December 6, 2012

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Special Meeting
December 6, 2012
Administration Room 131
Public Participation: Members of the Public are invited to speak concerning any item of
business on this agenda prior to or during the Senate’s discussion of the item, and always
prior to the Senate taking action on the item. For matters not listed on this agenda that are
under this Body’s jurisdiction, members of the public are invited to address the Body
during Public Comment. Please, limit your comments to no more than 2 minutes.
Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Voting Members of the Senate
__Dillan Horton (Chairperson) __Brooke Matson __Derrick Moon __Simone Montague-Jackson
__Nathan Wofford __Jasmine Hormati __Melina Mossberg__ Mark Zeleyaran __Bilal Akhtar __
Kelly Ng __Marisa Tam __ Alexander Clavel __ Felix Chan __ Priscilla Young __Kirsten
Hartman __Aysha Shaikh __Tiffany Tran __ Emma Robertson __Valencia Clark __Sarah Hafiz
__Gustavo Garcia __Sarah Rednour __Haylee Beynon
__Rebecca Cobb __Breanna von Stein
III. Approval of the Minutes
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Old Business (10 minutes per item, 1 minute per comment, 2 comments per person
VI. New Business (10 minutes per item, 1 minute per comment, 2 comments per person
6.1 – Nominations for Appointment – Brooke Matson
The Senate will discuss and take appropriate action to approve the following appointments
recommended by the President.
Alejandro Ventura
Senator – Behavioral & Social Sciences
Sara Vega
Division Council Member – Business
Shayan Langha
Division Council Member – BSS
Corrine Kosidlak
Division Council Member – Hum
Alejandra Hoyos
Division Council Member – H.S.A.
Sean Borden
Division Council Member – H.S.A.
Mahtab Madjlessi-Kupai
Commissioner – Student Services
6.2 – Removals
The Senate will authorize the removal of the following officers due to ineligibility.
Felix Chan
Senator – Mathematical Sciences
Rachel Tamashiro
Commissioner – VP
Seung il Koo
Division Council Member – Mathematical Sciences
6.3 – Finance Items – Derrick Moon
6.3.1 – Finals Button/Pins
The senate will discuss and take appropriate action to approve up to $100 for 200 final's
buttons through AS Campus Enrichment Account Number (71-836409)
6.3.2 – Recycling Drive reimbursement
The senate will discuss and take appropriate action to transfer $157 for the prize given to
the Women in Technology Club through $50 from AS Sustainability Account Number
(71-836382) and $107 from AS Campus Enrichment Account Number (71-836409) .
6.3.3 – World Diabetes Day
The senate will discuss and take appropriate action for reimbursement of $10 for food
expense of the clinic representatives during World Diabetes Day through AS General
Division Account Number (71-836365).
6.4 – Activities & Project Approvals – Brooke Matson
The Senate will be informed as to the procedure for approving ASO activities and
6.5 – Meeting Scheduling
The Senate will consider and decided upon scheduling meetings during the Winter
6.6 – Textbook Survey Results – Simone Montague-Jackson
The Senate will be informed of the textbook survey results and consider possible action
based on the results.
6.7 – New Sections Being Opened – Sarah Hafiz
The Senate will be informed of the 50 new sections being opened for spring and winter
2013 and possible further action to be taken
6.8 – Winter Retreat – Brooke Matson
The Senate will be vote to approve a Winter Retreat.
6.9– Public Relations Submission – Tiffany Tran
The Senate will be informed on the new procedure for requesting publicity form the
Public Relations Committee.
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
7.2 ICC Reports
7.3 AGS Reports
7.4 Committee Report
Activities Committee
7.4.2 Fundraising Committee
7.4.3 Policy Committee
7.4.5 Public Relations Committee
7.4.6 Sustainability Committee
7.5 Adviser Reports
7.5.1 Rebecca Cobb
7.5.2 Breanna von Stein
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (5 minutes per item, 2 comments per