October 29, 2002

October 29, 2002
L. Beckett-Lemus, C. Fitzsimons, P. Gebert, R. Harris, N. Hata, K. Key,
W. Killingsworth, D. LaCoe, R. Mekaru, V. Rapp, C. Somin, C. Striepe,
J. Young
Members Present: A. Collette, P. Lund, L. Mukogawa, A. Spor
Absent (unexcused): J. Kim, R. Smith
Absent (excused):
A. Valles
Also Present: S. Childress, C. Jeffries, T. Klein, M. Lipe, B. Perez, S. Prieto,
D. Shannon, J. Siddiqui, T. Storer, K. Townsend, A. Verge
Chair Key called the meeting to order at 2:33 p.m.
J. Young moved that the minutes of the October 8, 2002, College Curriculum Committee
meeting be approved as written and R. Harris seconded the motion. The Chair called for a
vote and the motion carried.
Chair Key informed the committee that the divisions of Behavioral and Social Sciences,
Counseling, and Humanities will need to conduct elections this Fall semester as the terms
of their CCC representatives expire at the end of this academic year. He added that he
would be sending a memorandum regarding the need for elections to the deans and
Academic Senate members of the divisions affected. K. Key then directed members to
Article VIII, College Curriculum Committee, of the Academic Senate Constitution which
was included in the day’s packet. He asked that members review this article, particularly
in regards to the compressed calendar, because the Senate was in the process of updating
its constitution. Any concerns or suggestions should be forwarded to the Chair or to
A. Collette by November 15th.
N. Hata told the committee that the revised catalog was now on the web.
CCC MINUTES 10/29/02
K. Key explained to the committee that the revised criterion for the social and behavioral
sciences component of the associate degrees’ general education patterns reflected the
modifications recommended by the CCC. He continued, saying that the AA/AS Degree
Task Force had approved the revised statement at its last meeting. As there were no
questions, V. Rapp moved, and J. Young seconded, that the criterion be approved as
presented. The Chair called for a vote and the motion carried. K. Key informed the
committee that he would now forward all the approved general education criteria to the
Senate for its approval.
Members were asked to review the justifications for the inactivation of History 13, 13L,
and 34, Physical Education 405abcd, and Political Science 21. As there were no questions,
R. Harris moved that the inactivations be approved. J. Young seconded the motion, which
Chair Key then established a 40 minute time frame for each division to present its
proposals. He also informed the committee that the concerns and suggestions about the
proposals members had forwarded to him and A. Collette had been discussed with the
divisions the previous evening. The Chair reminded those present that the division faculty
were the experts of the disciplines reflected in the proposals and modifications or revisions
would be made only if the experts agreed they were necessary.
B. Perez began the discussion of the division’s proposals by distributing an adjusted
revision to the Physical Science degree. As there were no questions, she then introduced
S. Prieto, proposer of the new course, Physical Science 25. The committee was told that
this course had been developed as a response to the needs of the Teacher Education
Program and that the College was in the process of finalizing an articulation agreement
with California State University, Long Beach. The CCC then discussed revisions for the
catalog description, and for Sections II, III, IV, and V of the course outline of record. As
an articulation agreement with CSULB did not yet exist, the committee determined
Physical Science 25 was a stand-alone course. However, the CCC agreed that if the
articulation agreement was completed prior to the date the course would be sent to the
Chancellor’s Office for approval, then the course status of Physical Science 25 would fall
under the Chancellor’s Office’s allowance for blanket approval. Next, B. Perez led the
committee in discussion of revisions to Sections II and IV of the course outline for
Geology 1 and to Sections II, III, and V of the Oceanography 10 outline. After agreement
of the revisions was reached, J. Young moved that the Natural Sciences proposals be
approved as amended. R. Harris seconded the motion, which carried. J. Young then
moved, and C. Striepe seconded, that the condition of enrollment be approved. The
motion carried.
CCC MINUTES 10/29/02
J. Young introduced the division faculty present, A. Verge of the History Department and
A. Rodriguez of the Anthropology Department. She then directed the committee’s
attention to the proposal for revisions to History 8. A. Verge satisfactorily answered the
committee’s questions regarding the revisions and agreed to recommendations for slight
modifications to Sections II and VII of the course outline. After minor revisions to
Sections II and III of the Anthropology 2 course outline were agreed to, the CCC turned to
the proposal for Anthropology 3. A lengthy discussion ensued during which revisions to
the catalog description and to Sections II, IV, V, and VI of the course outline were agreed
to by the CCC and A. Rodriguez. During the review of Anthropology 6, revisions were
accepted for Sections II, III, and IV of the outline. J. Young then provided the committee
with further revisions to the proposals for the changes in the American Studies and
Economics majors and after a brief discussion, clarification of the language for the
Economics major was agreed to. As the division had reached the end of its time period for
presentation of proposals, Chair Key asked for a motion of approval for History 8,
Anthropology 2, 3, and 6, and the American Studies and Economics majors, as revised,
and R. Harris did so. C. Fitzsimons seconded the motion and it carried. C. Fitzsimons
moved, and J. Young seconded, that the conditions of enrollment be approved. The
motion carried.
D. Shannon introduced C. Jeffries, division counselor, who explained that the proposed
changes to the Recreation major reflected better alignment with the requirements of four
year institutions. After a minor modification to the units required was agreed to, M. Lipe,
adapted Physical Education instructor, asked the committee to turn to the revisions for the
two adapted Physical Education courses submitted for review. As special education
courses are prohibited by Title 5 from limiting enrollment to only those students with
disabilities, and in order to advise students that these courses were designed for students
with disabilities, it was decided that each course would have a catalog and schedule note
stating that the particular course was designed for students with disabilities. As review
continued, agreement was reached for revisions to the Physical Education 402abcd catalog
description and to Sections IV, V, and VII of the course outline. A revision was also
agreed to for Section VII of the course outline for Physical Education 407abcd.
Before discussion of the division’s proposals continued, K. Key informed the committee
that the proposals for the two new Nursing courses were being tabled until the November
12th CCC meeting so that faculty could have adequate time to prepare necessary revisions.
K. Townsend then outlined the proposed revisions to Nursing 60A and 66A and Surgical
Technology 121, 140, and 141. As there were no questions, she asked that the committee
turn to the proposal for a revision to one of the prerequisites for the Nursing Program.
K. Townsend explained that because the Mathematics Department had created a two
semester elementary algebra sequence, it was necessary to include successful completion
of Mathematics 41B as one of the avenues for fulfilling the Nursing Program’s
mathematics requirement. After a brief discussion during which rewording of the
prerequisite was agreed to, D. Shannon introduced T. Storer of the Physical Education
Department. T. Storer began his presentation by informing the committee that Vice
CCC MINUTES 10/29/02
President Hata had reviewed and accepted a memorandum from Dean Schwartz which
justified the change in faculty load caused by revisions to Physical Education 277. He and
the CCC then discussed and agreed on revisions to Sections II, IV, and VI of this course’s
outline. Next, the committee reviewed the proposed new course, Physical Education 270.
During the ensuing discussion, agreement was reached on minor revisions to Sections II,
III, and IV of the outline. As the division had exceeded its time allotment, Chair Key
stopped review of the Health Sciences and Athletics proposals. D. LaCoe then moved for
approval of the Recreation major, Nursing 60A and 66A, Physical Education 270, 277,
402abcd, and 407abcd, and Surgical Technology 121, 140, and 141. J. Young seconded
the motion. J. Young, moved that the conditions of enrollment be approved and C. Somin
seconded the motion. The Chair called for a vote and the motion carried.
Chair Key then stated that Behavioral and Social Sciences and Health Sciences and
Athletics would each have 10 minutes to present their remaining proposals.
J. Young informed the committee of corrections to the proposed changes for the majors in
History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology. During the discussion that followed
the committee agreed to all revisions except for the Political Science major as it was
unclear as to what the actual requirements were. As no member of the Political Science
department was present to provide clarification, review of this proposal was tabled until
the November 12th CCC meeting. J. Young then outlined revisions to Child Development
3 which included changes to Sections III and VI of the course outline. At the conclusion
of the discussion, C. Fitzsimons moved that the History, Philosophy, and Sociology majors
and Child Development 3 be approved. J. Young seconded the motion, which carried.
T. Storer presented the proposed new course, Physical Education 295, Cardiopulmonary
Exercise Testing. He explained that, for many years, he had worked with L. Sinopoli, of
the Respiratory Care Department, developing this course designed to meet the needs of not
only Respiratory Care students but also practicing respiratory therapists, physical fitness
trainers, and anyone interested in cardiopulmonary exercise testing. T. Storer added that
he is in the process of developing a personal trainer certificate program which would
require Physical Education 295. The committee then agreed to a rewording of the
recommended preparation which clarified the intent and a minor modification to Section II
of the course outline. At this time, J. Young moved, and C. Somin seconded, that Physical
Education 295 be approved as amended. The motion carried. J. Young then moved that
the condition of enrollment for the course be approved. C. Somin seconded the motion,
which carried.
At 5:00 p.m., J. Young moved, and C. Somin seconded, that the meeting be adjourned.
The motion carried.