Jeopardy round for Phineas and Poetry

Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
$100 Answer from Buzzwords
The lateral half of the cerebrum:
“The iron damages the left
___________ more than the right”
(Fleischman 70).
$100 Question from Buzzwords
What is hemisphere?
$200 Answer from Buzzwords
To perceive or show the difference in
or between; to discriminate:
“As a living organism becomes more
complex, it’s cells ____________—
that is, they specialize” (Fleischman
$200 Question from
What is differentiate?
$300 Answer from Buzzwords
To cut apart or separate; to examine,
analyze, or criticize in minute detail:
“They learn as students of gross (a
term used for ‘large scale’) anatomy by
_____________ the cadavers of
paupers, prisoners, and the unclaimed”
(Fleischman 27).
$300 Question from
What is dissecting?
$400 Answer from Buzzwords
Applying a previous action or
commitment to current times:
“In 1994, Hanna Damasio has an
idea of how to construct one [a
scan of Phineas’s brain]
$400 Question from
What is retroactively?
$500 Answer from Buzzwords
The bodily structure of an
“They learn as students of gross (a
term used for ‘large scale’)
__________by dissecting the
cadavers of paupers, prisoners, and
the unclaimed” (Fleischman 27).
$500 Question from
What is anatomy?
$100 Answer Brain Matters
The type of figurative language
featured here:
“The brain cortex is like a city; every
part has an address” (Fleischman 31).
$100 Answer from Brain Matters
What is an analogy?
*100 additional points if the team can
accurately explain this analogy.
$200 Answer from Brain Matters
A city’s east side : the cortex’s right
hemisphere :: _________ : the cortex’s
left hemisphere.
$200 Question from Brain Matters
What is the city’s west side?
$300 Answer from Brain Matters
The human brain : committee :: the
parts of the brain : _____________.
$300 Question from Brain Matters
What are the members of the
Just as the parts of the brain perform
specific, important functions, so do the
members of the committee.
$400 Answer from Brain Matters
“The tamping iron . . . Plows on through his
[Phineas’s] frontal lobes” : a fact :: “We are
‘hard wired’ to be sociable. When we lose
that ability, we end up like Phineas” :
____________ (Fleischman 70).
$400 Question from Brain Matters
What is an opinion?
$500 Answer from Brain Matters
The occipital lobe : vision :: Broca’s
area : __________.
$500 Question from Brain Matters
What is speech?
$100 Answer from Poetry
A Japanese poem composed of three
unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five
$100 Question from Poetry
What is a haiku?
$200 Answer from Poetry
A form of poetry composed of either
rhymed or unrhymed lines that have no
fixed metrical pattern
$200 Question from Poetry
What is free verse?
$300 Answer from Poetry
The genre of literature that features
composition that is often rhythmical,
euphonic, and often meant to be
spoken aloud or sung
$300 Question from Poetry
What is poetry?
$400 Answer from Poetry
A poem with fourteen lines (three
quatrains, with an ABAB rhyme
scheme, and a rhyming couplet)
$400 Question from Poetry
What is a sonnet?
$500 Answer from Poetry
A narrative (usually rather long) that
features praise for a heroic figure or a group
of heroes
$500 Question from Poetry
What is an epic?
$100 Answer from Leveled
The type of question featured here:
What important areas of Phineas’s
brain did the tamping iron miss?
$100 Question from Leveled
What is a level-one question?
*The team can earn an additional $100
by accurately answering the level-one
question in the form of a point.
$200 Answer from Leveled
How might a typical American kid
change his or her life in order to make
sleep more of a priority?
$200 Question from Leveled
What is a level-three question?
*The team can earn an additional $200
by sensibly answering the level-three
question in the form of a point.
$300 Answer from Leveled
Where do Phineas’s makeshift skull
and his tamping iron currently reside?
$300 Answer from Leveled
What is a level-one question?
*The team can earn an additional $300
by accurately answering the level-one
question in the form of a point.
$400 Answer from Leveled
Why might some doctors have lost
interest in the Phineas phenomenon
during the 1860s?
$400 Question from Leveled
What is a level-two question?
Although Fleischman, makes an
inference of his own within his book,
it’s still an inference.
The team can earn an additional $400
by reasonably answering the level-two
question in the form of a point.
$500 Answer from Leveled
Why was Phineas very attached to
his tamping iron, the very thing
that shot through his skull, after
the accident?
$500 Question from Leveled
What is a level-two question?
The team can earn an additional $500
by sensibly answering this level-two
question in the form of a point.