Westmoore Chapter of the National French Honor Society Constitution I. Name The name of this honorary organization shall be the Société Honoraire de Français (SHF) of Westmoore High School. IV. Affiliation The Westmoore Chapter of the SHF shall maintain continuous affiliation with the National Société Honoraire de Français, whose parent organization is the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF). The Chapter Sponsor (teacher) for the Westmoore Chapter of the SHF shall maintain membership in the AATF, as required for use of the designation “SHF”. II. Aim The aim of this organization is to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of francophone culture and civilization, to promote and perpetuate international friendship, and to reward efforts toward furthering solidarity in the Frenchspeaking world. III. Officers The officers of the Westmoore Chapter of SHF shall be: a President, a Vice-President, a SecretaryTreasurer, and an Historian. Each office shall be for a one-year term. These officers shall constitute the Westmoore SHF School Council. V. Amendments This Constitution may be amended as follows: Amendments may be offered by any member in good standing during SHF meetings; the amendments will be posted for a period of not less than 10 days on the SHF website; and adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership during a subsequent SHF meeting. By-Laws I. Membership 1. General Eligibility requirements for students: A. Membership shall be based on scholarship in general and scholarship in French in particular, leadership in French activities and interest, either in a group or as an individual. B. Membership shall be restricted to those students actively engaged in the study of French at Westmoore High School. C. Candidates must be enrolled in the fourth semester of French or higher. D. Candidates must be in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grades in high school. Exception is made for 9th grade students who meet the requirement “3” above because of work at the junior high school level. E. Transfer students must have studied for at least one full semester at Westmoore High School before becoming eligible. F. Selection of candidates may take place at any time during the academic year. G. Scholastic eligibility requirements to be met by all students: (1) Candidates must have maintained an A average in French during the semester of selection, as well as an averaged cumulative grade of A, for all work awarded secondary school credit. (2) Candidates must have maintained a B average or higher in all other subjects during the semester of selection, as well as an averaged cumulative grade of B in all other subjects for work awarded secondary school credit. French may not be used to calculate this average. (3) The SHF Chapter Sponsor may exercise the prerogative to revoke a student’s membership for reasons of failure to maintain a high scholastic average, of behavior inappropriate to an honor society, irregular participation in SHF activities, insufficient service hours, failure to attend initiation ceremony, or for any other reason determined in conjunction with school administrators. II. Dues and Fees 1. The student membership dues in the Westmoore SHF chapter shall be five dollars ($5) annually. 2. Additional fees required for the National Exam, participation in French and francophone events, and other activities of the SHF shall be payable by students as the need arises. 3. All dues and fees shall be paid to the SHF Secretary –Treasurer and deposited following the rules and regulations of Moore Public Schools. III. Awards 1. Newly elected members shall receive a certificate of membership and may order pins and charms through the SHF Secretary-Treasurer. 2. Graduating members may wear white honor cords to their graduation ceremonies. 3. The official SHF seal may be affixed to the student’s diploma/certificate. IV. Duties of the Officers 1. The President shall be responsible for setting the agenda for all SHF meetings. The President shall act as a liaison between the SHF Chapter Sponsor and the membership. The President shall lead the invocation and flag salute in French at all SHF meetings. The Vice-President shall work in cooperation with the SHF Chapter Sponsor to coordinate event locations, reservations, and preparations for SHF activities. In the event of SHF meetings outside of Westmoore, such as Oklahomawide SHF meetings, the President shall represent the Westmoore chapter of SHF. The President shall contact local media to promote activities and accomplishments of the Westmoore SHF Chapter. In May of each year, the President shall submit a brief summary to the National SHF office which details the activities of the Westmoore SHF Chapter. The President shall administer the Constitution of the SHF. 2. The Vice-President shall serve to support the meeting agenda as set by the President. The VicePresident shall work in cooperation with the SHF Chapter Sponsor to coordinate event locations, reservations, and preparations for SHF activities. The Vice-President shall work in cooperation with the Historian to maintain an accurate membership database and track individual participation in SHF and members’ accumulated points. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall set the agenda and assume all responsibilities of the President until the President’s return. 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the minutes for all SHF meetings and maintain documentation of all meeting agendas and minutes. The SecretaryTreasurer shall guarantee that proper procedures are followed in the making of motions and voting on motions. The Secretary –Treasurer shall collect monies for SHF fundraisers and dues and follow all MPS guidelines for processing funds, under the supervision of the SHF Chapter Sponsor. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records for SHF, request purchase orders and order SHF materials, such but not limited to, SHF graduation sashes, SHF pins, and SHF official seals, under the supervision of and in cooperation with the SHF Chapter Sponsor. 4. The Historian shall document the SHF activities and maintain an archive of SHF experiences, accomplishments, and materials. The Historian shall work in cooperation with the Vice-President to maintain an accurate membership database and track individual participation in SHF and members’ accumulated points. The Historian shall take photographs of SHF activities. Each year the Historian shall produce a scrapbook documenting the SHF activities for that year. The Historian will store all archives and scrapbooks in the SHF Chapter Sponsor’s classroom. V. Elections 1. All officers shall be elected by plurality vote of the SHF current members. 2. Elections shall be held on the first Tuesday of May every year. Elections will take place throughout the day in the SHF Chapter Sponsor’s classroom, with voting beginning at 7:45 am and ending at 3:15 pm of the day of vote. 3. Votes shall be counted by the Westmoore SHF School Council as soon as voting closes, under the supervision of the SHF Chapter Sponsor. 4. Election results shall be announced the following day during school-wide announcements and shall be posted to the Westmoore SHF website. 5. The officers shall serve one-year terms, beginning on the first day of school of the school following the May elections and ending on the last day of school of said school year. 6. Should an office become vacant for any reason, the SHF shall recommend a list of not more than three (3) SHF members to fill the office and the remaining members of the Westmoore SHF School Council shall vote to determine who shall fill the vacant office. 7. For the first year formation of the Westmoore SHF Chapter, elections will be held within two (2) weeks of School Board approval for the SHF and the officers terms shall last through the end of the current school year.