El Camino College Associated Students Organization Senate Meeting April 18, 2013 Administration Room 131 1:00pm I. Call to Order Dillan Horton called the meeting to order at 1:06pm. II. Roll Call Voting Members of the Senate - Present Dillan Horton (Chairperson), Derrick Moon, Simone Montague-Jackson, Nathan Wofford, Tiffany Tran, Sarah Hafiz, Jasmine Hormati, Alejandro Ventura, Luis Mendez, Daniel Carvalho, Marisa Tam, Aysha Shaikh, Gustavo Garcia, Emma Robertson, Sarah Rednour, Sean Borden Voting Members of the Senate - Excused Brooke Matson, Kelly Ng, Valencia Clark Voting Members of the Senate - Absent Felix Chan, Priscilla Young, Rachel Tamashiro Advisors - Present Rebecca Cobb Guests Donald Clytus III. Approval of the Minutes Motion to postpone the approval of three previous sets of minutes made by Nathan Wofford. Seconded by Simone Jackson. IV. Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve the agenda as is made by Derrick Moon. Seconded by Daniel Carvalho. Motion passed. V. Old Business None. VI. New Business 6.1 – Elections Approvals 6.1.1 Elections Guidelines Motion to approve the ASO Elections Guidelines made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Sarah Hafiz. Motion passed. 6.2 – 2013 Constitutional Changes - Dillan Horton The drafted Constitution was emailed out to the Senate and was printed out. There was an amendment to Article X in which the dismissal policy was made clearer. The title of section 1 was changed from “Dismissal of Executive Cabinet/Senate Members for Prolonged Absence” to “Dismissal of ASO Members Due to Unfulfilled Responsibilities.” For changes in the wording, “The ASO President will have the power to dismiss” was changed to “The Senate will have the power to dismiss the person from further membership upon recommendation from the President.” For Section 2, “Executive Cabinet/Senate” was changed to “ASO members.” Discussion: Rebecca Cobb asked if a student is ineligible academically and if the Senate will be able to dismiss them. Dillan stated in Section 1, “the Executive Cabinet will be able to” was changed to “the Senate will.” Jasmine suggested clarifying that it is the “ASO President” in Section 1. Rebecca Cobb suggested that in Section 1, “member” should replace “person.” Dillan stated that we have the ability to make changes to By-Laws with authority to Senate and will go into effect 3 weeks after advertising it. With Constitutional changes, the only group that can change this is the vote of student body. Motion to approve Article X as amended made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Simone Jackson. Motion to approve Article II as amended made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Nathan Wofford. Motion passed. In Article II, Section 4 there was an amendment to Subsection F with the creation of a new Cabinet position, Director of Human Resources. This position was added to the group of Cabinet members following by a description of their duties. Dillan talked to Vice President of Human Resources, Linda Beam, and she thought it was better to open up Section 5 to make it periodically instead of definite. She was concerned with that person with role of productivity in the organization. Discussion: Jasmine asked to clarify about the productivity. Dillan stated she had trouble understanding how ASO works internally in terms of what type of group they were. She did not know if the productivity assessment was more of being a paid employment versus a volunteering organization. Majority is not paid, though the organization operates like an employment situation in the way which people are brought into the system through submitting applications, being interviewed, appointment process, etc. Aysha asked if it would be added to the petition for them to run in the election if passed today. Dillan answered no and that the position does not officially exist. Marisa asked if it would be an appointed position next year if passed. Dillan stated the new ASO would handle it through appointment. Rebecca Cobb asked about the vision for the new position. Dillan stated it is a thing leadership attempts to do, as in seeing what areas going well, what to do if areas are not doing well and it would be beneficial to have someone who has this as their responsibility. Rebecca Cobb asked how it will be assessed. Dillan stated that he cannot say concretely how. Sean asked how strong the recommendation of the position is in terms of dismissal. Dillan stated if changes to dismissal policy were to go onto the ballot, it would go to the full Senate. Jasmine stated looking to the Constitution first by means of how to assess people doing their jobs. Simone asked if the Director of HR is the only position able to conduct interviews on their own. Dillan stated one person coordinating it rather than conducting it by themselves. Rebecca Cobb asked about “ASB”. Dillan stated that it is written that way in the Constitution. Simone brought up how ICC members are asked to do disciplinary panels. If one person will serve on that, ICC should be notified. Dillan stated that ICC members are part of the organization but their responsibility and mandate is not of representing students. Dillan stated that there are two positions on Cabinet that deal with student services, Director of Student Community & Advancement and Director of Student Services. The positions work fine, but it is the name and operation of them that does not make sense. The title of Director of Student Community & Advancement would be changed to Director of External Affairs and will leave Director of Student Community & Advancement to be the Director of Student Services. Jasmine asked about the succession line. Dillan stated that the HR Director is added to line of succession. Dillan stated that the Director of External Affairs would be placed between Director of Public Relations and Director of Student Community Advancement. Motion to approve the changes to Article II made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Daniel Carvalho. 6.3 – Activity Fee – Dillan Horton ASO along with many other organizations gets its funding from ASB. ASB will not be able to meet those obligations within the next few years, therefore a solution is needed. The activity fee is $10 for regular semester and $5 for intersession. Registration is still co-mingled. Summer and Fall will be $10 while Summer is $5. Jasmine asked why it is $5 in the summer. Dillan stated that a significant number of students attend intersession. Theoretically, people will benefit from this cost in Summer. Students will be charged at the time of registration. The fee would be administered by the organization and expenditure power will be held in the Senate. At the beginning of the year ahead of the next year, perspective allocations will be made. Motion to approve the draft of Board Policy 5030 made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Aysha Shaikh. Motion passed. Dillan stated that the best way to about getting this done is taking it to regular May elections. If we agree to put this on elections, everyone has the responsibility to sell this. If it is successful in May election, it will be taken to Board at their June meeting. Over Summer and Fall semester, infrastructure would be set up so that the fee can be instituted. Jasmine asked if I.T. knows about this procedure. Rebecca Cobb stated that they do know and that the discussion is how to make it happen. Jasmine asked why it has to be approved two times by the Board. Dillan stated that the Board would like to see more concrete things. Other organizations funded by ASB need to be rounded up and get in line with the proposal. Rebecca Cobb stated that ASO needs to be in contact to people handling funds. Dillan stated that it is important to get students out to vote and need to market this out to students because it is imperative to vote. Sean asked about HTP. Rebecca Cobb stated that HTP is funded by ASB. We have to fund now for next year because they are not on student cycle, they need to plan their fiscal budget. It is an opt-out fee. Sean asked if there is a way it can be mandated. Rebecca Cobb stated that it will be optional. Dillan stated that you would have to go through a process to refund it. Derrick asked if it covers the deals ASB has with the ASB sticker. Rebecca Cobb confirmed. Guest Donald Clytus asked if it is the Board of Trustees that approves the money. There is a loss of quorum. 6.4 – Film Festival – Marisa Tam/Valencia Clark VII. Reports 7.1 ASO Member Reports 7.2 ICC Reports 7.3 AGS Reports 7.4 Committee Report 7.4.1 Activities Committee 7.4.2 Fundraising Committee 7.4.3 Policy Committee 7.4.5 Public Relations Committee 7.4.6 Sustainability Committee 7.5 Adviser Reports 7.5.1 Rebecca Cobb 7.5.2 Breanna von Stein VIII. IX. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items Adjournment Due to lack of quorum, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55pm. ________________________________ Brooke Matson, ASO President ________________________________ Rebecca Cobb, ASO Adviser