August 7, 2003

Planning & Budgeting Committee
August 7, 2003
Miriam Alario-Wolski
Cheryl Shenefield
Michael D’Amico
Lance Widman
Bo Morton
Bobbi Villalobos, Chair
ALSO ATTENDING: Patricia Caldwell, Pam Fees, Julia Stewart, Carolee Casper
Handouts: a) Decision-Making Matrix for Determining Budget Changes
b) Report – California’s Budget: Another Year in the Red
c) Recommendations from PBC for 2003/2004 Academic Year
Bobbi Villalobos called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded that the Minutes of July 17, 2003 be approved with the
following corrections: “Decision-Making Matrix for Determining Budget Changes” –
Criteria: Item #8 – Leave as written. Item #6 becomes #8. Weighted Decision Criteria:
Should read –3, -2, -1, 0. Bobbi Villalobos has already made the necessary changes to
the Matrix. The minutes were approved with the above corrections.
In response to a question regarding the Dean of Planning, Research and Development
position, it was stated that the position was eliminated in March 2003.
Bobbi Villalobos announced that Mattie Eskridge would be the Recorder for PBC until
additional staff is hired in the Vice President-Student and Community Advancement
office who would then replace her as Recorder.
Pam Fees announced the Board meeting for September would be held September 8,
instead of September 15, 2003, at 4:00 p.m.
Budget Update
Pam Fees provided an update regarding the status of the state budget. The 2003 Budget
has been sent to the Governor for signature. We now have the ability to have our state
apportionment released; however, since there is no approved budget in place, we did not
receive any funding from the state. Further information concerning the release of funding
is expected by Friday, August 8. Adjustments to the budget would then be made at a
later date. A trailer bill, which is a part of the overall budget, sets forth the increase in
student tuition from $11 per unit to $18 per unit. Students who are currently registering
will have to pay the $18 tuition fee. Students who previously registered will be billed
accordingly. It was further pointed out that the Associated Student Government has
approved a representation fee of 50 cents per student per semester.
All students will be required to pay this fee. Pam Fees discussed the budget report from
the Community Colleges League of California “California’s Budget: Another Year in the
Red” specifically, the “Enacted Budget (AB 1765). The budgeted categories of General
Apportionment, Categorical Programs, and Miscellaneous (Non-program) Items were
discussed. Instructional Equipment and Library Materials categories will be combined to
give districts the option to expand on Scheduled Maintenance or Instructional Equipment.
If we chose to expend any of the dollars on the Scheduled Maintenance, we will get 1:1
match. If we chose to expend Instructional and Library materials, the match will be 3:1.
This uneven distribution will force districts to give up Scheduled Maintenance monies
and go with Instructional Library Materials funds. This will be issued as block grants
based on 2002-2003 FTES.
Pat Caldwell pointed out the difference in the Student Financial Aid allocations in the
2002-2003 (enacted) budget ($8 million) as compared to the 2003-2004 (enacted) budget
($46 million). She stated that this additional $38 million came about as a result of the
reduction of Partnership for Excellence funding. This means that $38 million will be
moved from the General fund to another category with an instructional use. For El
Camino, this reduces the General Fund about $500,000.
In response to the question from Lance Widman regarding the trailer bill, Pam Fees
explained that the significance of this bill has to do with the implementation of the
enrollment fee. It is the trailer bill that triggers the $18 that makes it legal and binding.
There is no indication that the Governor will not sign the trailer bill. Therefore, we are
moving ahead with implementation. It was further pointed out that $10 million was
removed from concurrent enrollment. In response to a question from Lance Widman as
to the ratio of spending between K-12 and community colleges, Pam Fees explained that
K-12 faired better than community colleges. However, we received a higher percentage
of Prop 98 funds than anticipated, but not the full level we were entitled to. As to
whether COLA factored into 2003-2004, Pam Fees gave a tentative no. The statewide
growth factor for community colleges is 1.5% but a deficit factor of 1.5% is also
expected. The UCs and CSUs have a growth factor and they have increased course
offerings. This means the growth funding will not be there. There are no specifics as it
relates to El Camino College. The Chancellor’s Office has announced a workshop will
be held in September, at which time, further information will be provided.
The question was asked how we would cap our enrollment. It was explained that limiting
the number of available seats does this. Students as a whole are not overly concerned
about the increased in tuition. Most students feel they are getting a bargain compared to
tuition charged at UCs and CSUs. Julie Stewart stated this was the case with her classes.
Students were not concerned with the increase.
Lance Widman addressed the issue of enrollment management. He stated this would
center on what instructors do the first week of class regarding the adding of students.
The continual adding of students would place us over cap. Class sections can be dropped
but we would still be over cap.
The question is what message should be given to faculty. Pat Caldwell stated she did not
know of any policy statement. Pat Caldwell will discuss this issue with Cabinet.
Lance Widman asked information concerning the reduction of positions that are
authorized, frozen, or unfilled. Pat Caldwell explained the Cabinet has discussed
extensively about whether or not some positions should be released for filling internally
or through external search during the 2003/2004 year. No final decision has been made
at this time. The Cabinet will continue this discussion on Monday, August 11. Positions
that remain frozen will be listed in the Budget Book as vacant and frozen for the 20032004 year and unfunded. Pam Fees stated that another page is being added to the budget
book titled, “Vacant List.”
Lance Widman asked whether the Cabinet had discussed the disposition of the Public
Information & Marketing, Safety and Health, and Staff and Student Diversity Offices.
Pat Caldwell stated no. Pam Fees stated that at the August 21 meeting of the PBC, the
final budget would be discussed by President Fallo with the PBC.
Bobbi Villalobos asked if any Partnership for Excellence funds cut in 2002-2003 will be
restored to Partnership for Excellence funded projects in 2003-2004.
Lance Widman pointed out that since the budget has gone beyond $8 billion deficit for
the current year, it is certain we will face mid-year budget cuts. Pam Fees addressed the
following key factors: 1) increase in enrollment fee - $18 vs. $11. The district is still
obligated to pay the state the increased enrollment fees whether we manage to collect
them or not. We do not have to actually send the money to the state. The district’s
apportionment will be reduced accordingly and the state will send the remainder to the
college. The state has established their budget based on the expected $265 million
enrollment fee to be collected and sent to them. If this does not happen, the state has an
additional deficit problem. If we do not take this into account in our budget planning, we
will face severe problems. Pat Caldwell stated President Fallo has asked that we keep in
mind we probably will have to prepare for mid-year budget cuts because of these
Planning Update
Pat Caldwell distributed and discussed the following documents with PBC:
A draft of the Executive Summary of the Planning Summit Report with accompanying
Appendices and the Educational Master Planning Timeline for 2003-2004. The
Summary and Appendices were developed as a result of the Planning Summit, which was
held May 15 and 16, 2003 at El Camino. John Means, Arvid Sport and Donna Manno
assisted during the workshop. The Appendices consisted of the following:
 Appendix 1) Scanning for Forecasting Team members from the three Vice
President Areas. The team reviewed articles and looked for trends and projected
the kind of trend(s) the college would face in the next 3-5 years. These trends are
included Appendix 5 (Trend Analysis Worksheet).
 Appendix 2) Planning Team members. This group consisted of 53 participants
at the two-day planning summit, consisting of classified, certificated, management
employees and at least four students.
 Appendix 3) Planning Summit Agenda
 Appendix 4) Planning Process, which covered the areas of: 1) External
Scanning Review; Labor Market Information; State and Local Economy and
We serve not only El Camino district, but the radius extends to at least 7 miles.
Look at areas where we may be overbuilt or not overbuilt; 2) Internal Scanning
Review; 3) Review of the Community College Mission (Legislated and El
Camino College Mission). We have decided to remain a comprehensive college –
offering a wide variety of services; Mission Statement was reviewed and it is
believed to be ok; 4) Vision Statement. Developed by CQIN group. The team
looked at several areas of what we want to be in the future. The Team agreed to
pass this information on the College Council for review; 5) Brainstorming
Strengths and Weaknesses of El Camino; 6) Identification of Critical Issues. At
least 8-10 was developed. 7) Strategic Goals Out of 8-10 Critical Issues, 7
strategic goals were developed and added at the suggestion Julie Stewart. It was
stated this goal will be discussed with the Planning Team since it was not
developed by them; 8) Development of New Goals; 9) Goals. It was agreed that
the current budget criteria – funding for technology is a very critical issue. This
seemed to be more operational rather than a new strategic goal. The team will
continue to work on this. 10) Tools - Institutional Research is critical and very
important, but is considered more of a tool to help accomplish the stated goals.
The Planning Team believed it to be a key area and a way needs to be found to reestablish that critical function.
Appendix 5) Trend Analysis Worksheet
Appendix 6) Next Steps – How will we make it all happen? This is related to
Pat Caldwell will present the report in a workshop during Flex Day on August 28 at an
open forum. PBC will vote on accepting the seven (7) goals at the August 21 meeting.
Cheryl Shenefield commended Pat Caldwell for an outstanding workshop and for
developing the report the committee is now reviewing. Question: How well does it meet
the strategic goals?
Pat Caldwell discussed the Educational Master Planning Timeline for 2003-2004. The
chart is color-coded to designate similar activities: 1) Tan – Strategic Goal Planning, 2)
Light Blue – Planning Guide and Educational Master Plan, 3) Yellow – Interview with
Educational Planning Consultant, 4) Pink – Budget Development, 5) Bright Blue –
Review Priorities, 6) White – Meet with Consultants. The planning timeline begins
August 2003 and ends June 2004. Pat Caldwell will conduct training with all divisionlevel deans and directors. Following the training each will know what is expected from
their divisions. It is up to the deans who they choose to include in the development of the
strategic plans process.
Following training in August 2003, the next step in the process is September through
December 2003, where divisions will do strategic goal planning and how those goals will
be implemented. In February 2004, divisions with the exception of Humanities will start
their educational master planning. Look at what changes might occur in the department
for the next 3-5 years. Each department within each division will have to do its own
planning guides. Another area to look at is Program Review. Those who have completed
program review by February 2004 will not have to complete Unit Planning Guides. Julie
Stewart stated this was an important point to emphasize; however, she cautioned any
duplication of effort.
Pat Caldwell cautioned that we do not have any current program review reports that
would project what is needed for the next 3-5 years. Pat Caldwell stated Mike Maas;
consultant for El Camino College’s Educational Master Plan will serve as consultant to
help write the plan. Julie Stewart voiced objection to the use of a consultant to write the
plan. This objection was centered on the fact that she believed the consultant would not
accurately write the report. Pat Caldwell explained the consultant’s job is to write and
not make decisions about the report. She further stated that after an agreement has been
reached on the wording in the Plan, divisions will then be ready to develop the budget for
the 2004-2005 budget year that will reflect what they said they were going to do in the
next 3-5 years and what they said they would help the college to do to implement their
strategic goal. Bo Morton stated this is a perfect basis for zero-based budgeting. There
has to be a way to re-allocate resources to areas that have priorities. The budget must
reflect planning priorities. Julie Stewart stated zero-based budgeting means justifying
everything every year, which requires more paperwork. This takes more time from
faculty to keep the ship afloat. She opposed the idea. This issue will be discussed again
at the August 21 PBC meetings.
Pat Caldwell asked the committee whether there would be any objection to a three-year
budget. The budget comes out in April and is adopted in June. The committee discussed
the timeframe, the possible overlap in planning the budget at the division level during
2004-2005. There would need to be extensive coordination. Lance Widman suggested
the process we are now using be stretched out. Goals or plans will be completed at the
division level. The time process needs to be looked at more clearly. Pat Caldwell will
discuss this change with Cabinet and bring back for discussion at the August 21 meeting.
Pat Caldwell stated the Humanities building is the only building to be designed in
Economic Impact Report
Julie Stewart stated one of the Senate members saw an ad for El Camino College in the
LA Times. In view of the budget constraints at the college, why are we spending money
to advertise in the LA Times when we are expecting to be over cap and in a budget
crunch? Pat Caldwell will investigate this issue.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Next Scheduled Meeting
The next meeting of the Planning and Budgeting Committee is scheduled August 21,
2003 at 1:00 p.m. in the Alondra Room.
Approved by Planning & Budgeting Committee – August 21, 2003