College of Arts and Sciences December 6, 2006 2:30 p.m. AS 122

College of Arts and Sciences
Council of Chairs
December 6, 2006
2:30 p.m. AS 122
Meeting Minutes
Present: J. Altarriba, J. Berkowitz, C. Bose, E. Brière, L. Brown (for M. Hill), J. Carson, A. DeBlasi, K.
Doolen, E. Gaffney, S. Galime, K. Gersowitz (recorder), G. Griffith, T. Harrison, V. Idone, M. Jerison, J.
Justeson, J. Kimball, J. Mandle, M. Messitt, S. Messner (for D. Hernandez), A. Millis, J. Mower, C. Olsen, D.
Parker, M. Rodriguez, L. Schell, L. Slade, G. Stevens, A. Ticano, T. Turner, J. Welch, J. Wick-Pelletier, E.
Wulfert, A. Zak,
Introductory Remarks: Dean J. Wick-Pelletier called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m and introduced Susan
Herbst, Officer in Charge, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
University Update by Provost Herbst:
Chancellor John Ryan: Provost Herbst commended Chancellor Ryan for his excellent leadership and noted how
lucky the University is to have someone who knows our institution so well working for us at the highest levels.
Chancellor Ryan’s current focus is on making the case that the research universities in the SUNY system play
an important role in economic development. The Chancellor is also concerned about protecting the operating
base, which this year saw a significant increase due to rising energy costs, inflation, and collective bargaining
Deferred Maintenance: Provost Herbst noted that our campus has approximately $1 billion in deferred
maintenance. The campus did receive $25 million for campus beatification this year. This project is expected
to break ground this summer.
East Campus: To-date, the East Campus has not been operating under a business model that will allow it to
reach its full potential as a bio-tech research park. The UAlbany Foundation board will be joining with the
Research Foundation of SUNY to form a management company for the East Campus, similar to the Fuller Rd.
Management Company.
School of Public Health Dean’s Search: S. Phillips is chairing this search committee which now has a great
pool of applicants. Interviews should take place in January and February.
Committees: There are many new University committees including the Undergraduate Writing Committee,
Diversity Task Force, and Sexual Assault Task Force. Progress is being made in all areas.
Acting Provost: Professor Frank Thompson has agreed to serve as Acting Provost from January – June, 2007.
He will be responsible for provost level tenure and promotion review.
Enrollment Management: Applications to the University are up 38% from this time last year. Provost Herbst
reported that Wayne Locust has done an exceptional job in bringing more potential students to our campus
through better materials, web presence, and a strategic plan that includes working very closely with guidance
Albany High/University at Albany Alliance: Sophomores from Albany High School are visiting the campus.
There is also a new learning center at Albany High School staffed by UAlbany students.
Football Stadium: Private funds will need to be raised before asking for the Chancellor’s support in funding a
new football stadium. A new stadium will cost approximately $50 million and is needed to attract better
players. Provost Herbst noted that there is an unmet desire in our area for a “big” college football team and a
sense the UAlbany can provide this. Athletics in general increase the profile of the University and help to
attract more students.
Student Satisfaction: In Spring 2006 a SUNY-wide student satisfaction survey was administered. The results
of the UAlbany survey indicate positive movement, particularly in global satisfaction. Of the 73 questions on
the survey, improvement was seen in 79% of the items.
Media and Marketing: In an effort to improve our media and marketing efforts, plans are underway to contract
with a higher education marketing firm.
Commencement: Provost Herbst encouraged the chairs to attend the Dec. 10 commencement services.
Discussion: the following items were discussed with the Provost
Departmental research (balance between grants and publications): The Provost recommended that chairs work
closely with the Dean to determine the best strategy for their departments as these decisions are very fielddependent.
Changes in government relations: The Office of Governmental, Public, and Media Relations has been
eliminated. For now, lobbying efforts in Albany will be undertaken by University administrators. If you are
interested in speaking with a legislator about a project, please be sure to coordinate through V. Delio. It is
unclear whether the Washington lobbying firm currently under contract will be able to produce the desired
results. Time will tell; the current contract runs through August.
Increasing Endowment: Vice President Read is currently working to develop a proper development
infrastructure and has used the last year to regroup, strategize, and develop a system that is more donor-friendly.
We have lost significant ground throughout the years because we have not had such an infrastructure in place.
Many potential donors are currently being cultivated however.
Collaboration with Albany Medical College: Work is underway to explore opportunities.
VP for Research: Vice President Videka will continue in this role through July 2007.
Presidential Search: An executive search firm will soon be identified. The Dean noted in later discussion that
CAS representation on the search committee was thin and encouraged additional nominations.
Graduate Studies: Confer with Marjorie Pryse about changes that are impacting your departments.
Minutes of the meeting of 11/15/2006: A motion to approve the minutes was moved by L. Slade, seconded by
A. Zak. The meeting minutes for the November 15, 2006 Council of Chairs were unanimously approved.
Business arising: None
Full Faculty Meeting: The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13 at 3:30. The time has been
moved back ½ hour to allow faculty to attend the Provost’s holiday gathering.
Selective Investment: A link to all CAS Selective Investment initiatives can be found on the CAS homepage.
Please feel free to publicize the document to your faculty.
Living Learning Communities: There is still time to submit a proposal. Please send to J. Altarriba by the
December 9.
Orientation for Part-time instructors: The assimilation of part time faculty into departmental culture is currently
a concern of UUP. Approximately ½ of CAS departments provide an orientation for part-time faculty. Other
departments are encouraged to do so as well.
Nominations for Awards: The Dean encouraged those departments that do not have a committee to handle
award nominations to form one. Also, please be sure to copy the Dean on all nominations. It was also noted
that there is no deadline for nominations for distinguished professorships. The Dean indicated that she would
like to see a steady flow of CAS faculty names in the “pipeline” for this award.
University at Albany Fund Raising Request: Seeking participation from faculty was left to the chair’s
discretion, however it was noted that contributions can be earmarked to departments and are very helpful to
both the departments and the College.
Chairs Terms: Now is the time to begin thinking about next year if a Chair’s term expires this spring.
Staffing Note: N. Davis has returned to her previous position. C. Endres will be serving as the Dean’s
Graduate Program Issues: Although time was running short, a brief discussion of issues arising from the change
in the administration of graduate assistantships occurred. A number of departments shared their concerns over
how these changes might impact their department. Many departments reported having already met with M.
Pryse to discuss these concerns. It was noted that M. Pryse’s goal in this reform is to attract better graduate
students. It was felt that flexibility in the implementation of the new system will be critical to its success.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15.