Marketing Syllabus-click here

Marketing Fundamentals Syllabus
School Site: Southmoore High School
Teacher Name: Carla Stanley
Phone Number: 405-735-4934
Email Address:
Course Number: 8602
Prerequisite: None
Course Length: approx. 180 days (full year)
OHLAP Credit: No
Primary Textbook Used: Marketing Essentials--Glencoe
Career Majors/Clusters: The Oklahoma Department of Career & Technology Education has
provided students, families, and schools an organizational framework to better understand how
high school and technology center courses prepare students for high-demand, high-wage careers
after high school. The following diagram shows the Cluster (broad category), Pathway (general
area within the cluster), and Major (more specific target career area) into which this course fits:
Marketing Sales & Services Cluster
Professional Sales Pathway
Sales Assistant
Sports Marketing
Professional Sales
Entrepreneurship Pathway (MNTC)
Assistant Sales
Intro to
Students completing this course may research the Cluster/Pathway listed above along with other
career explorations as they make a plan of study for their high school careers.
Course Description: This is a course of study in the basic marketing concepts and foundations
with an emphasis on the application of technology to perform marketing duties/tasks and
software applications including the use of word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and
graphics. Course content includes topics related to human relations, math, communication,
economics, selling, promotion, risk management, distribution, and marketing trends. Students
learn office and job safety, competencies required to secure and hold jobs. Students will develop
leadership traits and identify their leadership potential through participation in the DECA (an
association of marketing students) student organization.
Methods of Instruction include: Instructional methods within the class will vary from group
instruction and activities to individualized study and computer simulations. These classes also
offer an additional instructional component called Work Site Learning.
Grading Policy: Tests, quizzes, projects ………. ……………………………………..30%
Homework, written and daily assignments, independent study …...…………………….30%
Leadership (DECA)………………………………………………………………………20%
OJT Evaluation, Payroll Record……………………………………………………… ....10%
Customer Service, Sales…………………………………………………………….…….10%
Marketing Fundamentals Syllabus
Tests/Quizzes All tests and quizzes must have the student’s name, hour, date, and test name in
the right hand corner. If missing, 10% will be deducted. Pop quizzes cannot be made up. Make
up tests must be completed according to school policy. Retakes on tests must be completed
within 5 school days of the original test. The highest score will be recorded. Retakes may not be
taken on the same day original test is given.
Homework/Written Assignments All daily assignments are to be turned in at the conclusion of
class, unless otherwise instructed. Each assignment must have the student’s name, hour, date,
and title. Place all work in the appropriate basket.
Leadership Grades The leadership grade consists of participating in various activities. These
activities include community service projects, monthly meetings, program activities, and market
research. Each month the student will be able to check the classroom calendar for a potential list
of leadership activities. If a student is already performing community service, talk to Mrs.
Stanley on how it might apply. A student is expected to participate in 5 activities of leadership
per semester to receive a 100% for his/her leadership grade
OJT Evaluation-To receive one hour credit for your job, a student must work a minimum of 11
weeks and 150 hours per semester. A student must keep the same job the entire school year. To
quit or be fired from a job can and will result in failure. The student must keep accurate and upto-date payroll and work records on file in the Marketing Education classroom, forms are
provided. All required forms must be completed and on file before credit is earned. All payroll
record sheets must be turned in before the last day of each grading period or an F will be given
on that student’s report card.
Production, Customer Service, Sales Each student will be required to participate in the
production and sales of our cookie company in the classroom. They will be required to
inventory, sell and promote the cookies to the student body. They will receive a weekly grade on
their job performance.
Required End of Course Exams/Certifications:
 Brainbench Certifications*: Marketing Concepts
 Oklahoma Dept. of Career & Technology: Salesmanship
* Other Brainbench certification exams may be administered as students exhibit or desire specific skill acquisition.
These may include MS Outlook, MS Powerpoint, Computer Fundamentals, Business Concepts, Telephone
Concepts, Interpersonal Communications, Listening Skills, or other relevant certification exams.
Specific Learning Competencies:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Explore fundamental business, management, and entrepreneurial concepts that affect
business decision making.
 Explain the nature of business activities
 Explain marketing concept
 Identify components of the marketing mix
 Describe market identification and segmentation
 Explain the relationship of marketing to business and the economy
 Explain the concepts of production and operations and create flowchart
 Explain the purposes of accounting
Marketing Fundamentals Syllabus
Identify marketing functions and their importance
Research trends and emerging technologies affecting marketing
Explore concepts, strategies, and systems needed to interact effectively with others.
 Identify and practice effective interpersonal and team-building skills
 Identify the impact and value of diversity in a marketing environment
 Address people properly
 Demonstrate active listening skills
 Demonstrate appropriate techniques for professional telephone calls
 Create various types of basic business communication
 Use telecommunications to conduct business with customers, vendors and co-workers
 Demonstrate effective strategies to give and follow written and oral directions
 Respond to customers and co-workers
 Translate technical language into commonly understood language
 Interpret company policies to customers
 Communicate suggestions to supervisors
Explore the economic principles and concepts fundamental to marketing.
 Explain the concept of economic resources
 Identify factors affecting a business’s profit
 Identify elements of internal competition
 Identify elements of external competition
 Explain the concept of productivity
 Describe the different forms of competition in the marketplace
 Interpret the impact of supply and demand on price
Explore concepts and strategies needed for career exploration, development, and growth.
 Participate in leadership and career development activities
 Identify personal goals
 Research career opportunities in the field of marketing and business
 Develop a customized plan of study to achieve career goals
 Identify the value of professional associations
 Search the Internet to identify the purposes and goals of the student
Explore the concepts and processes needed to move, store, locate, and/or transfer
ownership of goods and services.
 Explain distribution activities of channel members
 Explain the importance of making place/location decisions
 Trace the channels of distribution for selected products
 Describe computerized inventory control systems
Explore the financial concepts used in making business decisions.
 Explain the nature, scope, and sources of financing
 Identify the types and purposes of credit
Marketing Fundamentals Syllabus
Explain the difference between simple and compound interest
Explore the concepts, systems, and tools needed to gather, access, synthesize, evaluate, and
disseminate information for use in making business decisions.
 Identify the role of marketing information management
 Research techniques involved in gathering information and making decisions
 Identify the process of gathering and analyzing data
 Identify benefits and limitations of marketing research
Explore concepts and strategies utilized in determining and adjusting prices to maximize
return and meet customers’ perceptions of value.
 Explain the nature and scope of pricing
 Compare and contrast pricing policies
 Describe the purpose of pricing objectives
 Calculate discounting formulas used in pricing
Explore the concepts and processes needed to obtain develop, maintain, and improve a
product or service mix in response to market opportunities.
 Explore the role of product/service planning in marketing
 Describe types of product mix strategies
 Describe stages of a product life cycle
 Describe factors affecting product/service planning
 Describe the importance of branding/positioning in marketing
 Identify the impact and value of brand development
Explore the concepts and strategies needed to communicate information about products,
services, images, and/or ideas to achieve a desired outcome.
 Examine the concept of promotional mix
 Compare the benefits of various types of promotional media
 Prepare print advertisement following standard industry practices
 Examine the purposes of promotion
 Describe the types of promotion and the purpose of each
 Explain the role of public relations in marketing
 Describe the importance of creating promotional objectives
 Create a promotion plan to meet promotional objectives
Explore the concepts and actions needed to determine client needs and wants and respond
through planned, personalized communication that influences purchase decisions and
enhances future business opportunities.
 Explain a planogram (POG) and demonstrate using presentation software
 Explain the selling process
 Examine the need for and problems addressed by selling policies
 Perform mathematical calculations involved in preparing and closing a cash drawer
 Acquire company information for use in providing customer service using data collected
 Explain the importance of customer service
Marketing Fundamentals Syllabus
Identify customer needs and wants
Obtain appropriate product information from various sources including the internet
Analyze promotional material from a variety of companies using the internet
Explain the use of national and private brand names in selling
Use buying motives of individuals as the basis for a sales presentation
Demonstrate the selling process
Make change
Describe follow – up techniques used in the selling process
Categorize business to business decision making factors
Categorize business to consumer buying behavior
Describe the relationship between buyers and sellers
Describe the demographic factors that influence purchase decisions
Implement marketing activities requiring the use of technology.
 Explain the term Internet Marketing
 Explain how the basic marketing functions apply to internet marketing
 Describe the purposes of an Internet marketing website
 Identify industry trends in Internet marketing
 Identify ways that technology impacts business and marketing decisions
 Utilize appropriate forms of technology to implement marketing activities
Explore the implications of safety practices and procedures in a working environment.
 Demonstrate basic safety rules relevant to job safety by reading the appropriate manuals
 Identify security precautions relevant to work environment
 Demonstrate security practices in the workplace
 Describe the first aid measures to be used in case of an emergency on the job, along with
the procedures to be followed in case of an accident
 Discuss appropriate practices for handling and storing hazardous materials
 Explain blood borne pathogens
 Explain the role of OSHA
 Explain the role of the Department of Labor
 Research labor laws that impact work environments