AP US History Chapter 5 Reading Guide Part A

AP US History
Chapter 5 Reading Guide
Part A
Using the text, answer the following on a separate sheet of paper. Be detailed in your responses.
1. How did democratic politics differ from republicanism? Why did republicans fear democrats?
2. What benefits did paper money provide? What were some negative consequences?
3. How did the federal government under the Articles of Confederation gain funding? What impact did it have on
the economy?
4. Describe Congress’s plan for western settlement.
5. What actions led to Shays’ Rebellion? What did it reveal about the government?
6. What were the main features of the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan?
7. What conflicts over slavery arose in the Constitutional Convention? What was the three-fifths compromise?
8. How is the executive branch structured under the Constitution?
9. How is the judicial branch structured under the Constitution?
10. Summarize the arguments of the Federalists and Antifederalists.
Part B
Provide a brief definition of each of the following key terms and people.
“Stay” and “Tender” Laws
Land Ordinance of 1785
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
James Madison
The Great Compromise
The Federalist
George Mason
Part C
Provide a detailed example from the chapter for each of the 7 APUSH Learning Objectives on a separate sheet of paper.
19. P (Politics and Power)
20. A (America in the World)
21. S (Social and Cultural
22. T (Technology, Work, and Exchange)
23. I (Identity)
24. M (Migration and Settlement)
25. E (Environment and Geography)