
Ninja Kitty Presentation Slides Assignment
Over the next 2 days you will create the same presentation 4 different times.
1. Once in Microsoft Power Point
2. Once in Prezi
3. Once in Google Slides
4. Once in Open Office Presentation
You have until the end of class on Thursday to complete all 4 presentations.
The easy part is that all 4 presentations will be exactly the same content (info).
Presentation Instructions:
Create a Ninja Kitty presentation. Each presentation must include 5 slides. There needs to be a
transition between each slide.
1. A Title Slide
2. Slide with a picture of Ninja Kitty with a caption
3. Slide with bulleted information about Ninja Kittty: i.e. physical description, location, age, general
4. Slide with a link to a YouTube video of Ninja Kitty with a summary of what is on the video
5. A closing slide with citations
Save each of the 4 presentations. When it is time to grade you must be able to find and open the
presentations. If you cannot find the presentation you will receive a zero.