Text Analysis FAMILY

Student Name:___________________
Text Analysis: FAMILY
Text Title: _____________________________
Text Author: ___________________________________
Figurative Language: Find, quote, and cite at least two
examples of figurative language. Then, label each example
and explain its meaning.
Attitude (tone words): Locate, quote, and cite at least
three tone words that reveal the attitude of the writer or
Quote #1: _______________________________________
Quote #1: _______________________________________
Type: __________________________________________
Quote #2: _______________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________
Quote #3: _______________________________________
Quote #2: _______________________________________
Mood (atmosphere): Describe the mood that these tone
words produce. In other words, what is the general feeling
the reader gets from reading the overall tone?
Type: __________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________
Investigate: Find, quote, and cite at least two clues that
foreshadow future events, that help readers make
inferences about characters or events, or that produce
imagery. Then, make an inference from these clues.
Leveled Questions: Create one of each type of leveled
question for your text.
Clue #1: _________________________________________
Inference: _______________________________________
Level 2: _________________________________________
Clue #2: _________________________________________
Level 3: _________________________________________
Inference: _______________________________________
Level 1: _________________________________________
Student Name:___________________
Your Claim: PLEA
Point (Claim): Answer either your level two or
three question in the form of a point.
Link (background information - TAGS)
A. Title: _________________________________
A. Annotate your question. List important words
and make notes about them.
B. Author: _______________________________
C. Genre: ________________________________
D. Situation (the circumstances that lead into
your evidence):
B. Now, rewrite your question in words that are
easier to understand:
C. Eliminate the question words and turn your
question into a statement that answers your
Evidence + documentation: (supporting details)
Quote and/or paraphrase specific examples from
the text that help make your point believable and
Analysis (explanation for how the evidence
supports your point)
A. What is the evidence showing?
Example #1: _____________________________________
B. How does the evidence support the point?
Citation: (_____________________)
Example #2: _____________________________________
Citation: (_______________________)
Student Name:___________________
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