Division Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2011 1.Welcome Stephanie welcomed everyone for attending this meeting. In other areas, faculty are required to attend. 2. Student Discipline Issues – Rebecca Cobb Rebecca Cobb distributed the student discipline forms. She said there seems to be a rise of student disruptions in classes. There is a process in place that needs to be followed. -Part of it is to be cognizant of all players involved. Report incidents. Board Policy 5500, Administrative Policy 5520 are guides in the decision making. Disruptive Students is on page 8. Faculty should attempt to handle the situation in class first. All faculty should have syllabi stating rules in the class. Faculty need to be consistent with their syllabi. Fill out forms; make sure Dean has a copy, and forward information to Rebecca. Students are allowed to be suspended up to 2 days. Faculty can also give students a verbal warning. Focus on behavior, cheating/plagiarism. Faculty can also email Rebecca and describe situation. Why fill out the forms? The Student Development Office gets subpoenaed and their office needs to have the proper forms filled out. Rebecca just had a 3 hour meeting with an investigator. He wanted to know the forms used? It is very helpful to have everything documented. If a student is suspended, Rebecca will send a letter to the Dean. If faculty feel threatened, do not call Rebecca, call Campus Police, and work from there. Have Campus Police do Discipline Report Form. Always let the Dean know what is going on. Rebecca discussed different situations. Faculty can always reference the Student Discipline information on the web or in the catalog. Merriel said she is having student texting problems? She serves on the Academic Senate as the VP for Educational Policies. They are working on a Board Policy for texting. They’re also doing a survey on what is most disruptive. Mike Newton said a common safety occurrence is safety glasses. He suggested all ATEC faculty list it on their syllabi, to be consistent. Rebecca needs to know, standards, ethics, practices in discipline. Have a meeting to discuss standards to reflect on syllabi. Skip Stockwell said a student was wearing pants too low. How can student be disciplined if there is no dress code on campus? Rebecca said this can be considered a safety issue in class as well as in a job site. Faculty are preparing students to go out into the job force and need to be held accountable. Rebecca emphasized that faculty put rules in their syllabus. Feel free to contact Rebecca at ext. 3504. 3. Program Review Find out who is responsible in submitting program review in your department. 4. Faculty Position Priorities I&T submitted 4 positions: AJ, ACR, ATEC, and COSM. ECC may be hiring up to 20 faculty for Spring 2012. Vic is going with Stephanie next week, Oct. 25th For 1 person departments, we will see if we can hire a 2nd instructor. 1 Division Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2011 5. Reports/Updates: Counseling Valencia Rayford - Early alert can now be pulled up on the portal, refer student to any services. Thank you for everyone’s participation in the Career Fair. Job Placement is now online. SLO Program Assessment Ray Lewis - Whatever is given will be put on curricunet. Take a look at Sue Ellen’s short form, answer questions, and return to Sue Ellen. The same form can be used for the SLO assessment. Ray is going to training next week. If there needs to be a change in our division, Ray will be working on it. Send copies of your SLO assessments to Robin, she’s keeping a file. Assessments are due now and need to have all the assessments related to accreditation. Merriel Winfree –Working on the Academic Senate Handbook and will send out electronically. She said policies are being passed without faculty knowing about it and need all faculty getting involved. Presently working on new A.S. degree. Lee Macpherson - Faculty were told on Tuesday that there would be 15 faculty hired. Stephanie said there would be 20. Summer is tentative. If cancelled, what are we filling, or canceling in summer rather than Spring or Fall. Any strong feelings let Stephanie know by today for summer. Vivian Nemie - Working on Curriculum, they’re pushing as much get through. There is a DCC meeting today. There’s a push to get through 200 courses, half in spring and half in fall. 27 courses are for justification. Course Review doing great. Curriculum review doing great too. Stephanie said ETEC 14 & 16 will be offered under a grant for the Spring 2012. Both classes were almost cancelled, but she found grant money. Carol- the CMTC survey will be placed in faculty boxes. It’s a short survey that shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Turn in to the division office as soon as possible. Last semester the I&T division received $25,000 and departments were able to purchase equipment. The CTEA survey is also in faculty boxes, please turn these in right away. Faculty serving or being evaluated for the fall 2011 semester, please complete the faculty visit forms. Faculty being evaluated need to complete their self evaluation forms and return to the division office. The I&T division will have their annual winter holiday celebration the week of December 5th. The next Division Council meeting will be on Tuesday, November 15th. Get students out of parking lot. Meeting ended 2:01 pm. 2