After School Tutoring Application Date: _____________________ Student Name: _____________________________________________ Home School: ____________________________ Grade: ________ Gender: M_____ F_____ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ **PLEASE CIRCLE EACH CLASS BELOW FOR WHICH TUTORING SERVICE IS BEING REQUESTED** ENGLISH MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES READING Te a c he r: G ra de Ave ra ge : ***Please fill in the name of the classroom teacher(s) and the grade the student received for the last grading period for the course(s) circled above*** PARENT/GUARDIAN’S COMMENTS: _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Students will be tutored in 50 minute time blocks. 2. Please circle the day you prefer to bring your student: Monday / Wednesday (Central & Brink) Tuesday / Thursday 3. 4. Please list your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice of location: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Brink Central Highland East Highland West ___________ Moore West Please circle the time block best suited to meet your transportation needs. 4:30-5:20 5. (Moore West, Highland West, & Highland East) 5:30-6:20 6:30-7:20 Is this student enrolled in any other special programs? _____Yes _____No If yes, please list programs _____________________________________________________ 6. ______ Yes, I do want tutoring for my child ______ No, I do not want tutoring for my child NAME OF SCHOOL COUNSELOR: _________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________________ **PLEASE RETURN TO SCHOOL COUNSELOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.**