IR Optics and Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Fanglei Lin for MEIC study group at JLab 2nd Mini-workshop on MEIC IR Design, November 2, 2012 Outline MEIC overview IR design considerations and features Detector-optimized IR optics Crab crossing scheme Chromaticity compensation concept Momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture Goals and timeline (from 2012 NP proposal) F. Lin ---2--- MEIC Design Parameters • Energy (bridging the gap of 12 GeV CEBAF & HERA/LHeC) – Full coverage of s from a few 100 to a few 1000 GeV2 – Electrons 3-11 GeV, protons 20-100 GeV, ions 12-40 GeV/u • Ion species – Polarized light ions: p, d, 3He, and possibly Li, and polarized heavier ions – Un-polarized light to heavy ions up to A above 200 (Au, Pb) • Up to 3 detectors – Two at medium energy ions: one optimized for full acceptance, another for high luminosity – Third one for ion energies lower than 20 GeV/u • Luminosity – Greater than 1034 cm-2s-1 per interaction point – Maximum luminosity should optimally be around √s=45 GeV • Polarization – At IP: longitudinal for both beams, transverse for ions only – All polarizations >70% desirable • Upgradeable to higher energies and luminosity – 20 GeV electron, 250 GeV proton, and 100 GeV/u ion F. Lin ---3--- MEIC Layout Cross sections of tunnels for MEIC F. Lin ---4--- Stacked Figure-8 Rings Ion path Interaction Regions Electron path Large Ion Booster Electron Collider • Vertical stacking for identical ring circumferences • Horizontal crab crossing at IPs due to flat colliding beams • Ion beams execute vertical excursion to the plane of the electron orbit for enabling a horizontal crossing, avoiding electron synchrotron radiation and emittance degradation F. Lin Interaction point locations: Downstream ends of the electron straight sections to reduce synchrotron radiation background Upstream ends of the ion straight sections to reduce residual gas scattering background Ion Collider • Ring circumference: 1340 m • Maximum ring separation: 4 m • Figure-8 crossing angle: 60 deg. ---5--- Parameters for Full Acceptance Interaction Point Proton Electron Beam energy GeV 60 5 Collision frequency MHz 750 750 Particles per bunch 1010 0.416 2.5 Beam Current A 0.5 3 Polarization % > 70 ~ 80 Energy spread 10-4 ~3 7.1 RMS bunch length mm 10 7.5 Horizontal emittance, normalized µm rad 0.35 54 Vertical emittance, normalized µm rad 0.07 11 Horizontal β* cm 10 10 Vertical β* cm 2 2 Vertical beam-beam tune shift 0.014 0.03 Laslett tune shift 0.06 Very small 7 3 Distance from IP to 1st FF quad Luminosity per IP, 1033 m cm-2s-1 F. Lin 5.6 ---6--- IR Design Considerations and Features • • • • • • • • • • • Large detector space (7m) for a full-acceptance detector Detection of forward scattered hadrons down to 0 – Large aperture downstream ion final focusing quadrupoles – Large machine-element-free drift space after large spectrometer dipole – Secondary focus after large spectrometer dipole combined with large dispersion for better momentum resolution Detection of low-Q2 electrons and electron momentum analysis Large 50 mrad crab crossing angle for faster beam separation (to reduce parasitic collisions due to high repetition rate and increase space for magnets) and better detector resolution IPs close to exit from ion arcs (reduce residual gas scattering background) and far from exit from electron arcs (reduce synchrotron radiation background) Use permanent-magnet design for some of the electron final focusing quadrupoles to move them closer to the IP without reducing detector solid angle coverage Vertical ion chicane to avoid electron synchrotron radiation and emittance degradation Compatibility with crab crossing to restore head-on collisions Small * for high luminosity Different*x and *y for a more balanced optics design Large momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture – Symmetric chromaticity compensation scheme – Asymmetric detector space (upstream ion final focusing block moved closer to the IP) F. Lin ---7--- Detector-Optimized Optics • • • • Upstream FFB is placed much closer to the IP than that on the downstream Upstream FFB reduces the maximum betatron functions and the contribution to the chromaticity Downstream FFB was designed to have larger apertures of its quadrupole, plus increasing distance from the IP, to maximize its acceptance to the forward-scattered hadrons Further focusing in the downstream (small beam size) allows to place the detectors close to the beam center. Combining with ~1m dispersion at the focal point, it can detect particles with small momentum offset Δp/p F. Lin Similar optics In addition, two permanent magnetic quadrupoles are used in the upstream FFB and vey close to the IP to maximize the ion detector acceptance by reducing the solid angle blocked by the final focusing quadrupoles. Changing of their focusing strengths with energy can be compensated by adjusting the upstream electric quadruples. ---8--- Crab Crossing Scheme • Restore effective head-on bunch collisions with 50 mrad crossing angle Preserve luminosity • Dispersive crabbing (regular accelerating / bunching cavities in dispersive region) vs. Deflecting crabbing (novel TEM-type SRF cavity at ODU/JLab, very promising!) • Compensation scheme for crab crossing Global (KEK B-Factory): only one cavity installed in each collider ring Local (MEIC): • Two identical crab cavities, one for crabbing and one for restoration. • The locations of two crab cavities have phase advance (n+1)π/2 relative to IP to minimize the required integrated crab kicking voltage • Confine the beam gymnastics only in the IR. MEIC crab cavity design F. Lin ---9--- Crab Crossing Scheme • Linear Optics • Two cavities are placed to ensure phase advance (n+1) π/2 relative to IP. • Two cavities are placed at those locations with relatively large βx to reduce the required crab kicking voltage. • Tracking Simulations Incoming π/2 3π/2 At IP F. Lin Outgoing ---10--- Chromaticity Compensation Concept • Modular approach: IR designed independently to be later integrated into ring • Dedicated symmetric Chromaticity Compensation Blocks (CCB) • Each CCB is designed to satisfy the following symmetry conditions – ux is anti-symmetric with respect to the center of the CCB – uy is symmetric – D is symmetric – n and ns are symmetric F. Lin ---11--- Compensation of Main 2nd-Order Terms • Chromatic terms 0 0 0 0 2 Dnsux2 ds nu x2 ds, 2 Dnsu y2 ds nu y2ds • are compensated using sextupoles located in CCB’s attaining 2nd-order dispersion term and sextupole beam smear due to betatron beam size • D(Dns n)ux ds 0, 3 n u s x ds 0, 2 n u u ds 0 s x y 0 0 0 are automatically compensated. In a conclusion, CCB scheme actualizes – local chromaticity compensation including contributions of both the final focusing quadrupoles and the whole ring – simultaneous compensation of chromatic and sextupole beam smear at IP restoring luminosity F. Lin ---12--- Ion IR Optics Ion beams BES CCB FFB (up) FFB (down) D 1 • • • • • DSB D 2 BES: Beam Extension Section FFB: Final Focusing Block D1,D2: Spectrometer Dipoles DSB: Dispersion Suppression Block Two sextupole families are inserted symmetrically in the CCB (the shorter bar in the above lattice plot) for the chromaticity compensation F. Lin ---13--- Complete Ion Collider Ring Layout • • • CCB dipoles in the upstream of IPs bend particles outside of the ring Spectrometer dipoles in the downstream of IPs bend particles inside of the ring Such an arrangement leads to put the neutron detector “ZDC” outside of the ring, leaving the space inside for electron cooling channels. CCB CCB Spectrometer dipoles Electron cooling channels F. Lin ---14--- Emittance Impact For Electron Ring This particular scheme involves placing dipoles in the regions with extended beam in order to produce and suppress the dispersion Higher dispersion magnitude allows chromaticity compensation with lower sextupole fields Maximum dispersion magnitude for electron beam is limited by maximum acceptable emittance increase Normalized equilibrium horizontal emittance growth due to two horizontal bends in the current electron ring CCB design I 5 x Cq I2 N x • I2 ( 3 1 x2 1 y2 )ds 8 3 arc x Dx'2 2 x Dx Dx' x Dx2 I 5 x ds 3 IR At the entrance of CCB bend Dx 0 , Dx' 0 0 , so s xD x IR s3 2 x Dx' Dx 2 x 2 2 x ~ a few hundred meters '2 x IR xD 2 x 1 x s4 x IR2 x Dx'2 I 5 x / CCB ds x 3 3 IR IR IR x 0 x 1 x2 x F.Lin --15-- L 0 s2 2 IR ds 2 x 3 IR 3 IR2 Emittance Impact For Electron Ring (cont.) • Emittance increase N / CCB 1 C arc 3 3 0.0012 arc E 3 (GeV 3 ) 3 (deg 3 ) x q x IR x IR 4 IR2 IR2 • Suppose then, • • x 400m, arc 43.5m, IR 200m, E 5GeV, IR 30mrad xN / CCB 1.75μm N N Current electron ring design has arc 36μm and x / design 54μm xN / 2CCB ~ 6.4% xN / design Therefore, xN / CCB ~ 3.2% xN / design xN / 4CCB ~ 12.8% xN / design The emittance impact for electron ring due to the CCB dipoles can be mitigated by suppressing the horizontal beta function in the dipoles. This will be considered in the future electron CCB design. F.Lin --16-- Old Optics For Chromaticity Compensation Ion beam Electron beam F.Lin --17-- IR Geometry For Chromaticity Compensation Geometrical matching of electron and ion IR’s (MAD-X survey) – Weak bend for electrons to avoid emittance degradation – Strong bend for ions to generate large dispersion – Alternating bends in ion interaction region Ion Ring Electron Ring F.Lin --18-- Ion Ring Parameters Unit IP * functions Proton beam momentum Optics for Chrom. Compensation Detector optimized optics cm 10/2 GeV/c 60 Circumference m Arc’s net bend deg 240 Straights’ crossing angle deg 60 Arc length m 391.0 Maximum horizontal / vertical functions m Maximum horizontal dispersion Dx m Horizontal / vertical betatron tunes x,y Horizontal / vertical chromaticitiesx,y (2 IPs) 1340.92 2225 / 2450 23.273/ 21. 285 23.223/22.371 -278 / -268 -207/-191 5.12 10-3 Transition energy tr Maximum horizontal / vertical rms beam size x,y 2300/2450 1.78 Momentum compaction factor Horizontal / vertical normalized emittance x,y 1394.47 13.97 µm rad mm F.Lin 0.35 / 0.07 3.5 / 1.6 3.6/1.6 --19-- Momentum Acceptance & Dynamic Aperture • Study of simplified, yet more challenging (due to higher chromaticity) symmetric 7 m Ion IR design • Compensation of chromaticity with 2 sextupole families only using symmetry • Non-linear dynamic aperture optimization and studies of error impact under way Ions Electrons 5 p/p 5 p/p p/p = 0.710-3 at 5 GeV/c p/p = 0.310-3 at 60 GeV/c Ions Ions y /y x /x / F. Lin with Octupole w/o Octupole x /x ---20--- Goals and Timeline (1st Year) For the first year – First and second quarters • Continue the chromaticity correction scheme CCB design of the interaction region • Complete the chromaticity correction studies for momentum acceptance • Study the nonlinear characteristics of the collider ring and develop correction schemes for dynamic aperture • Orbit diagnostics and control (maintenance) in the CCB sections – Third and fourth quarters • Evaluate both necessary and attainable precision of orbit control in CCB to exclude error impact to the dynamic aperture beyond the admissible level • Develop a concept for beam control at collision points • Develop a detailed model of the detector field for dynamic aperture studies • Start evaluation of particle tracking algorithm and codes F. Lin ---21--- Goals and Timeline (2nd Year) For the second year – First and second quarters • Develop a genetic algorithm based multi-objective-function optimization routine to optimize momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture • Continue studies of nonlinear correction schemes for collider rings • Complete studies of momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture for ideal collider rings – Third and fourth quarters • • • • Complete establishing the multidimensional optimization routines Investigate magnet fringe field and multipole component effects based on particle tracking Investigate magnet misalignment effects based on particle tracking Develop a closed orbit correction system F. Lin ---22--- Goals and Timeline (3rd Year) For the third year – First and second quarters • Initiate particle tracking simulations including the completed integration of the detector region into the collider rings’ optics • Initiate particle tracking simulations including the modified optics models for the developed spin dynamic scheme • Initiate particle tracking simulations considering magnet fringe field, realistic errors, and misalignment • Re-optimize collider rings for adequate momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture – Third and fourth quarters • Finalize the conceptual collider rings design • Demonstrate in simulations an adequate momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture for collider rings • Provide the technical and engineering specifications of the collide rings’ magnets F. Lin ---23---