Additional file 1: Analyses on compliance rates for 5 conditions Table S1 Analysis on Compliance Rate for Pneumonia Inpatient Care (n=151)† Key process indicators Percentage N Patient severity assessed A yes B no Total Severe patients (oxygen saturation <92%) received blood gas analysis A yes B no C non-severe patient Total Timeliness of sputum and blood culture A within 24 hours B greater than 24 hours C no records Total Timely and appropriate use of antibiotics A appropriate use within 4 hours B appropriate use after 4 hours Total Appropriate treatment update at 72 hours A maintaining original treatment or changing to oral medicine if effective treatment are shown at 72 hours B taking pathological examination and changing treatment scheme if effective treatment are not shown at 72 hours C no assessment on treatment effectiveness at 72 hours D no records total Antibiotic treatment is reasonable(7~14days) A reasonable B not reasonable Total Received health education A yes B no Total Appropriate length of stay A <=7 days B >7 days Total Overall A meeting all guideline B not meeting all guideline Total † ICD-10: J13、J14、J15、J18. -1- (%) 143 8 151 Rule Missing Compliance A Data 0 rate (%) 94.70 A+C 0 69.54 A 0 77.48 A 1 92.00 94.70 5.30 100.00 104 46 1 151 68.87 30.46 0.66 100.00 117 30 4 151 77.48 19.87 2.65 100.00 138 12 150 92.00 8.00 100.00 139 98.68 9 1.32 1 100.00 2 151 99.29 122 29 151 80.79 19.21 100.00 148 3 151 98.01 1.99 100.00 151 0 151 100.00 0.00 100.00 58 92 150 38.67 61.33 0 A+B 98.01 A 0 80.79 A 0 98.01 A 0 100.00 A 1 38.67 Table S2 Analysis on Compliance Rate for AMI Inpatient Care (n=97)† Key process indicators Percentage (%) N Timely use of aspirin or clopidogrel in appropriate dosage A using aspirin or clopidogrel just after arrival and with 300 mg B using aspirin or clopidogrel just after arrival C using aspirin or clopidogrel with 300 mg D using aspirin or clopidogrel not with 300mg E no record Total Evaluation of left ventricular function within 24 hours of admission A yes B no Total Reassessment of patient condition within one week before discharge A yes B no Total Reperfusion therapy A reperfusion therapy for STEMI or LBBB patients ‡ B no reperfusion therapy for non STEMI and no LBBB patients C no reperfusion therapy for STEMI or LBBB patients D reperfusion therapy for no STEMI and no LBBB patients Total Thrombolytic therapy within 30 minutes of admission A Implement within 30 minutes of admission B Implement 30 minutes later of admission C No thrombolytic therapy because of no indication D No thrombolytic therapy because of having contraindication E Improper treatment Total PCI within 90 minutes of admission A Implement of PCI within 90 minutes of admission B Implement 90 minutes later of admission C No PCI because of no indication D No PCI because of having contraindication E Improper treatment Total 65 68.42 2 2.11 2 9 2.11 9.47 17 95 17.89 100.00 81 15 96 0 96 96 -2- Rule Missing Data A 2 Complian ce rate (%) 68.42 A 1 84.38 A 1 0 A+B 8 75.28 A+C+D 0 5.15 A+C+D 0 0.00 84.38 15.63 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 67 75.28 0 0.00 21 23.60 1 1.12 89 100.00 5 5.15 2 0 2.06 0.00 0 0.00 90 97 92.78 100.00 0 0.00 72 0 0 74.23 0.00 0.00 25 97 25.77 100.00 Key process indicators Percentage (%) N Use of β-blocker within 60 minutes of admission A within 60 minutes B within 24 hours C no records D have contraindications Total Use of aspirin during hospitalization A yes B no Total Use of β-blocker during hospitalization A yes B no Total USE of ACEI or ARB during hospitalization † 24 40 30 2 96 A B yes no Total Use of statins during hospitalization A yes B no Total Cholesterol test and lipid lowering therapy A Cholesterol test with high LDL (>3.6mmol/L) and lipid lowering therapy B Cholesterol test without high LDL and no lipid lowering therapy C Cholesterol test with high LDL and no lipid lowering therapy D lipid lowering therapy with no cholesterol test or low LDL Total Advised to continue to use aspirin after discharge A yes B no Total Advised to continue to use β-blocker after discharge A yes B no Total Advised to continue to use ACEI or ARB after discharge # A yes B no Total Advised to continue to use statin after discharge A yes B no Total -3- Rule Missing Data A 1 Complian ce rate (%) 25.00 A 1 93.75 A 0 73.20 A 0 73.20 0 92.78 A+B 0 26.80 A 0 80.41 A 1 61.46 A 3 64.89 A 0 78.35 25.00 41.67 31.25 2.08 100.00 90 6 96 93.75 6.25 100.00 71 26 97 73.20 26.80 100.00 71 26 97 73.20 26.80 100.00 90 7 97 92.78 7.22 100.00 21 21.65 5 5.15 0 0.00 71 73.20 97 100.00 78 19 97 80.41 19.59 100.00 59 37 96 61.46 38.54 100.00 61 33 94 64.89 35.11 100.00 76 21 97 78.35 21.65 100.00 A Key process indicators N Advised to no smoking, having exercise, healthy eating, weight control, proper treatment of recurrence or worsening, etc A yes 82 B no 15 Total 97 Smoking cessation counseling A yes 82 B no 15 Total 97 Provided with writen instruction on secondary prevention in discharge summary A yes 81 B no 16 Total 97 Overall A meeting all guideline 0 B not meeting all guideline 80 80 Total † ICD-10: I21.0I21.1I21.2I21.3I21.9; Percentage (%) Missing Data A 82.00 84.54 A 0 84.54 A 0 83.51 A 17 0.00 84.54 15.46 100.00 84.54 15.46 100.00 83.51 16.49 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 ‡ STEMI: ST elevation myocardial infarction; LBBB: left bundle branch block; # ACEI:Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors,ARB:Angiotensin II receptor blockers. -4- Complian ce rate (%) Rule Table S3 Analysis on Compliance Rate for Heart Failure Inpatient Care (n=145)† Key process indicators Assessment of left ventricular function within 24 hours of admission A yes B no Total Assessment of left ventricular function one week prior to discharge A yes B no Total Timely use of diuretics and potassium agents A use of diuretics and potassium agents immediately after arrival B use of diuretics and potassium agents within 60 minutes C no use of diuretics and potassium agents within 60 minutes D having contraindications Total Timely use of ACEI or ARB ‡ A use of ACEI or ARB immediately after admission B use of ACEI or ARB within 60 minutes of admission C no use of ACEI or ARB within 60 minutes D having contraindications Total Use of β-blockers only for patients with CHF # A use of β-blockers for patients with CHF B use of β-blockers for patients with AHF C use of β-blockers for other patients D no use of β-blockers for patients without CHF or with AHF E no use of β-blocker for patients with CHF but without AHF Total Use of aldosterone receptor blockers only for ※ patients with severe health failure A use of aldosterone receptor blockers for patients with severe health failure B no use of aldosterone receptor blockers for patients with severe health failure C non severe health failure Total Continued use of diuretics during hospitalization A yes B no Total N 103 30 133 Percentage (%) Compliance A Data 12 rate (%) 77.44 A 24 0.83 A+B+D 5 96.43 A+B+D 0 86.90 A+D 12 19.55 A+C 3 85.21 A 0 93.10 77.44 22.56 100.00 1 120 121 0.83 99.17 100.00 135 96.43 0 0.00 5 3.57 0 140 0.00 100.00 126 86.90 0 0.00 19 13.10 0 145 0.00 100.00 25 0 43 1 18.80 0.00 32.33 0.75 64 48.12 133 100.00 121 85.21 21 14.79 0 142 0.00 100.00 135 10 145 93.10 6.90 100.00 -5- Missing Rule Key process indicators Continued use of ACEI or ARB during hospitalization A yes B no Total Continued use of β-blocker during hospitalization A yes B no C contraindication Total Continued use of aldosterone receptor blockers during hospitalization A yes B no Total Advised to use diuretics after discharge A yes B no Total Advised to use ACEI or ARB after discharge A yes B no Total Advised to use β-blocker after discharge A yes B no Total Advised to use aldosterone receptor blockers after discharge A yes B no Total Record of heart failure education yes no Total Assessment of cardiac function and living ability, and guidance activities after admission A yes B no Total Proper observation of patients (including symptoms, vital signs, water balance, weight, edema), provision of laboratory tests, and advice on diet and body-position after admission. A yes B no Total N Percentage (%) 125 19 144 86.81 13.19 100.00 69 58 2 129 53.49 44.96 1.55 100.00 117 22 139 84.17 15.83 100.00 114 25 139 82.01 17.99 100.00 106 34 140 68 58 126 145 0 145 100.00 0.00 100.00 -6- Compliance Data rate (%) A 1 86.81 A+C 16 53.49 A 6 84.17 A 6 82.01 A 5 75.71 A 19 53.97 A 11 77.61 A 0 100.00 A 0 100.00 A 1 99.31 53.97 46.03 100.00 77.61 22.39 100.00 144 0 144 Missing 75.71 24.29 100.00 104 30 134 145 0 145 Rule 100.00 0.00 100.00 99.31 0.00 99.31 Key process indicators Assessment of tobacco and alcohol addiction after admission and Patient advised to quit smoking and to restrict alcohol consumption A yes B no Total Patient received psychological counseling yes no Total Patient advised on activity limitations after discharge yes no Total Patient received dietary and body-position guidance prior to discharge yes no Total Patient advised to quit smoking and to restrict alcohol consumption prior to discharge yes no Total Overall A meeting all guideline B not meeting all guideline Total † ICD-10:I11,I12,I13; N Percentage (%) 79 66 145 54.48 45.52 100.00 85 60 145 58.62 41.38 100.00 144 0 144 143 0 143 Rule Missing Compliance Data rate (%) A 0 54.48 A 0 58.62 A 1 100.00 A 2 100.00 A 2 98.60 A 69 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 141 2 143 98.60 1.40 100.00 0 76 76 0.00 100.00 100.00 ‡ ACEI:Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, ARB:Angiotensin II receptor blockers Severe heart failure refers to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) cardiac function proposed test (NYHA functional) III, IV level of the patients; # CHF: Chronic heart failure, AHF: Acute heart failure; ※ Severe heart failure refers to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) cardiac function proposed test (NYHA functional) III, IV level of the patients; -7- Table S4 Analysis on Compliance Rate for Caesarean Inpatient Care (n=146) † Key process indicators N Appropriate indication for planned C-section A Demand from pregnant women or their relatives B Oligohydramnios C Fetal factors D Chronic fetal distress E Cephalopelvic disproportion F Complications that affect vaginal delivery G Other appropriate indications H no appropriate indication Total Preoperative examination completed within 2 days A yes B no Total Prophylactic use of first generation cephalosporin antibiotics A yes B no Total Withdraw of prophylactic antibiotics within 72 hours after delivery A yes B no Total The timeliness of operation time A ≤2day B >2day Total Delivery within 2 days of admission A ≤2days B >2days with reasons C >2days without reasons Total Appropriate anesthesia A Epidural or combined spinal epidural B Spinal anesthesia Total Appropriate use of oxytocin during procedure A 10ug or 20ug B 30ug or 40ug C >40ug D no use Total Post-operative length of stay A ≤7day B >7day Total (%) 62 42.47 16 15 15 12 10 10.96 10.27 10.27 8.22 6.85 16 0 146 10.96 0.00 100.00 145 1 146 91 55 146 -8- Percentage Rule Missing Data Compliance A~G 0 rate (%) 100.00 A 0 99.32 A 0 62.33 A 0 86.30 A 0 61.64 A 0 82.88 A 1 65.52 A 0 80.82 A 3 99.30 99.32 0.68 100.00 62.33 37.67 100.00 126 20 146 86.30 13.70 100.00 90 56 146 61.64 38.36 100.00 91 30 25 146 62.33 20.55 17.12 100.00 95 50 145 65.52 34.48 100.00 118 19 8 1 146 80.82 13.01 5.48 0.68 100.00 142 1 143 99.30 0.70 100.00 Key process indicators In accordance with discharge standard A yes B no Total Patient received health education discharge A yes B no Total Overall A meeting all guideline B not meeting all guideline Total N 142 0 142 prior Percentage (%) 32 112 144 Missing Data Compliance A 4 rate (%) 100.00 g 2 88.89 A 2 22.22 100.00 0.00 100.00 to 128 16 144 Rule 88.89 11.11 100.00 22.22 77.78 100.00 † ICD-10:the first diagnosis of underlying section of uterus caesarian operation, ICD-9-CM-3: 74.1Surgical coders. -9- Table S5 Analysis on Compliance Rate for Type-2 Diabetic Inpatient Care (n=137)† Key process indicators No Routine examination within 24 hours after admission A yes B no Total Blood glucose monitoring 7 times per day A monitoring 7 times per day B dynamic monitoring of blood glucose C monitoring 4 times per day D no monitoring Total HbA1c test A yes B no Total Glycosylated Serum Protein(Fructosamine)test A yes B no Total OGTT and insulin or C peptide release test‡ A accord with the standard test(5 points) B only test fast and 2-hr blood glucose C Arginine release test D other type of tests E no records Total Eye fundus examination A yes B no Total Nerve system examination A yes B no Total Renal function examination A yes B no Total Heart ultrasound examination A yes B no Total Carotid artery and lower extremity vascular ultrasound examination A yes B no Total 137 0 137 Percentage (%) 51.09 12.41 33.58 2.92 100.00 125 12 137 91.24 8.76 100.00 75 61 136 55.15 44.85 100.00 17 63 17 27 13 137 12.41 45.99 12.41 19.71 9.49 100.00 85 52 137 62.04 37.96 100.00 54 83 137 39.42 60.58 100.00 114 23 137 83.21 16.79 100.00 98 39 137 71.53 28.47 100.00 -10- Missing Compliance Data A 0 rate (%) 100.00 A+B 0 63.50 A 0 91.24 A 1 55.15 A+B 0 58.39 A 0 62.04 A 0 39.42 A 0 83.21 A 0 71.53 A 0 72.99 100.00 0.00 100.00 70 17 46 4 137 100 37 137 Rule 72.99 27.01 100.00 Key process indicators Blood glucose test analyzed A yes B no Total Evaluation at 72 hours after hypoglycemic treatment A yes B no Total Record of drug selection reasons A yes B no Total Record of secondary prevention and health education provided to patient A yes B no Total In accordance with discharge standard A yes B no Total Appropriate length of stay A ≤14day B >14day with reasons C >14day without reasons Total Overall A meeting all guideline B not meeting all guideline Total † ICD-10: E11.2- E11.9; No 133 4 137 Percentage (%) 85.40 14.60 100.00 136 1 137 99.27 0.73 100.00 135 2 137 98.54 1.46 100.00 132 5 137 96.35 3.65 100.00 93 28 16 137 67.88 20.44 11.68 100.00 3 133 136 2.21 97.79 100.00 -11- Missing Compliance Data A 0 rate (%) 97.08 A 0 85.40 A 0 99.27 A 0 98.54 A 0 96.35 A+B 0 88.32 A 1 2.21 97.08 2.92 100.00 117 20 137 ‡ OGTT:Oral glucose tolerance test. Rule