Chapter 19 Guide

Chapter 19 Anticipation Guide: The Kennedy and Johnson Years
1. T/F Televised debates played a major role in the 1960 Presidential elections.
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2. T/F President Kennedy continued former President Eisenhower’s defense policy.
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3. T/F Peace Corps and the Alliance for Progress were created to combat the spread of
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4. T/F The Bay of Pigs incident was a complete disaster because of Kennedy’s leadership.
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5. T/F Kennedy did not attempt to ease the tensions during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
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6. T/F The Berlin Wall was a reaction to the talks between Kennedy and Khrushchev.
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7. T/F The New Frontier focused primarily on the economy.
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8. T/F The Other America was similar to The Jungle in that it affected presidential policy.
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9. T/F Kennedy supported John Maynard’s theory on economics.
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10. T/F Under Kennedy’s administration, the US was winning the Space Race.
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11. T/F President Johnson declared war on poverty.
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12. T/F Presidential election of 1964 was a indication that the American public wanted change.
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13. T/F The Great Society removed poverty and ended racial injustices.
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14. T/F Warren’s court was the most liberal court in American history at the time.
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15. T/F Rights of the accused increased under the Supreme Court.
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