EL CAMINO COLLEGE MINUTES OF THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE March 25, 2003 Present: L. Beckett-Lemus, C. Fitzsimons, P. Gebert, R. Harris, N. Hata, K. Key, W. Killingsworth, V. Rapp, C. Somin, C. Striepe, J. Young Absent (excused): D. LaCoe, R. Mekaru Ex-Officio Members Present: A. Collette, S. Fasteau, P. Lund, A. Spor, A. Valles Absent (excused): L. Mukogawa Absent (unexcused): R. Smith Also Present: R. Quadhamer CALL TO ORDER Chair Key called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES R. Harris moved that the minutes of the March 11, 2003, College Curriculum Committee meeting be approved as written and C. Somin seconded the motion. The Chair called for a vote and the motion carried. CHAIR’S REPORT Chair Key informed the committee that Speech Communication 25abcd and 25Labcd would be on the agenda for the April meeting of the Board of Trustees. The concerns expressed by President Fallo about these courses had been satisfactorily addressed by Dean Quadhamer. The Chair then reported that the eight hours of flex credit that will be granted for service as a CCC representative are retroactive to July 1, 2002. He advised representatives to include their CCC service on their flex reporting sheet so that they receive credit for the eight hours. Next, K. Key directed the committee’s attention to the definitions, developed by the Associate in Arts/Associate in Science Degrees Task Force, for the College’s degrees. He remarked that once the CCC approves the definitions, they will be forwarded to the Academic Senate for its approval. During the discussion that followed, V. Rapp explained that as these were being developed, the Task Force made sure that all the degrees granted by the College were covered by the definitions. C. Somin then provided a grammatical correction to the Associate in Science degree after which J. Young moved that the definitions be approved as amended. R. Harris seconded the motion, which carried. CCC MINUTES 03/25/03 2 Chair Key concluded his report by announcing that any curriculum proposals tabled at today’s meeting would be addressed at the CCC’s May 6th meeting. VICE PRESIDENT - ACADEMIC AFFAIRS' REPORT N. Hata stated she had no report for today’s meeting. INTERIM TIMETABLE FOR INITIATING A PRESIDENTIAL/ SUPERINTENDENT APPEAL The Chair reminded the committee that in January, 2002, President Fallo had concerns with revisions to two Mathematics courses and one Architecture course which the CCC had approved and subsequently withheld the course revisions from the Board of Trustees’ agenda. The revisions were eventually sent to the Board after the deans of the Mathematical Sciences and Industry and Technology divisions had provided the President with answers to his concerns. However, it was apparent that a timetable for the CCC’s existing presidential appeal procedure needed to be established. Subsequently, K. Key developed, in consultation with President Fallo and Vice President Hata, the Interim Timetable for Initiating a Presidential/ Superintendent Appeal distributed to members in the day’s packet. The Chair explained these were interim procedures because President Fallo has asked that the role of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in the curriculum process be discussed and clarified. Once closure on the discussion of the Vice President’s role has been reached, a permanent timetable will be established. K. Key then proceeded to lead the CCC through the steps of the timetable. N. Hata remarked that, in most cases, anticipated concerns the President may have are now addressed by her and the deans prior to any curriculum submission to the CCC. At this point, K. Key, after notifying the committee that once it approved the interim timetable he would take it to the Academic Senate, stopped discussion so that curriculum review could begin. CURRICULUM REVIEW FINE ARTS PROPOSALS: Chair Key informed the division it would have 35 minutes to present its proposals. R. Quadhamer distributed an errata sheet to the committee then began the review with Art 4. After revisions to the catalog description were agreed to, discussion turned to this course’s companion attendance performance laboratory course, Art 4L. L. Beckett-Lemus asked why attendance at an art gallery was a separate laboratory course and not a homework assignment for Art 4. R. Quadhamer replied that the Chancellor’s Office would not allow both census and positive attendance accounting in one course so a separate positive attendance laboratory course was created. L. Beckett-Lemus asked if students attended the gallery on their own time and R. Quadhamer said yes, it was time outside of the “parent” lecture class. Discussion returned to Art 4 and agreement was reached on revisions to the descriptive title and Sections II, III, IV, VI, and VII of the course outline. Review of Art 4L was next and considerable discussion was held regarding the lack of parallelism for the course objectives. After the objectives were reworded, the committee and the division agreed to revisions for Sections III, IV, and VI of the course outline. CCC MINUTES 03/25/03 3 The CCC then began review of Art 5A and again a major discussion ensued regarding the objectives. L. Beckett-Lemus expressed the opinion that reference to the kind of art being studied should be included in the objectives. Chair Key asked the other CCC members if the objectives needed to be more prescriptive and C. Striepe stated that she thought general objectives were acceptable inasmuch as objectives were not read in isolation of the other parts of the outline. W. Killingsworth asked if a new instructor teaching the course would be able to understand what needed to be focused on and C. Fitzsimons, course proposer, stated an instructor would have no doubt. L. Beckett-Lemus said she believed the objectives as written opened them up for interpretation. J. Young stated that the major topics were reflected in the behavioral objectives and that no one teaching the course should be confused. At this time, Chair Key asked if any other CCC members had concerns with the objectives and as there were none voiced, he directed the committee to review the rest of the outline. Minor revisions to Sections II and V of the outline were made then the Chair notified those present that the division had exceeded the time allotted for curriculum review. He asked the CCC if it would extend the division’s time and J. Young moved that the CCC continue its review of the Fine Arts proposals. N. Hata seconded the motion, which carried. The committee briefly reviewed the proposal for Music 2A and developed, in conjunction with R. Quadhamer, a more specific assignment for Section V of the course outline. Next, discussion began on Music 20abcd. As the committee evaluated the course’s proposed enrollment limitation, it was decided that it should be slightly revised and that the existing recommended preparation should remain and be modified. Moving to the rest of the course outline, agreement was reached on revisions to Sections II and VI. Curriculum review continued with Music 20Labcd. R. Quadhamer provided revisions to the catalog description and Sections II, III, IV, and VI of the course outline. As it was almost 4:00 p.m. and the meeting time could not be extended because the Curriculum Advisor would not be compensated for overtime, Chair Key stated that the committee would review one more proposal before moving on to the CCC’s other agenda items. A brief discussion on the proposal for Music 47ab was then held during which a revision to Section IV of the outline was agreed to. J. Young moved that Art 4, 4L, and 5A and Music 2A, 20abcd, 20Labcd, and 47ab be approved as amended. C. Somin seconded the motion which carried. C. Somin then moved, and C. Striepe seconded, that the conditions of enrollment be approved. The motion carried. Chair Key announced that the remaining seven Fine Arts proposals would be addressed at the May 6th meeting. COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE BYLAWS A. Spor, on behalf of the subcommittee which developed revised CCC Bylaws, led the committee through the changes to the bylaws. He noted that a new section had been added so that the responsibilities of faculty representatives were clearly defined. After a few clerical corrections were made, N. Hata commended the subcommittee for the work accomplished then moved that the revised bylaws be approved. J. Young seconded the motion, which carried. Chair Key stated that he would now take the bylaws to the Academic Senate for its approval. INTERIM TIMETABLE FOR INITIATING A PRESIDENTIAL/ SUPERINTENDENT APPEAL (Continued) CCC MINUTES 03/25/03 4 Chair Key requested that the CCC approve the interim timetable. L. Beckett-Lemus asked if any written explanation for the appeal process currently existed and the Chair answered no, only the flow charts existed. W. Killingsworth asked how long the interim timetable would be in effect and Chair Key said that officially, perhaps a year. However, he hoped to have a permanent timetable in place by the time his term as CCC Chair ended. K. Key then added that all of the flow charts needed to be evaluated to determine if additional timetables needed to be created. The CCC then agreed that the interim timetable was appropriate. MAJOR/CERTIFICATE PROPOSAL FORMS Committee members were asked to review the revised forms for major and certificate proposals in preparation for discussion at the April 22nd CCC meeting. DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDENDUM Chair Key asked that the revised Distance Education Addendum be reviewed outside of committee time as it would be addressed at a future meeting. He noted that the Distance Education Advisory Committee had some concerns with the section on administering examinations and then advised the CCC to compare the proposed revised addendum with the existing one. A. Collette asked why the section on class size did not address the larger class size of instructional television courses and K. Key said that section needed to be corrected. K. Key then explained that the added section regarding accommodations for students with disabilities was added to satisfy the Chancellor’s Office’s directive that online courses specifically address this. At 4:30 p.m., J. Young moved, and C. Somin seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried. EL CAMINO COLLEGE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Proposed Curriculum Changes March 25, 2003 FINE ARTS DIVISION CHANGES IN DESCRIPTIVE TITLE, CATALOG DESCRIPTION; COURSE OUTLINE REVISED TO MEET TITLE 5 REQUIREMENTS 1. Art 4 – History of Western Art – 19th and 20th Centuries Nineteenth Century to Contemporary Times Current Status/Proposed Change A study This course is a survey of the developmental patterns of history, development, and evolution of painting, sculpture, architecture, sculpture photography, and related arts forms of the 19th, and 20th, and 21st centuries. Students will explore the CCC MINUTES 03/25/03 2 relationships between the art and the accelerating changes in the Artworks, art movements, and art styles are studied in relation to relevant social, political, philosophical, and technological conditions of the last two centuries. Illustrated with slides, films, videos and prints factors and the accelerating changes that characterize the modern era. CHANGE IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION; COURSE OUTLINE REVISED TO MEET TITLE 5 REQUIREMENTS 1. Art 4L – History of Western Art Gallery Attendance Laboratory Current Status/Proposed Change This course includes gallery attendance at selected Students will attend art exhibitions/presented in the El Camino College Art Gallery and/or Artist-inResidency events related to Art 4 offered by the South Bay El Camino College Center for the Arts. 2. Art 5A – History of Asian Art – India and Southeast Asia Current Status/Proposed Change Survey of Indian art from the This course surveys the arts of India and Southeast Asia from their earliest beginnings in Indus Valley cultures to through the 18th century. with an Eemphasis on Buddhist and Hindu art forms. and the interplay of Eastern and Western cultures Key artworks are studied in relation to historical, cultural, and religious contexts. 3. Music 2A – Sightsinging Current Status/Proposed Change Introduction to essential This course develops fundamental skills for reading and singing music at sight. Identification and oral interpretation of basic music This includes pitch and rhythm notation, key signatures, intervals, major and rhythmic patterns; singing minor modes, and melodies. of simple to moderate difficulty. Class assignments will incorporate exercises in sightsinging, including melodic and rhythmic dictation. 4. Music 20Labcd – Music Production Workshop Performance Laboratory Current Status/Proposed Change Laboratory for Students will attend the laboratory for additional hours as required in Music 20abcd relating to elements of performance including, but not limited to, additional rehearsal time, participation in public performance, and/or observation of performance through concert attendance at selected musical events at El Camino College offered by the El Camino College Center for the Arts. 5. Music 47ab – Beginning Guitar Current Status/Proposed Change The This course involves introduces techniques for playing the guitar including holding, stringing, tuning, and fingering. the guitar, playing techniques, Emphasis will be placed on learning music notation, reading guitar the fundamentals of music, and the playing of simple melodies, chords, construction and accompaniment patterns. CCC MINUTES 03/25/03 3 CHANGES IN CONDITIONS OF ENROLLMENT (Pre/Corequisite, Recommended Preparation, or Enrollment Limitation), CATALOG DESCRIPTION; COURSE OUTLINE REVISED TO MEET TITLE 5 REQUIREMENTS 1. Music 20abcd – Music Production Workshop Current Status/Proposed Change Corequisite: Music 20Labcd Recommended Preparation: Students must be able to sing a harmony part and match pitch. The ability to dance and act is ultimately necessary. Enrollment Limitation: aAudition. Students must be able to match pitch and sing a harmony part. This course offers the Oopportunity to participate in the annual a musical theatre production as a member of the chorus or as a soloist. Singers in the musical will perform in this production for at least two weekends following rehearsal.