March 2015 College Senate meeting minutes.docx

College Senate: Minutes
Date: 03/17/2015
Minutes Approved: _X__Yes
Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510
___No (Changes: )
Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes,
SharePoint (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate
membership, committees, forms, etc.
President’s Report:
Joel contacted all Division Directors about faculty lists and holding elections to ensure full
representation for the fall.
We need someone to run for president elect for 2015-2016 year. Send statement re: intention to run to
Joel or Lisa. This will be posted/shared prior to election in April.
An eLearning consultant has been hired. Joel will meet with consultant and others next week.
Faculty titles—HR proposal about faculty titles is under consideration. Debbie Bouton has responded to
Senate questions. Proposal suggests that faculty on extended contract will be awarded the Assistant
Professor title, with the opportunity to apply for higher titles. There is administrative concern about
titles being tied to money; this is not a consideration at present. It was shared that students respond to
titles in a different way. Money is not the only issue here. Also important is that faculty titles garner a
different response at professional conferences. Wake Tech already has titles, though we would not likely
follow their model in its entirety. Their titles are tied to compensation. CPCC process would be
determined; no time frame at present.
PDP changes should be finalized by summer.
eLearning advisory committee is largely composed of faculty. They will meet soon.
The salary survey is complete and will be implemented in the summer for new faculty.
PDP status—regular meetings of the committee have not been scheduled. Chairs of committee want
recommendations sent to them so they can respond. Senate representatives will continue to pursue
process. Richard Zollinger reports that changes are pending.
Attendance will be addressed in fall (how snow days are recorded).
Other items for fall—can faculty be compensated for dual Master’s? Issue may be whether or not the
degrees are in related field(s). Faculty Welfare committee will address. May also be asked to consider
coursework beyond Master’s. Discussion about some faculty being compensated differently.
LGBT Resolution—changed from original to only include gender identity, and to remove Wake Tech
reference. On March 5 the sexual orientation policy at CPCC was amended. It is posted on the website
but has not been announced or publicized. The City and Council have LGBT protected employment
policies in place but did not approve the proposal to require businesses to not discriminate.
CPCC’s policy refers to student admission and employment. The newly passed policy does not allow
students open access to facilities on campus based on gender identity. This is an issue presently with
locker room use and restroom use by transgendered individuals.
The Senate voted on the pending LGBT resolution. The resolution passed; it will be posted on the Senate
website. It will be taken to the Student Government. They have the ability to also pose a resolution.
Senate recognizes that a first step has been taken by the college; we request that this next step also be
Committee Reports:
1. President-elect (Alison Gagan):
No report
2. Academic Policies (Pam McIntyre):
No report
3. Credentials ():
No report
4. Curriculum (Pat West):
Handout (attached). Committee has finished work for the upcoming year’s changes.
5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stephens):
No report
6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone):
Faculty Welfare will meet next week.
7. Professional Staff Welfare (Denise Keating):
Committee has been formed to address Senate open seats; goal is to have full 23 member
representation by fall.
8. Student Welfare (Tony Beatty):
Student Welfare did not meet in March.
9. Technology (Kathy Watkins):
Tech committee meets next Tuesday; will incorporate senate suggestions into
Jessi Preussner from Service-Learning attended to share information about a food bank at CPCC. In a
meeting earlier this month, Dr. Marcia Conston approved the proposal for CPCC to host a Food Pantry.
There will be two physical pantries (Central and Levine), managed by Service-Learning. Weekly drop-offs
as requested will be made to other campuses. Pantries are already available at other community
colleges. There will be an intake form, and users will be tracked to ensure that users are connected to
other community resources. Visitors can access the pantry once a week. Users at other campuses will
be able to make special requests. We will participate with Second Harvest Food Bank and will ask for
donations from individuals and companies. Service-Learning participation will help support purchases
from Second Harvest (they sell food to pantries).
The pantry will be open two days a week at Central and Levine for 3 hours a day. The specific schedule is
to be determined.
A catchy logo and name will be developed by Graphic Arts faculty/students, publicity via new staff and
student orientation.
Liability issues have been addressed.
Start-up expenses will be sought via grants. Work study students will assist with staffing.
The plan is to start this in the fall of 2015, pending Cabinet approval.
Clubs can still do food drives; foods can be donated to CPCC rather than other organizations.
Senate’s role will be sharing information about this resource or holding a food drive.
February minutes were approved.
Next Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month (2:30):
Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Godwin