related course. A family does not have to be a sequential
from one class to another. It could be separate courses with no prerequisite leading to
another. There are eight rules in the guidelines that allow course repetition. Courses
need to be different with separate objective and SLOs.
B. AS/AAT Degree: Four transfer degrees have been approved by Chancellor’s Office:
Communication Studies, Geology, Psychology, and Sociology. Three additional degrees
that will move forward for the Chancellor’s Office approval include Administration of
Justice, Mathematics and Physics. Q. Chapman will contact the divisions about programs
that were approved this fall. A draft of the transfer degree proposal will be forwarded.
Deans will have the opportunity to made edits and changes to the document. There are
16 additional degrees that will need to be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office by the end
of the Spring 2013 semester.
There is a misunderstanding that AAS/AAT will help student with guarantee admission.
There is no guarantee and the College needs to clearly explain to students what transfer
degrees mean. B. Perez indicated it will be presented on future flex day and/or open
forum at the Compton Center.
The next Council of Deans will meet 1/10/13 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Adm 131 (NOTE:
Meeting was rescheduled to 1/24/13).