English Instructor: Mrs. Sigmen Informative Essay Final Essay Due: November 19, 2015 All Dates Are Tentative All assigned writing: word dump, graphic organizer, and single paragraphs are due the day after it is assigned. Each piece is worth 100 points. If a student comes to class without the assigned writing completed, that assignment will receive a zero and cannot be made up. Each writing assignment builds on the one before it, so a student coming to class prepared is imperative. The final essay will count for 200 points. Oklahoma State Education 7th grade Writing Standard Writing/Grammar/Usage and Mechanics. The student will express ideas effectively in written modes for a variety of purposes and audiences. Discuss and keep a list of writing ideas. Write clear, coherent, and focused papers, progressing through the stages of the writing process. Work independently and in self-directed writing teams to edit and revise. Standard 1: writing process. The student will use the writing process to write coherently. 1. Use a writing process to develop composition skills. Students are expected to use prewriting strategies, write and revise multiple drafts, edit, and share their compositions. 2. Use details, examples, reasons, and evidence to develop an idea. 3. Use spatial, chronological, and climactic organizational patterns as appropriate to purpose. 4. Use effective transitions between sentences and paragraphs. 5. Use precise word choices, including figurative language, that convey specific meaning and tone. 6. Use a variety of sentence structures, types, and lengths to contribute to fluency and interest. 7. Edit for errors in Standard English usage, sentence structure, mechanics, and spelling. 8. Publish and present writing to peers and adult Format Requirements: If typed: 12 point font Times New Roman MLA format Double space If handwritten: Skip lines and write legibly Write red line to red line only Write only on front side of paper Write only in pencil. NO INK Remember the prompt and purpose of your Essay Requirements: Create an original title Title located as heading of essay Minimum of 500 words Maximum of 750 words Construct attention-grabbing hook Remember your audience Use a strong conclusion that ties back in to the purpose of your essay. essay Utilize strong word choice and textual facts Follow a clear organizational pattern Use transitional words Use one quote from the given passage or use a direct quote from the inspirational person Cite quotes correctly Directions: Using the Malala article, a true inspirational story, or a personal inspirational story, write an informative essay that addresses the prompt. Your writing will be scored on how fully you develop the topic and on how well you organize and express your ideas. The composition will be scored using the Oklahoma State Rubric in all 5 of the writing categories. As you work, keep in mind these three stages of the writing process: Planning Take time to organize your writing by filling out your graphic thoroughly. Writing Write about the topic in a clear and logical manner. Be sure that your composition is as complete as possible. The essay must have a clear beginning, middle and end that develop the purpose of the essay. Editing/Revising Take time to read what you have written and decide if you need to add more details or change the organization of your composition. At the same time, look for and correct any errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Write an informative essay Writing Prompt: Young people have the ability to influence others. Choose a young person, it can be yourself, a young person you know, or a young person you have read about that has influenced others. In a well-developed essay (composition), describe the person, explain the actions of that person, and tell about the lasting impact the influential person has had on others or on the world. Date Monday 11-2-15 Tuesday 11-3-15 Wednesday 11-4-15 Thursday 11-5-15 Friday 11-6-15 Lesson Prompt— Go over calendar and requirements Handout Malala Article and offer other inspirational articles for students to use if they choose Annotate Malala article in reading class Brainstorming strategies for essay English Class-Structure—Graphic Organizer Finish the thesis and fill in a detailed graphic organizer Reading Class - What is a Thesis? Power point and practice - Start thesis Citations—review handout Word Dump Students will complete a word dump of 40 words and 2 facts from the article or their own notes of their inspirational person that they could use to support their thesis and points using their graphic organizer. How to Write a Hook Lesson Students will choose a hook and write it – add to graphic organizer Turn in Word Dump for grade Mrs. Shaw Lesson Assignment/Homework Take the article home, reread it, and finish the annotations or finish brainstorming for a personal story Annotated Article check Finish detailed graphic organizer including thesis Turn in detailed graphic organizer for a daily grade No Homework Monday ** 11-9-15 Introduction Paragraph Students will use their graphic organizer to write their hook and their introduction of the essay. Tuesday ** 11-10-15 Introduction paragraph check Body Paragraph 1 Students will write the first body paragraph of the essay. Finish the first body paragraph Wednesday** Body Paragraph 2 11-11-15 Students will write the second body paragraph of the essay. Thursday** Body Paragraph 3 11-12-15 Students will write the third body paragraph of the essay. Friday** Conclusion 11-13-15 Students will write the conclusion of the essay. Finish the introduction paragraph First body paragraph check Finish the second body paragraph Second body paragraph check Finish the third body paragraph Third body paragraph check Finish the conclusion over weekend if not finished Conclusion paragraph check Edit rough draft of essay Monday** 11-16-15 Peer Edit and Revise—in class Assigned partners exchange papers and score with a rubric. Students may begin to edit and make revisions after the peer editing activity. Tuesday 11-17-15 Independently edit and revise final copy Edit/ReviseRewrite in order and with revisions if needed Complete rough draft for typing Have final draft read and scored by a parent using the rubric. Wednesday 11-18-15 Thursday 11-19-15 Type in computer lab – both class periods Finish typing at home if needed Final Copy due first class period Students will annotate essays and score in class ** Ring of Fire days**