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Physics 1C
Materials Required:
(Lecture) Physics for Sci. and Eng.(with Modern Physics), Vol. 2, 6th Edition, by Serway
Physics 1C, by T. N. Wilson.
Bound lab book for taking lab data.
EXAMS . . . . 500 points
HOMEWORK . . 155 points
LAB . . . . . 145 points
FINAL . . . . 200 points
TOTAL 1000 points
900 - 1000 . . A
800 - 899.9 . . B
670 - 799.9 . . C
550 - 669.9 . . D
0 - 549.9 . . F
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to;
1. solve multiple loop circuit problems using Kirchhoff's rules,
2. solve problems using differential and/or integral calculus as well as elementary aspects
of vector calculus,
3. explain conceptually and/or qualitatively, physical phenomena perhaps too difficult for realistic
mathematical modeling for problems involving electricity, magnetism, and electronics,
4. demonstrate the ability to
a. make meaningful measurements using basic mechanical and electrical measuring devices,
b. manipulate the collected data using basic error theories,
c. report on the outcome of the experiment, and
d. explain the result physically.
Course Level SLO:
1. Students can recognize the basic principles which are relevant in a given physical situation involving
electricity, magnetism or electromagnetism and describe how these principles are manifested in, and influence the behavior of that physical situation.
2. Students can identify and apply the applicable laws of physics along with the necessary mathematics to
successfully solve a problem dealing with electricity, magnetism or electromagnetism.
3. Students can read and record, with appropriate units and unceertainties, measurements taken from a
multimeter. Students can interpret and analyze that data, including error analysis.
(ATTENDANCE) Any student may be dropped, and a waiting student added, if s/he misses any day of the
first two weeks of class. Also, if you have four or more absents, up to the last day to drop, you may be dropped.
Arriving late or leaving early will be marked as a tardy, and 2 tardies will be counted as an absent. If, for any
reason, you miss 2 or more consecutive meetings, please contact the instructor. Roll will be taken at the
beginning of class. If you are late let the instructor know of your presence, at the end of class, or the absent
will stay on your record. It you drop, please inform the instructor.
School Policies: There are a number of school policies each student should be made aware of, but
since it would make this "First Day Handout" too lengthy to read, I will indicate which page of the
current college catalog (2010-2011) this information can be found. You can purchase a copy at the
college bookstore or you can read it online at .
1. College Mission Statement
Page 1
2. Attendance Policy
Page 11
Standard of Conduct
Page 25
Disciplinary Action
Page 26
Student Grievance
Page 29
Physics Courses and A.S. Degree information Page 202 - 204
(HOMEWORK) Improving your skill in physics is like improving any skill, for example driving a car. You
can listen to many lectures on how to drive a car, but the only way to become proficient is to PRACTICE,
PRACTICE, PRACTICE ! The best way to "practice physics" is to struggle with the problems. This makes
the HOMEWORK (HW) THE most important facet of your learning process for this course. If you have
trouble getting assignments done on time, you are either taking too many units, working inefficiently, and/or
not spending enough time. You should average 2-3 GOOD hours out of class for each hour in class.
Before starting the first homework, read the FORMAT handout. The format for the homework MUST be
followed. Points, above and beyond any errors in your solution, will be deducted for errors in the format.
It is possible to get no credit on a solution due to format errors.
You should start working on the homework early enough so, when you get stuck, you can seek help by;
a) going over all the relevant examples in the textbook and those done in class 1, and / or
b) talking to the instructor or to a Physics tutor, and / or
c) talking to other students.
Working in study group is a good way to learn, but make sure you know why each equation is used. More
importantly, do your own calculations. Do not copy another student's work and turn it in as your own. You
cannot learn Physics or any subject by doing this. Trying to get credit for someone else's work is called
plagiarism. If I detect that a solution to any problem is copied, both papers will be marked as "0" for the
entire set, not just that problem. Also, do not let another student copy your work.
The HW is due before the lecture starts on the due dates listed on the Course calendar.
If the HW is submitted after the lecture starts, the HW will be marked late, and 2 points will be deducted.
If the HW is submitted after the lecture is over, 15 points will be deducted, which means it will be an
overall negative score.
1 1 You should do this before starting your homework.
(LAB) Read the "INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS ON LABORATORY" in the lab manual. You will be
held responsible for this material, especially the material on errors. Lab assignments and their due dates are
listed on the course calendar. Lab reports must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the due date.
Any report turned in after the lecture starts, on the due date, will lose 1 point each school day up to 2 weeks.
After two weeks, you will lose 30 points, i.e., more than the lab is worth.
Lab Notebook - Format: Each student must have a bound lab book. BEFORE coming to class, read
the lab, and in your lab book, create a data sheet, with circuit diagrams, which is organized and clearly
labeled. The Procedure section explicitly states what is to be measured. On your data sheet, leave a
column to record your partner's data as well as your own. If more than one trial is required, write a
heading for each trial. Do all of your calculation for each lab in this notebook. In the upper right corner
of each page, (1 point) write the lab number, i.e., E-3. These lab books will be collected, and will be
graded on the following;
a) circuit diagrams for each lab shown; b) data organized and clearly labeled;
c) showing all calculations for values and errors are in this book (up to 4 points per lab).
This book will account for 50 point, so make sure you keep your book up to date.
The lab set up and data acquisition can be completed within the 2 hour period, if both lab partners come to
class prepared,. If you are not prepared, it can double the time required to complete the lab. Fortunately,
the instructor is willing to stay an additional two hours to allow these students time to complete their lab.
There will be No Make-Up lab periods.
Upon completion of the data taking, have the instructor initial your book, and get a write-up sheet to be
turned in the following week. Lab reports, which are handed in, should be written using a sharp, dark
pencil, or ink. Points will be deducted if the write-up is difficult to read because the writing is too light or
too sloppy.
(EXAMS) There will be 4 closed book exams. For each exam, you may bring a calculator, pencil,
eraser, and a 3x5 inch card with anything written on it. There are NO make-up exams! The
lowest exam score may be replaced by the product of 0.84 and the average of the other exams scores.
For the Final Exam, you may use either 5 (3x5 in) cards or 1 (8.5x11 in) sheet of paper with
anything written on both sides.
Exams will be graded very carefully, therefore, during each exam do not look at another student’s work and
do not let anyone look at your work. Any evidence of collusion on any part of any problem will result in a
grade of “Zero” for the entire exam for all students involved. Under unusual circumstances, these students
may be allowed to take another exam and earn up to a maximum score of 84%.