GSA Assembly Meeting Minutes Friday, March 4, 2016 Downtown Campus Husted Amphitheater 106A Caitlin called meeting to order at 6:00 pm 1. Conversation with Provost Stellar and Dr. Christakis a. Provost Stellar’s opening comments i. MA and PhD differences are big, similar to undergrad and graduate ii. Appreciate those that went here as undergraduates, those that go into higher education b. Nakissa’s questions: i. Blue ribbon panels – how are we following up to these? 1. Graduate Commission issued report: offered departments increase in duration of funding, increase in level of funding for same duration; a. Humanities took longer period of funding, b. Sciences more money for same number of years, c. Benchmark of what stipends were, and moved towards that, however money is limited and have to take a step at a time; d. Another round of compact planning proposals and catch up over a couple years; 2. Contingent Faculty report: GTA report intersects with the Contingent report – people who can’t finish within funding sometimes teach, and this takes up time, can’t finish in a timely manner and stay on as Contingent faculty; a. First – increase funds; issue is again money; went up to $3,000, some up to $5,000, trying to move that number up; first efforts to pay those who make least more money, b. Second, a pathway to permanence – have a way to have people over time get a permanent position here, on the model that tenured faculty have (research, teach, ; lecturers – small/no research component, hired to teach ii. ESL consultant at the writing center – how can we make this happen? 1. Defer to Kevin Williams because specific line item, lots of details Stellar doesn’t know about; constantly look at our expenditures, interest to people who want to teach it, good for internationalization (a stake of the President) c. Amani’s question about childcare i. Christakis – wants to follow up with human resources (Randy Stark) ii. Stellar – wants us to write him to talk about this issue d. Abby’s question about making events during a time that working graduate students can attend i. Stellar’s response: changing bus route between ALS and UA, improve buses between East and uptown campuses ii. Needs integration between campuses iii. Look into ITLAL, IT trainings, e. Stellar wants to move counseling to main campus to make it more accessible 1. Approval to change the Agenda – Caitlin motioned, seconded – approved. 2. Approval of minutes from February 5, 2016 – motion to approve, approved. Constitutional and Bylaws Amendments 1. University Council Representative and Lead Senator i. If these positions are appointed and approved by Assembly can be good for legitimacy of the positions ii. This has to go to the overall graduate student body to be vote on (i.e. voting tonight does not change it) 2. Speaker elected at the May meeting – passes 3. Language about attending “Senate meetings” passed – in addition to “except in extenuating circumstances” – Amendment - passed ESL Resolution – Passed with 100% approval Stipend Proposal – Hirah chairs discussion a. Three models – professional, volunteer, thank you stipend i. In our governing documents, sound like what a professional model b. Two parts to this proposal i. One part now ii. One part that should be part of five-year planning community c. Explained adjustments in stipends on several pillars (Liaising, etc.) i. Proposed rubric from the report d. This is an all-year job i. Make an Oversight Committee (speaker plus 5 members from different departments) to keep accountability of officers – during year and summer – so they freeze stipend e. Only President has the ability not to pay someone f. Great deal of discussion about the Oversight Committee – Amani made a motion to limit discussion of the Oversight Committee to 2 minutes and the motion passed by majority. Vote on the Amendment to the Amendment – Passed Vote on Stipend Proposal – Not passed RGSO Representation a. Overview: 1) limits RGSO representation to 1 person each, 2) increases the number of persons that departments send to 1 b. Died NAGPS Attendance Proposal a. There be an application process; versus stipend report where e-board gets first dibs b. Died Officer Reports – Normal order 1. President Report – Kat Slye (not in attendance) – a. Still working on budget reconciliation and trying to figure out issues. 2. Vice-Presidents Report – Hirah Mir – a. Sent out email to RGSO leaders about student involvement and if you don’t have access to your page yet send an email to the Vice-President and she will give them another nudge and get you your access. Then you will need to register your page and after you register your page we can put money into your account. 3. Treasurer – Hina – Did a reconcile twice. Then she was told she was not doing the reports correctly. There is a discrepancy in her reports. Caitlin said they were incorrect and that we should not approve them. a. Not approved Motion made to adjourn, second made. Eli made debate for adjournment. Vote – 50/50 decision to be made by Hirah who was chairing the meeting at the time. Hirah decided to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.