Wright State University Academic Policy Approval Process

Wright State University Academic Policy Approval Process
Department Curriculum
Department Chair
College Curriculum
College Dean
University Academic Policy
Provost’s Office
Faculty Senate
Review and Approve
General Faculty
Optional Review and Approve
Optional Review
Board of Trustees
The University Academic Policy Committee reviews and recommends actions on all aspects of academic program,
admissions, academic standards and student affairs to the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate as the representatives of
the University Faculty in consultation with the University President and the University Provost, formulate codes of
operating procedures governing all aspects of the academic program, admissions, academic standards and student affairs
subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Wright State University Curriculum Approval Process
Department Curriculum
Department Chair
College Curriculum
College Dean
Provost’s Office
Directors of
General Education
Multicultural Competence
Intensive Writing
Service Learning
University Curriculum
Faculty Senate
Review and Approve
General Faculty
Optional Review and Approve
Optional Review
Provost’s Office
BoT, HLC, OBR as required
The Faculty Senate must approve all distance education programs and new major programs. The Faculty Senate delegates
to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) the authority to approve new minor programs, new certificate
programs, changes in existing programs, course inventory requests (new course proposals), and course modification
requests except where additional review and approval by the Faculty Senate is requested or determined necessary, e.g.,
in the mediation of undergraduate curricular disputes between colleges or schools that cannot be resolved by the UCC.
All new distance education programs are forwarded to (optionally) the Board of Trustees and Higher Learning Commission
for review and approval. All new major programs are forwarded to Board of Trustees and Ohio Board of Regents for
review and approval.