
ENGLISH 0310: Course Calendar, Spring 2011
Week One: Jan. 17-19
Diagnostic essays; Introduction to Course
LBH: Chapters 1 and 2 “The Writing Process”
SPR: Chapter 1 “Active Reading”
Terms to know: writing process, purpose, audience, thesis, annotation
Week Two: Jan. 24-26
Writing Process; reading and writing strategies and key terms; Purpose and audience; Methods
of content development
LBH: Chapters 1- 3
Terms to know: Purpose, audience, the writing process, pre-writing, thesis, topic sentence,
paragraph, essay, pattern of development (rhetorical mode), transitions, introduction, conclusion,
SPR: Chapter 2 The Reading-Writing Connection
Reading Workshop: TBA
MWL: Diagnostic Pre-Tests (Sentence Grammar, Punctuation and Mechanics, Usage and Style
and Basic Grammar); The Writing Process
Week Three: Jan. 31- Feb. 2
SPR: Chapter 3 “Narration and Description”
LBH: Chapter 12 “Understanding Sentence Grammar”, Chapter 13 “Nouns and Pronouns”
Terms to know: kinds of sentences, phrases, clauses, sentence structure, noun, pronoun
Reading Workshop: narrative/descriptive
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Four: Feb. 7-9
SPR: Chapter 3
Reading Workshop- narrative/descriptive
Begin Essay One with essay assignment, topic and inventions; topic and pre-writing
Draft Essay One in class; revise essay one
LBH: Chapter 19 “Pronoun Reference”
Terms to know: pronoun, antecedent, pronoun case
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Five: Feb. 14-16
LBH: Chapter 14 “Verbs”, Chapter 15 “Agreement”
SPR: Chapter 4 “Making a Point”
Reading Workshop-example/illustration
Practice Exercises: TBA
Terms to know: types of verbs, objects, subject-verb agreement
Essay One due
Week Six: Feb. 21-23
LBH: Chapter 13 “Adjectives and Adverbs”
SPR: Discuss Essay Patterns: Definition, Chapter 5
Reading Workshop –Definition
Words to know: modifiers, adjectives, adverbs, comparative, superlative
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Seven: Feb. 28-Mar 2
SPR: Chapter 9- Cause and Effect
Reading Workshop-Cause/Effect
LBH: Chapter 17 “Fragments”
Terms to know: The three major sentence errors
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Eight: Mar. 7-9
Begin Essay two with essay assignment, topic and inventions (In class)
LBH: Chapter 18 “Comma Splices and Fused Sentences”
Revise Cause/Effect essays
Terms to know: The three major sentence errors- fragment, comma splice, run-on (fused)
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Nine: Mar. 21-23
Essay 2 is due
LBH: Part 9 “Research Writing”
SPR: Chapter 10 “Argument and Persuasion”
Terms to know: The three major sentence errors- fragment, comma splice, run-on (fused)
Reading Workshop: Argument
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Ten: March 28-30
Continue Argument and Persuasion
Reading Workshop: Argument
Library orientation and research
Begin Essay Three with assignment, topic and inventions
Sources due; prewrite essay # 3 (chart)
Week Eleven: April 4-6
In-class graphic organizer/draft essay three
LBH: Chapter 28 “Commas”, Chapter 29 “ Semicolon”
Practice Exercises: TBA
Week Twelve: Apr. 11-13:
Revise essay three
SPR: Chapter 7 “Comparison and Contrast”
Reading Workshop: comparison/contrast
LBH: Chapters 30-32
Terms to know: apostrophe, quotation marks, other punctuation marks
Discuss CWP: Select groups and topics
Prepare for CWP Presentations/ Groups meet
Week Thirteen: Apr. 18-20:
SPR: Ch7 continues
LBH: Part 7 “Mechanics”
Chapters 30-32
Terms to know: apostrophe, quotation marks, other punctuation marks
Prepare for CWP Presentations/ Groups meet
Week Fourteen: Apr. 25-27:
CWP Presentations: April 27
SPR: Ch. 8 Process and directions
LBH: Ch. 26
Discuss Final Essay
ESSAY # 3 is due on 4/28/2011
MWL: Diagnostic Post-Tests
Week Fifteen: May /2-4
Final Essay: To be written in class on 5/2/2011
Journals are due at 5:00 PM on 5/2/2011
CWP Presentations (continued) on 5/4/2011
Review for final exam-in class on 5/4/2011
MWL due on 5/7/2011
Week Sixteen: May 9-13 Final Exam Week
Final Exam –Objective:
5:00 Class exam is on Monday, May 9 at 5:30 PM
7:00 Class exam is on Wednesday, May 11 at 7:30 PM
Acknowledgment of Class Policies Fall 2010
Instructor: Rossana Deadrick-Farris
According to the Student Handbook for the Houston Community College System (35),
scholastic dishonesty includes cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion:
Cheating is copying from someone else’s paper; collaborating with another student
during a test without authority; using unauthorized materials; using materials that are not
authorized by the instructor; knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting
in whole or part the contents of an unadministered test; bribing another person to obtain
information that is to be administered through testing or in other assignments.
Plagiarism is using another person’s words or ideas and assimilating them into your own
written work without quotation marks if exact words are used or appropriate acknowledgment if
borrowed material is summarized or paraphrased. Papers will be submitted through various
services, such as Turnitin.com, to detect plagiarism. In this class, plagiarism on any assignment
results in an automatic grade of “F” for that particular assignment and a second offense results in
an automatic grade of “F” in the class. Cheating or collusion will also result in a grade of “F” on
that paper or project and a second offense results in an automatic grade of “F” in the class.
Collusion - “unauthorized collaboration” (35).