EL CAMINO COLLEGE Planning & Budgeting Committee Minutes May 19, 2005

Planning & Budgeting Committee
May 19, 2005
David Vakil, Chair
Miriam Alario - ECCE
Thomas Jackson – Academic Affairs
Susan Dever – Alternate, ECCFT
Mike D’Amico – Staff Support
Alex Kelley – Staff Support
Dawn Reid - Mgmt/Supervisors
Cheryl Shenefield - Admin. Services
Lance Widman – Academic Senate
Terry Newman – Alternate, ECCE
Arvid Spor – Staff Support
1. President’s Newsletter April 26, 2005
2. Projected Credit FTES 2004-05
3. 2005-06 Tentative Budget
David Vakil called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m.
Note: David Vakil will ensure that all handouts are provided to committee members who may be
absent. Information will be sent either electronically or via campus mail. It was further suggested
that presenters provide an electronic version of material to the chair of PBC and the information can
then be sent to committee members electronically.
Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of May 5, 2005, were approved as corrected:
 Page 1, last sentence: The main objective is to determine whether proposals and requests
are satisfying goals and objectives defined.
 The Culinary Arts Program at Harbor College was grant funded…
President’s Newsletter 4/26/05
No district left behind. At the last meeting, it was asked to what extent summer enrollment could be
used to boost the college into the next category. It takes a long time to get caught up. The vice
presidents have been discussing for the last month what it would take to get to 20,000 FTES. It was
hoped to hit 19,000 this year, actually probably between 19,300 and 19,400. Looking at what has
occurred every year, with some imagination and shift of classes it could probably be done. The fill
rate on Saturday classes or Winter classes is a higher FTES. The upcoming year will add Summer
classes and move Spring, Summer, and Fall classes into it. The fill last Winter was high.
Consensus seems to be to look at, before census, plus the normal recruiting process, and the college
should be able to hit the 20,000 fairly easily. There was a very high fill rate in the last two winter
Summer and Winter faculty are paid hourly, Spring and Fall get paid contractually. A part-timer
could conceivably make more money, because calculations based on degrees. During the Fall and
Spring there is a set stipend. A part-timer with a PhD would get x $ in Fall and Spring but Summer
and Winter increases considerably.
The question was raised whether it is expected that the college will get 20,000 next year. If there is
regular growth enrollment next year, if cap is made next year, it will be over 20,000. It could be
close but probably not quite make it. A lot of colleges are having trouble making cap.
Remote areas have declining enrollment. Most of the growth projected is in Southern California
and eastern urban areas of Southern California, primarily Latino areas. The percentage of students
projected to graduate high school in June may be half that number for students actually attending
college. This is a smaller percentage compared to other ethnicities.
David asked President Fallo to attend the June 2 PBC meeting but he will be out of town. Hold
further discussion to next meeting.
May Revise and FTES Report
Regarding positive attendance, every year the district loses 100 FTES, roughly $400,000. The
administration thinks it is underreporting positive attendance. Primarily the I & T area have
individuals who turn in their positive attendance rosters after the reporting period to the State has
Asked if somebody is doing anything about this, it was reported that some of the classes offered are
out of cycle with the scheduled classes. Dean Ron Way was contacted in March, and he has agreed
to change the cycles for the Fire Academy and the Police so that forms are submitted at the end of
the semester instead of at the time of examination. It is hoped this will pick up the slack.
ECC offers a number of classes that do not line up with semester classes offered. These will be
collected at a different time and reported in a more timely manner. Late reports do not all go into
the next semester because of the window of time for reporting. In addition, some faculty members
are not paid by the district so there is no incentive to turn in the paperwork. Ron Way is talking to
them to address the problem. The concern now is collecting everything that can be reported.
There is a drop from first period to second. This may be natural attrition on projections. Winter
would be projection, refining numbers. The first period of January 15, numbers will be adjusted as
far back as Fall of 04 until next August.
The number reported is 19,348. Cap is 200 less than that, potentially with the idea of funding over
cap, although information now is that funding over cap will not be received.
The Governor is still attempting to ask districts and all employees to pay the extra 2% for STRS
contributions. The sub-committees in both chambers in Sacramento have said no.
COLA is up but not all areas, like Categorical, will receive the full 4.22%. Equalization funding,
last year the State funded $80 million, ECC got about $800,000. This year the Governor’s budget
did not include any, but it now includes $40 million. This is half of the total expected to receive for
the year. The money was not budgeted in the Tentative Budget so in a way it is a bonus for ECC, in
another way a shortage from past years.
The community college share of the Prop 98 Guarantee went up from 10.35% to 10.46%. There
was discussion on the Prop 98 funding this year and next year and how it would affect the districts.
It was reported that Dominguez Hills is seriously discussing a housing authority on their campus, a
combination of condos and houses. Their vice president told V.P. Alex Kelley that it would be
made available to ECC and Compton if they wanted to buy at a discount. Dominguez is in a major
development plan right now.
There has been talk about something like this being done with a study of F-1 Visa students.
It was asked who recommends increases to administrator salaries and the answer is the President.
Marcy Wade, Director of Human Resources, would be the appropriate person to make the
recommendation. In the last 4-5 years it has been the President. Tom Fallo asked for support from
union members, looking at administration salaries and specifically the vice presidents, but could not
get any interest. The union reps said they personally could be supportive but officially they would
have to go to their exec boards and probably would not get the support.
A new vice president could come to ECC, make less money, and have a bigger workload than
somewhere else, not to mention the inflated cost of housing which exceeds other areas.
The PBC has power to make change. It was recommended that the committee should consider that
salaries be reviewed by an outside agency.
When the accreditation team was at ECC last time, an informational recommendation to President
Fallo was to split up the duties of the vice president of SCA into two positions.
Include this item on the next agenda for motion consideration.
It would be helpful to gather what information is available in a structural format, duties and
responsibilities. Most staff know a number of managers but have no global perspective. What has
happened to ECC in terms of ability to function over the last decade? Some areas are crippled
completely because they had employees with such loyalty to ECC that it allowed divisions and the
school to continue. Reserve is being built on the backs of employees.
Updated organizational charts should be provided. Have charts list vacant positions as well as
current positions. Pull budget documents from two years ago and look at tombstone positions that
have disappeared and will not be filled again but have to be justified as new positions.
Should the committee invite Marcy Wade to a meeting for background and loss of positions?
Discuss reviewing managers.
Arvid Spor’s title was special assistant to the vice president. This work is still being done even
though he has moved as dean of Enrollment Services.
Organization charts made now are not reflecting what is actually being done. Recommend having a
consultant come in and evaluate work being done. Look at the org charts and have each person
write their own duties currently being worked. The union did away with this in the past, there were
official personnel-approved position descriptions and there were job descriptions that were what the
jobs actually involved.
A salary consultant would go by job descriptions, not just position descriptions. Miriam Alario will
present this concern to the union and bring back their response. This was killed in the past because
individuals were not allowed to write their descriptions and supervisors wrote on their behalf. It
could also involve people working out of class. Check first to see if there is a willingness to write
job descriptions. Miriam Alario will find out if there are any objections. Possibly make the
recommendation that the entire campus, top to bottom, be included in terms of job descriptions.
Evaluate each assignment, not just for compensation but for workload.
It is not just working out of class that keeps the work continuing, it is the number of casuals
employed on campus who have worked as casuals for a lot of years.
Problems occur in a division with student, casual, and non-certs having the 195-day rule which is
reduced to 175 days. It is not directly an ongoing program, so it is necessary to have hourly staff
alternate hours and days to meet the 175 days. Casuals move just after getting trained which
interrupts the flow of work.
Too many games are played to get the job done. Managers are afraid to open a position and find
that some rule is being violated. Bring somebody in to do analyses and time and cost study. It will
take consulting group to evaluate full time positions based on work load, audit the unit, and see
what work by casuals is being done for that person’s position.
If the study starts small in a particular area, it will never get out of that area. It was suggested the
PBC invite Marcy Wade to the next meeting to discuss and get her knowledge on this. Do not have
to start small or large, start in between.
Possibly have a staggered approach in tiers, starting with the vice president positions. The president
will probably not buy into it overall.
ECC is a small city. It is not realistic to have certain jobs that rest on only one person and no one
else knows where anything is. In the case of teaching faculty who work on many things and may be
reassigned to a management position, they also need to be reviewed. Confidentials should also be
In light of this discussion, table the item for integrating requests with funding sources semiindefinitely, until there is a better feel for other things.
Academic Software
Susie Dever is going to try to get together something to present for a technology grant. Technology
Committee meetings have been postponed but she may have more for the June 16 meeting.
The sub-committee is waiting for the vice presidents’ priority lists. Administrative Services list was
done weeks ago and Student and Community Advancement has also been done. David Vakil will
try to get a copy of the list from Academic Affairs. Split the lists into two categories, personnel
related and non-personnel requests. The sub-committee was going to look at all the requests and
separate them. Focus less on what the vice presidents said.
The Administrative Services managers each put priorities on Q-builder, listed by individual
divisions, and personnel matters on a separate listing. Managers ranked personnel listings. The
same was done by Student and Community Advancement. The total dollars available have to pay
for four different areas.
David Vakil will contact the sub-committee members, including Harold Tyler.
Agenda Development
Approval of Minutes May 19, 2005 – All PBC Participants
The meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.
Recorder: Delores Buerger