Memoir Requirements

7th Grade Final Memoir
Title/Cover Page (100 points): Choose one of the choices to make your cover. The grade will be based
on effort and the following of directions.
********** ALL paragraphs must be a minimum of 8 sentences. The paragraphs should completely develop
the requirements of the writing piece.*********************
1. 100 things I love
Assignment: Create a list of one hundred things that you love. The items can be objects, novels, stories,
poems, songs, people, food, restaurants, etc.… This list may be presented creatively, however you want to
present it, as long as it is readable. The list must be numbered. A few format ideas are in a graffiti format, an
artistic interpretation, or a list.
2. I Believe…
Watch Martin Luther King speech from YouTube
Assignment: I believe…………. Write two paragraphs of a vision you believe is possible here in America that
would make the world you live in, a better place. The first paragraph should describe what the dream is, in
great detail, and the second paragraph should explain how the dream could actually come to fruition. You can
do research if you choose, but it is not required.
3. Making the World “More Awesome”
Watch the Mr. President Video
Assignment: You will answer the prompt: “What are you doing to make the world more awesome?” This
response must be a minimum of one well written paragraph explaining the action/contribution that you are
implementing or will implement to make the world more awesome. This can be focused on making an impact
on someone else or an impact on the world, whether in your own personal realm or the global world.
4. The Giving Tree
Watch The Giving Tree video.
Assignment: Write about someone in your life that you know is a “Giving Tree”; the person that gives to
others, putting others before themselves. This response should be a minimum of two paragraphs. The first
paragraph should describe the giving tree person using imagery, so that the reader can truly ‘see’ the giving
tree person. The second paragraph should give examples and explain the actions that he/she demonstrates
that truly make him/her a ‘giving tree’.
5. What Lives Under My Bed
Watch “The Monster Under my Bed “video
Assignment: Describe what lives under your bed. This description can be fictional or realistic. Either
writing choice should be very descriptive. This response should be a minimum of two well-written paragraphs
that focuses on sensory details and descriptions with emphasis on word choice. Use one metaphor and one
simile to paint a vivid description in the reader’s mind.
6. Best 7th Grade Seconds
Listen to the Broadway song from Rent
Assignment: 31,556, 000 seconds in a year –you will highlight the best seconds of your 7th grade year.
Choose a minimum of two events that are a memory, which you will always remember as a “best seconds”
memory. Describe the five W’s: who, what, where, when, and why of each events in two or three paragraphs.
The two memories can have happened at school or away from school. These are your special memories of this
year, wherever they occurred. (MUST be school appropriate)
7. Favorite Quote
Assignment: Select a one- to three-sentence quote that makes you stop and think or resonates with you.
Write the quote at the top of the page and with the source credited. Then, in a paragraph, explain why the
quote appeals to you, explain how it makes you feel, and what it makes you visualize. In second paragraph,
write a connection from the quote to a character, theme, or event in a book that you have read. The last
paragraph will explain how the quote connects to you as a person or to your own life.
8. My Bucket List
Watch Bucket List Video Trailer
Assignment: Each student will write a “Bucket List” of ten items that you want to see, accomplish, or
experience during and before graduating high school. This list must be presented in number order. The list
does not have to be explained. The list should be formatted with a nice presentation lay out. It can include
Final Description: The prompts listed above can be typed or handwritten. Each writing piece must be on 8 ½ by 11 blank
paper (can be any color as long as it is easy to read) (not lined paper). The final pages will be bound together for you to
take home on the last day of class when you take your finals. If you would like to insert your own essays that were
written this year or personal writing (poems, stories) that you have written, you may do that also.
Each memoir page must be neatly written or typed. Graphics and art work to support the content of the pages is
required. This can be accomplished with computer graphics, cut and paste pictures, or personal art work of pictures or
design. The presentation is a part of the finished final grade.
On the designated day for the English final in class, you will present one of your writings from the following five choices
for your semester final grade:
#4 Writing – The Giving Tree
#3 Writing – More Awesome
#6 Writing – Best 7th Grade Seconds
#7 Writing - I Believe………….
#8 Writing – Favorite Quote
An oral presentation grade will be scored for your final using a presentation rubric.