Academic Accommodations Procedures Sept. 24, 2010 HI all, I know I touched on this in the weekly newsletter BUT this is REALLY IMPORTANT since so many of you use Academic accommodations, including the alternative testing program. I apologize for the length, but everyone has different needs. I have had many people who are not notifying professors about academic accommodations and expect the professor to magically know they are a disabled student plus many people are showing up for an exam and have not let us know they are coming. In some cases they have not told the professor either so there is no exam waiting for them in our office. If you think you need academic accommodations while at the University, YOU have to do a few things to make sure it all happens smoothly. 1. Request an academic accommodation letter from this office. 2. Review the listed academic accommodations. They should be what you agreed to when you registered. If you feel that your needs have changed and you need different or additional accommodations, make an appointment to discuss this with either Nancy or Carolyn, and provide reason/documentation to support the changes you request. 3. Take this letter to every professor you have this semester IF you will need academic accommodation in that professor’s class. 4. Discuss this letter with the professor and determine exactly how your accommodation will happen. 5. If you have testing accommodations, will the professor proctor your exam or will you take the exam at the Disability Resource Center? Does the professor want you to remind him/her to send the exam to the testing center? Are you taking the exam at the same time as the class or is there a conflict and you need to negotiate an alternative test time for your exam? 6. If you have attendance accommodations due to unexpected complications with your disability, how will you notify the professor and what is a reasonable level of attendance - - if there is a lot of in class interaction then very few additional absences are reasonable. 7. If you need help with notes, does the professor post notes on line? Can you get a copy prior to class? Can you ask another student to share notes with you (as a bonus you could form a study group and everyone will make better grades) If you are shy, will the professor help you recruit a volunteer note taker? Is there a TA to help with notes in the class? 8. If you need to have a special place to sit in class to be able to see the board/screen/professor or to help you focus, how will you get the seat you need? 9. If you need text in an alternative format, will the professor send you an electronic version of any hand outs? Have you come to the office to request your e-text? We need time to process an e-text request - - some publishers are very quick, some are very slow. In any case you have to have a copy of the text book that you have purchased before we can make a request. IF we cannot get an electronic copy, we may have to cut your book apart and scan it, or you can scan it in the Library, as you need it, if you do not have a scanner, and you have to have a program on your computer that will read it to you. 10. Discuss your particular accommodations with the professor, work together to make sure your receive REASONABLE accommodations. TESTING PROGRAM To make the testing program run smoothly, you have to make testing reservations so we know to expect you and to expect an exam from your professor. IF you are taking the exam at the same time as the class, after talking with your professor, you simply fill out a test reservation form and leave it in our office a MINIMUM of 5 working days PRIOR to the exam (that is usually a WEEK before the exam). IF you need to take the exam at a DIFFERENT time from the class start early, different time of day - - you have 3 classes in a row, or a different time and/or day because you have an evening class then we need to have the professor’s SIGNATURE on our test schedule form to indicate you have discussed this with the professor and have his/her permission to take the exam at a different time. NOTE: the professor may give you an alternate form of the exam if your exam time DOES NOT overlap the original class time. Many will not, but some will. NOTE: when filling out the test reservation form we need the CLASS number (ECO310 or HIST 100 or PSY220 etc.) and Professor’s ACTUAL name ( not nick name - - some professors use a shortened form of their name to help you but is not their ACTUAL name) If you need a reader or scribe or word processor for your exam we NEED MORE than the 5 business days to make this happen for you Exams are starting to happen - - Make sure you have given your accommodation letters to professors and discussed your testing accommodations. MIDTERM date is October 18 - - 1/2 way through the term! from Oct 4 through Oct 28. So expect MIDTERM exams WE have LIMITED space reserved all the time, and we have to reserve MORE space when more than 10 people need to take an exam, or someone needs a reader or a scribe. HELP us HELP YOU. HERE is our FORM Page: Thanks, Carolyn Carolyn Malloch Assistant Director Disabiltiy Resource Center University at Albany 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 email: phone: 518 442 5490 fax: 518 442 5400