May 5, 2004

MAY 5, 2004
2:30-4:00 P.M.
PRESENT: E. Acosta-Belen, S. Alam, J. Altarriba, I. Berger, J. Carson, S. Chaiken, B.
Daniel, A. DeBlasi (for S. Fessler), K. Doolen, E. Gaffney, T. Gage, G. Griffiths, T.
Harrison, R. Hoyt, V. Idone, T. Lance, M. Messitt, A. Millis, C. Murray, N. Murray, D.
Parker, M. Pryse, M. Raider, L. Schell, L. Slade, C. Smith (for J. Pipkin), B. Steinbock,
G. Stevens, R. Ward, J. Welch, J. Wick-Pelletier, D. Wills, E. Wulfert
Recorder: R. Greenhouse
MINUTES: Dean Wick-Pelletier called for comments or corrections to the minutes of
April 30, 2004. A motion to accept was made by Leonard Slade, seconded by Edelgard
Wulfert and passed unanimously.
In reference to the request for submission of hiring plans, the deadline is June 15.
Mike Werner’s dig is highlighted in the most recent UAlbany magazine.
More volunteers are needed for both dates to help with the commencement ceremonies.
Planning for the Spring 2005 schedule of classes has begun. Greg Stevens urges chairs to
have classes planned by the end of June.
An email has been sent to chairs with attachments regarding the Globalization Major.
Committee members will want to meet with those departments who have courses that
would tie in to global studies. The proposal will be refined before going through the
governance process. The committee would like to integrate as many departments as
possible in this initiative, and Edna Acosta-Belen will begin contacting chairs in the next
few weeks.
An end of year Chairs’ party will be held during the last week of May. Details will be
sent as soon as possible.
Mark Raider extended an invitation to all of the college to a reception on May 11 from
5:30-7:00 p.m., HU 354 for Professor Dan Grossberg to celebrate his retirement. Please
pass this invitation along to all colleagues.
Jeanette referred to handout. The document points out that mentoring is involved in
advising and recommends more faculty advisement. Different departments have their
own styles. This document refers to improvements that could be made and how to go
about it. This study will go on through next spring.
Pros and cons were discussed in regard to professional advisors. Some felt they take the
pressure off faculty, would make fewer mistakes, and would provide advising strictly for
course requirements. Career advising and technical advising is seen as a necessity—two
separate functions. Chairs hope there will be much consultation with departments before
any final method is proposed.
The consulting group interviewed people on campus. They also conducted surveys to
find out the University’s reputation and what it is based on; what students are we
attracting and losing. They suggest the PEP – Personal Education Plan. There is an
interactive program for students to take a self-test to assist with their decision-making
about suitable majors and minors. PEP suggests that students can “customize” their
majors to accommodate their interests. The general response is that the word customize
should go – students have many requirements that must be fulfilled, including the new
general education guidelines, though capitalizing on the number of choices would be a
good thing. Several ideas were discussed: the University’s global setting could be
branded; living conditions (dorms) should be improved; graduating in four years – very
important; internships.
From Appointment to Tenure:
The Promotion and Tenure policy was handed out for information purposes. It will be
incorporated into Chairs’ manual.
Guidelines for Jointly Budgeted Appointments:
This policy is applied to new 50-50 appointments. Both departments are expected to be
accepting and welcoming of the interests/dual interests of the candidate. The appointed
person will be equally supported – teaching, research, promotion and tenure. These
guidelines apply to appointments within the College. When and if an appointment is split
between departments in two colleges (IT Commons) the policy will be customized.
Larry Schell gave a report of awards. During fiscal year 2003-04 awards totaled over
$9,000,000—an increase over last year. Six centers generated $5 million in funds. Many
have a sizable number of CAS faculty with little cost return to the College. Faculty
should be encouraged to designate returns to the College. CAS research support
programs will continue next year. The research button at the CAS website will take you
to the application. The CAS deadline will be moved to early October in order to allow
applicants who are not successful to apply to FRAP A.
Ajdourned: 3:45 p.m.