1:00 pm Board Room


EI Camino College

Associated Students Organization

Senate Meeting Minutes

February.11, 2010

1:00 pm

Board Room


Call to Order

Vice President Jose Iglesias called the meeting to order at 1:06 pm


Roll Call (by sign in)

Executive Cabinet

Present: Joshua Casper, Jose Iglesias, Philip Stokes, Jessica Lopez, Breaanna

Bond, Philip Stokes, Walter Mendez

Not Present: Elizabeth Mercado (excused)


Present: Begoña Guereca, John Linehan, Kevin Isomoto, Brenda Kaing, Raven

Sevilleja, Timothy Johnson, Johanna Zamora, Edmond Abdou

Not Present: Anthony Nguyen, Liz Valencia (excused), Erika Maldonado (excused),

Paul Hiney, Ashley Smith (excused), Kirstin Nguyen, Michael Shodiya

Justices (Non-Voting)

Present: Danielle Parsons

Commissioner of Fundraising Committee (Non- Voting)

Christopher Pham

Commissioner of Public Relations (Non- Voting)

Present: Lucy Rivera

Student-At-Large (Non- Voting)

Present: Tim Linehan

Administrative Assistant (Non-Voting)

Present: Jeethu Joseph

Advisers (Non-Voting)

Present: Janice Watanabe, Harold Tyler, Jeannine Barba


Nicole Reinerisen, Chloe Smith


Approval of the Minutes

Senate Minutes of January. 28, 2010 was postponed to next Senate Meeting.


Approval of the Agenda

Agenda was approved by unanimous consent as presented.


New Business

5.1 Fundraising Report

Christopher Pham, Commissioner of Fundraising Committee informed the Senate that the Finance Committee has approved $ 200 for Fundraising Expenses. The

Fundraising Committee has decided upon various fundraising activities which include dinner night on 25 th

of February, an opportunity drawing during the Club

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Rush. The Committee is setting up Pinkberry to sell their products in EL Camino

Campus. 20% of the money made will go towards AS Fundraising. Jamba Juice is also going to be in Campus to sell their product as well. Another fundraising event will be car washing which was very successful last semester and will be doing it again late March.

5.2 Presidential Scholar and Academic Awards Night

Josh Casper informed the Senate that Danielle Parsons and Raven Sevilleja are the Co-chairs of Academic Award Committee. The Presidential Scholar and

Academic Award event has to be approved and should be referred to the Finance

Committee. The Event will be held on May 19 th in Marsee Auditorium.

Motion to approve Academic Award and Presidential Scholar Award event and sending the item to Finance Committee for funding. Moved by Josh

Casper, seconded by Walter Mendez. Motion Passed.


Resignations and Appointments

Josh Casper received two letters of resignations.

 Heather Roberts, Senator of Health Science and Athletics due to voluntary conflicts.

Ana Safazada, Director of Academic Affairs due to class conflicts.

Josh Casper recommended Begoña Guereca, current Business Senator to be the

Director of Academic Affairs. Josh Casper talked about her qualifications and qualifications. o Motion to appoint Begoña Guereca as the Director of Academic

Affairs. Moved by Josh Casper, seconded by Philip Stokes.

Senate was given an opportunity to ask questions to Begoña Guereca o Motion Passed.

Josh Casper recommended Danielle Parsons to be the Senator of Business. Josh

Casper talked about Danielle Parsons’ qualifications. o Motion to appoint Daniella Parsons as the Senator of Business pending her resignation as a Justice. Moved by Josh Casper, Seconded by Breaanna Bond. Motion Passed.

Josh Casper recommended Nicole Reinerisen to be the Commissioner of

Activities, Fundraising and Recruitment. o Motion to appoint Nicole Reinerisen as the Commissioner of

Activities, Fundraising and Recruitment. Moved by Josh Casper,

Seconded by Philip Stokes. Motion Passed.

Josh Casper recommended Chloe Smith to be Commissioner of Activities. o Motion to appoint Chloe Smith as the Commissioner of Activities.

Moved by Josh Casper, Seconded by Breaanna Bond. Motion Passed.

5.4 Finance Committee

Josh Casper informed to the Senate that the Finance Committee met to approve funds for many things in the last Finance Committee Meeting. The Finance

Meeting also transferred money to different accounts to balance the Budget.

First item Finance Committee approved was for the expenses of Coffee and Donuts.

Motion to approve $ 100 from Fundraising Expenses account (71-5501-00-

836120-7670) for Fundraising Committee for their activities during spring semester. Moved by Josh Casper, seconded by Ana Walter Mendez. Motion

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Yearly dues for Region 7 were also approved in Finance Meeting along with transfer of

$100 from Rep Fee Technology account to Rep Fee Advocacy Activities account. o Motion to allocate $ 100 from Rep Fee Technology account (72-

56422-00-836115-7670) to Rep Fee Advocacy Activities account (72-

55714-00-836115-7670). Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Josh

Casper. Motion Passed.

Motion to allocate $ 100 from Rep Fee Advocacy Activities account (72-

55714-00-836115-7670) for Region 7 Donation. Moved by Jessica Lopez,

Seconded by Walter Mendez. Motion Passed.

Expenses to attend March in March were also approved. The Finance Meeting approved up to five people to attend the March in March along with transfer of $850 from Rep Fee

Conference account to Rep Fee Advocacy Activities Account. o Motion to approve transfer of $850 from Rep Fee Conference account

(72-55229-00-836115-7670) to Rep fee Advocacy Activities account

(72-55714-00-836115-7670). Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Josh

Casper. Motion Passed.

Motion to approve $850 from Rep Fee Advocacy Activities account (72-

55714-00-836115-7670) for up to 5 people to attend March in March. Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Josh Casper. Motion Passed.

Expenses for A.S.O technological equipment, software, and other expenses along with transfer of $100 from Rep Fee Conference account to Rep Fee Technology account was also approved in the Finance committee meeting.

Motion to approve $1500 from Rep Fee Technology account (72-56422-00-

836115-7670) for purchases of Technological equipment/ software/ expenses.

Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Philip Stokes. Motion Passed.

o Motion to transfer $100 from Rep Fee Conference account (72-55229-

00-836115-7670) to Rep Fee Technology account (72-56422-00-

836115-7670). Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Josh Casper.

Motion Passed.

Expenses for Pie day event sponsored by Math Division was also approved in the

Finance Meeting.

Motion to approve $100 from General Division account (71-55001-00836121-

7670) for Pi day expenses sponsored by Math Division. Moved by Jessica

Lopez, Seconded b y Walter Mendez. Motion Passed.

Finance Committee also transfer funds for future expenses and to balance the Budget.

Motion to transfer $200 from Campus Enrichment account (71-55001-00-

836409-7670) to A.S Secretary account (71-55001-00-836106 ). Moved by

Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Walter Mendez. Motion Passed.

A.S.O Budget Request for fundraising Committee was also made in the Finance Meeting along with transfer of $ 100 from General Division account to A.S Fundraising account. o Motion to transfer $100 from General Division account (71-55001-00-

836365-7670) to A.S Fundraising Expenses account (71-55001-00-

836120). Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Walter Mendez. Motion


Motion to allocate $200 from A.S Fundraising Expenses account (71-55001-

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00-836120-7670) to Fundraising Committee for Fundraising activities.

Moved by Josh Casper, Seconded by Walter Mendez. Motion Passed.


Old Business

6.1March in March

Josh Casper informed the Senate we will be sending five people to the March in

March event up to state Capital. Josh will be sending emails to every Senate members regarding the March in March event. Those who would like to be a part of this event have to respond to his email so that he could choose people to be send to the event. Josh Casper will be announcing names of attendees for the

March in March event in next Senate Meeting.


Josh Casper informed the Senate that the registration cost for the SSCCC

Conference has not been posted yet in the Website. The Student Development

Office has been checking for the cost and if not posted, the cost will be shared with the Senate by estimating last year’s conference cost.



7.1 ASO Member Reports:

Josh Casper also announced to the Senate that there is a possibility of an increase in community college fees.

Josh Casper thanked the Senate members for attending the Senate meeting today.

Philip Stokes informed the Senate that the upcoming Region 7 meeting is been cancelled. He also informed the Senate that the due of $100 for Region 7 has been approved by the Finance Committee.

Walter Mendez informed the Senate that he has spoken to Dwight Ueda regarding taking the head shots of Senate members. The time for taking the head shots will be two weeks from now, starting at 12pm to 1pm then 2pm to 3pm.

7.2 ICC Reports

Philip Stokes informed the Senate that ICC is currently working on Club Rush,

Club Mixer, Blood drive and Loathing in Las Vegas.

7.3 Committee Reports:

Josh Casper informed to the Senate that the Special Election Petitions are already out. Please try to publicize the election.

Philip Stokes informed to the Senate that he attended Council of Deans Meeting.

The meeting discussed about the New Fee Proposal and the dropping of students due to late payment of fees. The meeting also discussed about the fee proposal and its effect on international students.

Philip Stokes also reported to the Senate that Ashley Smith and himself, both cochairs of Policy Committee will be meeting together to put together and complete resolutions. If any Senate members want to be a part of the committee, talk to him after the meeting.

7.4 Advisor Reports:

Janice Watanabe informed the Senate that there is going to be an eligibility check on Senate members starting next week. She reminded the Senate that every Senate members should keep 6 units each semester and buy an ASB sticker to be eligible

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to be part of A.S.O

Janice Watanabe informed the Senate that the next Senate Meeting will be held in

Communications Building, Room no. 104.


Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items

Philip Stokes asked the Senate members if they have any concerns regarding Fee

Proposal. If any concerns, talk to him after meeting.

In response to Philip Stokes comment, Nichole Reinerisen told the Senate that one of the students who didn’t pay the fees at Compton but did paid at El Camino was dropped from all of the classes in both Compton and El Camino College.

Philip Stokes told the Senate that he will be looking into this issue and will be reporting to the Council of Deans in the next meeting



Motion to adjourn. Moved by Josh Casper, Seconded by Walter Mendez.

Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 2:02 pm

Minutes Recorded by Jeethu Joseph

Minutes Verified by

Josh Casper, ASO President Harold Tyler, ASO Adviser

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