Collider Ring Optics and Related issues


Collider Ring Optics

& Related Issues

Vasiliy Morozov for the JLab EIC Study Group

Review 09/2010 Page 1

MEIC Layout

3 Figure-8 rings stacked vertically

Big booster

3-5 GeV/c

 up to 20 GeV/c protons


0.2 GeV/c

3-5 GeV/c protons

Review 09/2010 Page 2

Big Booster

• Acceleration of protons from 3-5 GeV/c to up to 20 GeV/c for injection into ion collider ring

• Big booster implementation options

• Separate warm ring in collider rings’ tunnel (current baseline)

• Using the electron ring

• Separate cold ring in the prebooster’s tunnel

• Big booster design considerations

• Avoid transition energy crossing

• Space charge

 higher injection energy for larger ring

• Matching RF systems

 debunch low-frequency beam and then rebunch it at higher frequency?

Review 09/2010 Page 3

Ion Collider Ring Layout

• Geometrical matching of electron and ion rings

• Spin rotators in the electron ring

• Siberian snakes in the proton ring arcs

Ion Ring

Siberian snake Siberian snake

Electron Ring

Spin rotators Spin rotators

Review 09/2010 Page 4

Modular Design Concept

• Design separately and incorporate/match into the ring

• Vertical chicanes for stacking the ion ring arcs on top of the electron ring

• Injection section

• Electron cooling section

• Siberian snakes

• Interaction region with horizontal crossing

• Section for local chromaticity compensation

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Basic Ring Parameters

Proton beam momentum


Arc’s net bend

Straights’ crossing angle

Arc length

Arc average radius

Straight section length

Lattice basic cell

Arc / straight FODO cell length

Nominal phase advance per cell

 x


 y

Number of arc / straight FODO cells

Dispersion suppression

GeV/c m deg deg m m m m deg









9 / 6.16

90 / 90

54 / 68

Adjusting quad strengths

Review 09/2010 Page 6

Magnet Parameters

Proton beam momentum

Number of dipoles

Dipole length

Bending radius

Bending angle

Bending field

Number of quads

Quad length

Quad strength in arc / straight FODO cells

GeV/c m m deg

T m










130 / 195

Review 09/2010 Page 7

Arc FODO Cell

• 

/2 betatron phase advance in both planes

• Magnet parameters for 60 GeV/c protons:

• Dipoles:

• length = 3 m

• bending radius = 38.7 m

• bending angle = 4.4

• bending field = 5.2 T

• Quads:

• length = 0.5 m

• strength = 130 T/m

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Dispersion Suppressor

• Quads in 3 FODO cells varied to suppress dispersion while keeping


-functions from growing

• Maximum quad strength at 60 GeV/c = 148 T/m

Review 09/2010 Page 9

Short Straight for Siberian Snake

• Symmetric quad arrangement

• Initial

 values from the dispersion suppressor

• Quads varied to obtain

 x,y

= 0 in the middle at limited

• Maximum quad strength at 60 GeV/c = 130 T/m

 max

Review 09/2010 Page 10

Arc End with Dispersion Suppression

• Indicated quads varied to suppress dispersion with limitations on

 max and D max

• Maximum quad strength at 60 GeV/c = 212 T/m

Varied quads Regular FODO

To straight section

Review 09/2010 Page 11

Complete Arc

• Length = 300.5 m, net bend = 240

, average radius = 72 m

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Straight FODO Cell

• 

/2 betatron phase advance in both planes

• Drift length chosen to close the ring’s geometry

• Quad strength at 60 GeV/c = 195 T/m

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Arc to Straight Matching Section

• Four quads in two FODO cells adjusted to match

 ’s and  ’s from arcs to straight’s standard FODO cell

• Maximum quad strength at 60 GeV/c = 222 T/m

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Complete Figure-8 Ring

• Total length = 1041 m

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Figure-8 Ring Layout

100 m

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Summary of Optics Parameters

Proton beam momentum


Arc’s net bend

Straights’ crossing angle

Arc length

Straight section length

Maximum horizontal / vertical

 functions

Maximum horizontal dispersion D x

Horizontal / vertical betatron tunes

 x,y

Horizontal / vertical chromaticities

 x,y

Momentum compaction factor

Transition energy

 tr

Horizontal / vertical normalized emittance

 x,y

At 20 GeV/c injection:

Horizontal / vertical normalized emittance

 x,y

Maximum horizontal / vertical rms beam size


 horizontal / vertical beam stay clear x,y

Review 09/2010

GeV/c m deg deg m m m m

µm rad







20.8 / 20.8


33.(03) / 33. (16)

-43.31 / -43.01


10 -3


0.35 / 0.07

µm rad mm mm

4 / 4

2 / 2

30 / 30

Page 17
