Dorothy Kauffman, (Ph.D.) is a research associate with the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) in Washington, DC. A former teacher at the elementary school level, a reading consultant, and an instructor at the university level, she is the author of the newly released Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas (Oxford University Press). Other publications include a supplementary reading series for grades 1-8, content-based ESL literature units for grades K-1 as well as the development of a curriculum and two textbooks for students in Belize, Central America. She is currently completing a series of English language arts workbooks for grades 2-5. Barbara Agor (Ed.D.) is a consultant for the Center for applied Linguistics (CAL) in Washington, DC. A former ESOL teacher in Rochester, NY, she also taught in India as part of a Fullbright grant, at the State University of New York at Brockport, at the University of Rochester, and at Nazareth College. She has written many books and articles, some for students and others for colleagues, on topics such as computers in instruction, first and second language learning, and educational reform. She is the editor Integrating the ESL Standards Into Classroom Practice: Grades 9-12, published by TESOL in 2000.