March 11, 2003

March 11, 2003
R. Harris, N. Hata, K. Key, R. Mekaru, V. Rapp, C. Somin, C. Striepe, J. Young
Absent (excused):
L. Beckett-Lemus, C. Fitzsimons, P. Gebert, W. Killingsworth,
D. LaCoe
Members Present: A. Collette, S. Fasteau, P. Lund, L. Mukogawa, A. Spor
Absent (excused):
A. Valles
Absent (unexcused): R. Smith
Also Present: F. Baker, E. Cannon, S. Dowden, B. Knapp, G. Miranda, L. Olsen,
E. Shadish, D. Shannon, A. Simon, T. Storer, J. Suarez
Chair Key called the meeting to order at 2:33 p.m.
J. Young moved that the minutes of the February 25, 2003, College Curriculum Committee
meeting be approved as written and R. Harris seconded the motion. The Chair called for a
vote and the motion carried.
K. Key reported that he notified the Academic Senate that due to the dissolution of the
Instructional Services Division, the CCC had voted to retain, for the spring semester,
C. Striepe as a voting member of the committee. He also informed the Senate that the
CCC determined that a new category, faculty librarian, needed to be added to the
membership. The librarian would be a voting representative. K. Key said the Academic
Senate will evaluate and, if appropriate, approve the CCC’s actions at the next Senate
N. Hata reported that academic deans and directors were reminded that they and faculty
should now be preparing the essential curriculum that will be submitted to the CCC next
Fall. Also, deans and directors were told that, divisions may be limited to 10 proposals and
that this number could be revised downward if the lack of clerical support in the
Curriculum Office has not been addressed. The Vice President concluded her remarks by
saying she, Chair Key, Chair-elect Young, and Curriculum Advisor Collette hoped to meet
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with each dean, in late April, to discuss next year’s proposed essential and Title 5 update
Chair Key informed the division it would have 35 minutes to present its proposals.
G. Miranda introduced division faculty and staff in attendance then informed the CCC she
had minor corrections for the seven proposals submitted for review. Beginning with
History 5A, the committee was provided with a clerical correction to one of the behavioral
objectives and as there were no questions, discussion turned to History 19. G. Miranda
informed the CCC of revisions to Sections IV and V of the outline which the department
believed better reflected the critical thinking aspect of the course. Proceeding with the
division’s review, the dean provided a revision for Section IV of the course outline for
Philosophy 7, a minor correction to Section II of the outline for Philosophy 8, and a
revision to Section IV of the outline for Political Science 3. A brief discussion was held
regarding the Psychology 2 proposal and agreement was reached for revisions to the
catalog description and Sections IV, V, and VI of the outline. The Behavioral and Social
Sciences Division concluded its presentation with the proposal for Sociology 15. After
revisions were agreed to for the catalog description, R. Harris moved that History 5 and 19,
Philosophy 7 and 8, Political Science 3, Psychology 2, and Sociology 15 be approved as
revised. C. Striepe seconded the motion, which carried. J. Young then moved, and
R. Harris seconded, that the conditions of enrollment be approved. The motion carried.
K. Key, on behalf of the CCC, thanked the Behavioral and Social Sciences Division for
presenting well-prepared curriculum proposals. He stated that reviewing well-written
proposals eased the workload of the committee.
A. Spor informed the CCC that a subcommittee, comprised of him, L. Beckett-Lemus,
A. Collette, and C. Striepe, has been working on revisions to the CCC bylaws. He then
proceeded to lead the committee through the proposed changes the subcommittee
developed. The CCC made modifications to the section on the structure of the CCC so that
the faculty librarian position was included and to the section on the CCC Chair so that it
was clear the Chair would have no less than 30% release time. Considerable discussion
took place on the wording of the attendance requirement in Section 3, Operational
Procedures. K. Key asked S. Fasteau to develop appropriate language for item 3.2 and
forward it to the subcommittee. He then stopped the discussion so that the CCC could
return to curriculum review.
Chair Key told the division it would have 35 minutes to present proposals.
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D. Shannon introduced T. Storer, Physical Education faculty member, and L. Olsen,
support staff. He then told the CCC that the division would like to table to a future
meeting the proposals for Physical Education 81abc, 110ab, 111abc, 120ab, and 121abc.
He explained that further division curriculum committee review was necessary for these
proposals to ensure they were in compliance with Title 5 requirements. The CCC agreed
to address these proposals at its April 22nd meeting. D. Shannon then began the discussion
of the division’s remaining proposals by informing the committee that the course
disciplines for all of the Physical Education course proposals were incomplete and that the
discipline of coaching needed to be included. In addition, the enrollment limitations for all
of the courses were being revised so that the level of experience was clear. Next,
D. Shannon directed the CCC to the proposal for Physical Education 57ab. Revisions were
made to the catalog description and to Sections II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII of the
course outline. During the discussion of Physical Education 58abc, a minor adjustment to
the catalog description was agreed to then the CCC and the division agreed to revisions for
Sections II, III, V, VI, VII, and VIII of the outline. Review continued with Physical
Education 70ab. Again, the catalog description was revised as well as Sections II, III, V,
VII, and VIII of the outline. The CCC also spent time helping the division rewrite Section
VI, Planned Instructional Activities, before turning its attention to the proposal for
Physical Education 71abc. Agreement was reached on revisions to the catalog description
and Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII of the course outline. The final proposal
addressed by the CCC was Physical Education 80ab. Again, a number of revisions were
agreed to including those for the catalog description and Sections II, III, V, VI, VII, and
VIII of the course outline. R. Harris then moved that the Health Sciences and Athletics
proposals be approved as revised. C. Somin seconded the motion, which carried.
J. Young moved, and R. Harris seconded, that the courses’ conditions of enrollment be
approved. The motion carried. Chair Key then thanked the Health Sciences and Athletics
division for responding to the concerns raised at the Monday, March 10th meeting.
The CCC returned to the proposed revisions for the bylaws. During discussion of Section
4, Division Curriculum Committee Composition and Responsibilities, a number of
questions arose regarding the faculty librarian’s responsibilities. It was agreed that the
subcommittee should continue to meet to address the role of the librarian. The CCC
concluded its review by saying it was in agreement with the revisions developed so far by
the subcommittee.
A. Collette, on behalf of the Major/Certificate Proposal Forms Subcommittee, comprised
of her, V. Rapp, D. LaCoe, and P. Gebert, led the discussion of the newly designed form,
Proposal for New Major or Revision to Existing Major. It was explained that the design of
the form was modeled after CCC Form 3, Proposal for Course Revision so that CCC forms
could be parallel.
V. Rapp stated that the revised form now required that only appropriate deans and
counselors be notified of changes. Faculty and division curriculum committees were
removed from the notification list as it is a dean’s responsibility to notify appropriate
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parties of pending curriculum changes that may affect a department. Inasmuch as it was
4:25 p.m. and the Curriculum Advisor would not be compensated for overtime, discussion
was halted and members were asked to review the guidelines that will accompany the form
as well as the revised certificate proposal form in preparation for discussion at the next
CCC meeting.
Chair Key announced that eight hours of flex credit will be granted for service as a CCC
representative. However, the effective date was unclear so the Chair said he will ask the
Staff Development Coordinator for clarification and advise the committee at the next
Chair Key then informed the committee that Speech Communication 25abcd and 25Labcd,
approved by the CCC at its December 10, 2002 meeting, had not yet been forwarded to the
Board of Trustees by President Fallo. President Fallo had some questions regarding the
courses and, following interim procedures for appealing a CCC decision which were
developed by the CCC Chair, discussions addressing the President’s concerns have been
held with Dean Quadhamer. N. Hata added that closure on this matter seemed to be near.
At 4:35 p.m., C. Somin moved, and R. Harris seconded, that the meeting be adjourned.
The motion carried.