November 11, 2003
Present: S. Dowden, C. Fitzsimons, P. Gebert, W. Killingsworth, R. Mekaru,
S. Oda-Omori, B. Perez, V. Rapp, J. Siddiqui, C. Somin, C. Striepe, J. Young
Absent (excused): L. Beckett-Lemus
Members Present: A. Collette, S. Fasteau, K. Key, J. Means, L. Mukogawa
Absent (excused): P. Lund, K. Sullivan
Also Present: G. Miranda, L. Widman
Chair Young called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m.
P. Gebert moved that the minutes of the October 28, 2003, College Curriculum Committee meeting be approved as written and J. Siddiqui seconded the motion. The Chair called for a vote and the motion carried.
J. Young welcomed J. Means, Dean of Community Advancement, to the CCC and explained to those present that he was replacing A. Spor who has temporarily been reassigned from his duties as Director of Workforce and Community Education. Because
J. Means will be responsible for the Workforce and Community Education department, he will serve as an ex-officio CCC representative during A. Spor’s reassignment. J. Young then asked the other CCC representatives to introduce themselves and the areas they represented.
The Chair concluded her report by informing the committee that she has been notified by
L. Mukogawa that the submittal date for courses that are to be considered for inclusion on the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) and the CSU general education breadth pattern will now be in mid December. J. Young advised CCC representatives to inform their colleagues about the new submittal date as it means that, in the future, faculty must develop and finalize any courses that will be designed for these general education patterns in the spring semester prior to the December submittal date.
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03
V. Rapp, the Vice President of Academic Affairs’ designee, reported that the Associate in
Arts/Associate in Science Degrees Task Force is nearing completion of its charge to determine if the existing El Camino College general education requirements meet the needs of students. She reminded the CCC that the Task Force, over the past two years, had developed definitions for the Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science degrees as well as criteria for each area of the general education patterns. V. Rapp informed the CCC that the Task Force, for the last several months, has focused on the requirements for each area of the Associate of Arts pattern. At its November 7, 2003 meeting, the Task Force completed its review of Area 5, Contemporary Health and Physical Education, which
V. Rapp noted was not an area required by Title 5. During the review, it was decided that the requirements should be revised. The revised requirements, which were included in the day’s packet, reduced the number of required units from five to three and allowed students to choose either health courses or physical activity/fitness courses to complete the requirements. V. Rapp then explained that the revised Area 5 needed to be approved by the CCC before it could be presented to the Academic Senate. At this time, B. Perez moved, and K. Key seconded, that the CCC approve the requirements for Area 5 of the
Associate in Arts degree. A brief discussion followed during which S. Dowden asked if
V. Rapp could explain why there were changes. V. Rapp stated that the Task Force devoted approximately six meetings to discussion of the Area 5 requirements and that six options, including the current requirements, were presented at the Task Force’s last meeting. Members of the Task Force, after discussion, voted on the options and the one before the CCC received the majority of votes. V. Rapp continued, explaining that the new requirements make the El Camino College health and physical education area parallel with a significant number of other California community colleges. K. Key added that
L. Mukogawa had surveyed the California community colleges regarding health and activity/fitness general education requirements and the results were very helpful to the
Task Force as it made its decisions. At this time, Chair Young asked for a vote on the motion to approve the revised Area 5 and the motion carried.
J. Young asked CCC representatives to review the justifications, provided by her and
N. Hata, for the inactivations of American Studies 5 and 5L and the Childhood Education
Certificates of Competence and Completion Family Child Care option. As there were no questions, K. Key moved that the inactivations be approved. C. Somin seconded the motion, which carried.
Chair Young then announced that each division would have 15 minutes for presentation of its proposals.
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03
V. Rapp began her presentation by asking that the proposal for the new course, Business
49abcd, be tabled. J. Young accepted the request and stated that the proposal would be entertained at the December 9 th
CCC meeting. V. Rapp advised committee members they would receive a revised proposal prior to the December meeting then distributed an errata sheet for the division’s remaining proposals. Dean Rapp explained that the Microcomputer
Support and Network Management option of the Computer Information Systems
Certificate of Competence was being revised to remove an inactive course from the requirements and to shift a core course to a set group of required courses. As there were no questions about the certificate, the CCC turned to the Computer Information Systems major. V. Rapp advised the committee of minor modifications to the wording of the requirements and noted that the revisions to the requirements included the removal of an inactive course. S. Dowden then moved, and J. Siddiqui seconded, that the revised
Computer Information Systems major and certificate be approved. The Chair called for a vote and the motion carried.
G. Miranda distributed an errata sheet for the division’s proposals, introduced L. Widman, a member of the Political Science faculty, and then asked that discussion begin with
Economics 1. After revisions to the catalog description were agreed to, a number of the objectives in Section II were revised to better reflect behaviorally measurable terms and a correction in the number of hours listed in Section III was made. Because the justification for revising the recommended preparation for Economics 1 was incomplete, Dean Miranda provided language that better stated the reasons for the revision. The committee then turned to Political Science 8 and a lengthy discussion was held regarding the use of the phrase, dealing with, in one of the critical thinking assignments. L. Widman, proposer of the course revisions, responded to the CCC’s concern that the phrase could be perceived as colloquial by arguing that problems are actually resolved through dealing with them. The committee concluded that in the context of the assignment, the phrase could be valid.
After a revision to one of the objectives in Section II was agreed upon, discussion returned to the critical thinking assignments in Section V. C. Fitzsimons suggested, and L. Widman agreed to, a modification to the wording in the first assignment.
At this time, G. Miranda asked that the proposals for the American Studies major, the
Childhood Education major, and the School Age Child Care option of the Childhood
Education Certificates of Competence and Completion be tabled. J. Young agreed to tabling the proposals and announced they would be reviewed at the December 9 th
CCC meeting. G. Miranda informed the committee that new proposals would be developed and forwarded to CCC members. The dean then directed the CCC’s attention to the proposals for the History, Philosophy, and Political Science majors. She remarked that the History and Political Science revisions consisted of the removal of inactivated courses and that the revision to the Philosophy major rectified an error in the course work required. B. Perez then moved that Economics 1, Political Science 8, the History major, the Philosophy major, and the Political Science major be approved as revised. K. Key seconded the motion, which carried. B. Perez moved, and C. Fitzsimons seconded, that the conditions of enrollment for Economics 1 and Political Science 8 be approved. The motion carried.
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03
Chair Young reported that she recently had the pleasure of attending the statewide
Academic Senate Plenary Session with the El Camino College Senate President, J. Stewart.
J. Young stated that many of the College’s practices regarding academic policies and curriculum procedures were validated at the plenary session and that J. Stewart excellently represented El Camino College. Continuing, the Chair commented that a number of controversial resolutions and issues, two of which were raising English and mathematics graduation requirements and reminding Political Science instructors they must cover all aspects of the course outline of record, were discussed. In addition, a number of very good workshops were presented including one on the California Virtual Campus presented by
J. Georges of El Camino College.
J. Young referred the CCC to the replacement materials for the Curriculum Handbook for
El Camino College which included the revised CCC Bylaws, Education Code 84757, the revised CCC roster, and the updated rosters and meeting dates for division curriculum committees. She asked that committee members update their copies of the handbook with these materials. The Chair then announced that the recently formed handbook subcommittee, comprised of her, A. Collette, W. Killingsworth, J. Siddiqui, and C. Striepe, had met to discuss the possibility of having an online Handbook. Chair Young announced that she was delighted to report that the subcommittee found it feasible to create an online handbook and that work toward completing this project had already begun. The subcommittee’s goal is to have the handbook online by the end of the Spring term so that faculty have an online tool for facilitating curriculum development. The Chair added that
W. Killingsworth suggested that the online version also have areas that addressed frequently asked questions and frequently seen problems and has offered to develop these areas. W. Killingsworth then asked his CCC colleagues to identify those questions that arise fairly frequently when faculty develop proposals and to please forward those questions to him. He added that he would also like to develop a checklist which outlined the steps faculty must take when developing proposals and that he welcomed any suggestions CCC members might have regarding this project.
Chair Young asked the CCC to turn to Board Policy 6124 – Prerequisites and Other
Limitations on Enrollment and the Content Review Procedure, both of which were included in the day’s packet. She explained that the Board policy, patterned after a model developed by the statewide Academic Senate and the Chancellor’s Office, contained the rules and regulations by which a prerequisite, corequisite, recommended preparation, or enrollment limitation is established. J. Young gave a brief overview of Section I of the
Board policy and specifically brought the committee’s attention to the sections on the
CCC’s relationship with the Academic Senate and the need for separate CCC action on conditions of enrollment.
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03 5
Turning to the Content Review Procedure, J. Young reminded everyone that this process must be conducted for every new course developed and for every existing course reviewed.
She then informed the committee that the procedures, which summarize the requirements of Board Policy 6124, and the forms were developed jointly by representatives from the
CCC, the Academic Senate, and the administration and that these procedures and forms establish how content review is to be conducted. The Chair then led a review of the guidelines during which it was emphasized that a prerequisite must be established if a student would be highly unlikely to succeed in a target course without necessary prior knowledge and/or skill that had been identified through content review. Also, it was pointed out that a recommended preparation was established when either prior knowledge and/or skill would strongly enhance a student’s ability to succeed. Continuing with the review, J. Young reminded the CCC that content review must include completion of the
Content Review Worksheet and provided hints on how to effectively complete the worksheet. She added that the worksheets should be discussed when division curriculum committees review proposals and that the completed worksheets are to be kept on file in division offices. The Chair concluded the overview by acknowledging that the content review procedure is complex and promised that additional in-service training sessions would be held. The Chair then asked that suggestions for other in-service training topics be forwarded to her.
A. Collette advised the CCC that the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November
25 th
and that the proposals for this meeting would be distributed Monday, November 17 th
K. Key reminded the committee to forward to Academic Senate member D. Vakil any situations that indicated how the current economic climate has affected students and morale.
At 3:52 p.m., B. Perez moved, and C. Somin seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.
Proposed Curriculum Changes
November 11, 2003
American Studies 5 – The Role of Religion in American Life and Thought
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03 2
2. American Studies 5L – Role of Religion in American Life and Thought: Lecture,
Film, and Events Laboratory
1. Childhood Education - Family Child Care Option
Childhood Education - Family Child Care Option
Preparation, or Enrollment Limitation), CATALOG DESCRIPTION; COURSE
1. Economics 1 – Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
Current Status/Proposed Change
Recommended Preparation: Economics 5 with a minimum grade of C; or Mathematics 70; and eligibility for English 1A
Study of command Macroeconomics introduces students to the principles that explain the operation of the national economy. Topics to be analyzed include consumption of products, and market economies. A broad analysis of exchange, aggregate output, the national economy with emphasis on money supply, national income, employment, the price level, and economic growth., An inquiry into fiscal policy and tools, money and banking and monetary policy. Includes an introduction to international trade theory, balance of payments, international finance, and the linkages between trade and growth macroeconomic polices.
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03 3
Political Science 8 – California State and Local Government, National Policy
Current Status/Proposed Change
This In this course analyzes the organization and operation of California’s state and local
(county, city, special district) governments, will be examined. Topics will include urban problems, regional politics, and intergovernmental relations,. and their California’s interrelationships with local and national institutions and policies will be analyzed.
Current Status/Proposed Change
History 1A, 1B, 3, 4; plus three courses from History 5A, 5B, 6, 8, 9, 10A, 10B, 11, 12,
14A, 14B, 16A, 16B, 17, 18A, 18B, 19, 22, 25, 30, 32; Political Science 1, 2, 3,
5, 6
Total Units: 21
Current Status/Proposed Change
Philosophy 5, or 8; Philosophy 10, 11; one two courses from Philosophy 2, 3, 7, 23; three courses from at least two of the following groups:
Art 1, 3, 4, Music 11
History 3, 4
English 23, 31, 35, 36
Mathematics 40 or 41B, 60, 120
Total Units: 24-26
Political Science 3.
Current Status/Proposed Change
Political Science 1; four courses from the following: Political Science 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10; two courses from: Economics 1, 2, History 1A, 1B, 3, 4, 6, 10A, 10B, 14A,
Philosophy 10
Total Units: 21
Computer Information Systems
Current Status/Proposed Change
Computer Information Systems 13, 18, 19; one of the following groups: Computer
Information Systems 26 and 28 OR 46 and 47 OR 140 and 141; two of the
CCC MINUTES 11/11/03 4 following courses: Computer Information Systems 16, 17, 22, 27, 29, 30, 80, 83,
133, 142, 143
Total Units: 21-22
Computer Information Systems – Microcomputer Support and Network
Management Option
Current Status/Proposed Change
A minimum of 12 Computer Information Systems units must be completed at El Camino
College and a grade point average of 3.0 (B) is necessary in the required 33-34 units.
Computer Information Systems 13, 19, 40, 140; four courses from the following:
Computer Information Systems 16, 18, 22, 28, 29, 80, 83; one of the following groups: Computer Information Systems 140, 141, 142, and 143 or Computer
Information Systems 46, 47, 48, and 49
Total Units: 33-34