Seven Kings of Rome 753 B.C. to 509 B.C 1st King - Romulus 753 B.C - 717 B.C reign Romulus completed his city and named it Roma after himself. He divided his fighting men into groups of 3000 infantry and 300 cavalry which he called legions. From the rest of the populace he selected 100 of the most wealthy and noble fathers to serve as his council. He called these men Patricians. They were also the elders and became known as Senators. For more than two decades Romulus waged wars and expanded Rome’s territory. According to legend Romulus mysteriously disappeared in a storm or whirlwind during or shortly after offering a sacrifice near the Quirinal Hill. Some report that the senators were tired of a kingly government. They thought to turn aside this suspicion and decreed divine honors to Romulus. Proculus, a well noted senator, took oath that he saw Romulus caught up into heaven and Romulus cried out hereafter he should be called Quirinus.