Accelerated Reader Information

First Grade AR Points
October-4 pts.
Approximately 8 books
November-4 pts. Approximately 8 books
December-4 pts. Approximately 8 books
January-3 pts. Approximately 6 books
February-3 pts. Approximately 6 books
March-3 pts. Approximately 6 books
April-4 pts. Approximately 8 books
May-3 pts. Approximately 6 books
Treats/Extra Recess
October-Soda Pop
November-Tootsie Pops
January-Pop Tarts
February-Blow Pops
March-Soda Pop
Accelerated Reader
What is Accelerated Reader?
The Accelerated Reader program is a program in which students read books and take tests
over those books to receive points. The purpose of the Accelerated Reader program is to
improve students' comprehension skills, fluency, and increase their desire to read. It also gives
me feedback on your child's reading level.
How does Accelerated Reader Work in the Classroom?
Each month, our students will read books and take tests. These tests will earn them points
toward a monthly goal. The higher the comprehension score, the higher the point amount. Here
at Heritage Trails, we have set a monthly goal of 3 points. October/November is an exception
as it is a combined goal. As our students grow and progress in their reading fluency, our
monthly point goals may increase.
Monthly Goal Rewards!
At the end of each month, the students that have reached their goal for the month will
get to participate in the monthly goal celebration. October’s celebration will be a Soda Pop
Party. Students will receive a soda, an extra recess and a certificate for a free personal pan
pizza from Pizza Hut to celebrate their hard work reading throughout the month.
AR Readiness Chart
Students and parents can track their reading with a monthly Reading Log/AR Readiness
Chart which will be kept in your student’s SHIELD Folder. This chart is a way for us to
communicate between home and school concerning your child’s reading. On the chart, you will
find the following categories:
Title/Author –Be sure to write the correct title and author’s name. This helps us to find the
correct comprehension test for your student.
I want to take an AR test-Before a book is tested over, we recommend that the book be read
more than once to make sure comprehension has taken place. It is important that your child
feel confident about the story. Once a test is taken, it can not be taken again. Once you feel
your child is ready, mark the box and we will help your child test over that book.
Points Earned and Percentage Score-A percentage score for comprehension is given at the end
of the test. Based off of this percentage, AR points are awarded. Your child must receive a
score of 60% or above to pass. However, the lower the percentage, the lower the amount of AR
points awarded for that book.
Point Total-We will document how many points are earned for each test. This will help you know
how many points your child has and how many he/she will need to reach the monthly goal.
Ways To Read
AR will ask your child how each book was read. Here are the options for reading:
RT-Read To
This includes picture books and chapter books that you read aloud to your child. The parent
does the reading and the child is simply listening to the story.
RW-Read With
This choice is for books read with your first grader. You read a little, they read a little. You
can help with many of the words but both you and your child are reading.
RI-Read Independently
This means your child was able to read the book by himself with little to no assistance from you.
Reading at Home
As a general rule and part of your child's homework, your child should be reading every night.
To reach our minimum goal, students should be ready to test 2 AR books per week. Students
will mostly likely need to read the book more than once to insure they comprehended the book
and can do well on the AR test. Parents –you can quiz your child after he/she has read the book
to check their comprehension. Our first graders should be reading AT LEAST 20 MINUTES
Reading Levels
We are developing a color coded system in our library that will help your child find a book in
their current reading level. We will be able to say “go choose a pink sticker book” which they
will be able to find in the “pink” section. As our library is brand new, that coding is not yet
complete. In the meantime, our students have learned a Five Finger Rule. I have attached
this rule to this packet. It might be helpful to discuss this with your child. This Five Finger
test helps your child pick out a book that is neither too hard nor too easy for him or her to
To explain the AR levels your child is reading, here is how the book levels are broken down.
Each book level is on the spine of all of our library books.
0.0 - 0.9 books are at the Kindergarten Level
1.0 - 1.9 books are at the First Grade Level
2.0 - 2.9 books are at the Second Grade Level
and so on...
1.1 - is what a First Grader in the first month of first grade should be able to read
1.2 is what a First Grader in the second month of first grade should be able to read
and so on...
AR Book Selection
Your child will be given ample opportunities to check out books from our school library
throughout the week. Each child is allowed to have two books checked out at one time. In first
grade, we are asking our students to choose one “just for fun” book on any topic or reading level
and one book that they can read own their own. Please remember, if your child does not bring
their library book back, they WILL NOT get to check out another book. It is very important
that your child is held responsible for the books he or she checks out from the library and
returns them promptly.
You may also check out books from the public library. You can check the internet by
clicking on the link below to see if the books you got at the public library are AR books.
Finally, your child may read the books that you might have at home.
To check if your books are one of our AR books, check out the following link:
Opportunities To Test
In first grade, most of our students still need the test read aloud to them. Each test takes
about 5-7 minutes for log in and testing. We are in need of volunteers to come and read tests.
You can volunteer to be a reader for our class or simply come read the test to your child. Tests
can be taken during our morning work times 8:45-9:15 and from 3:00-3:30. Occasionally, there
will be extra computer labs times. See your child’s teacher for details. Please let us know if
you would like to volunteer.