Judith Stiehm Fall 2011 Office: SIPA 412 SIPA 100 stiehmj@fiu.edu TTH 7:50 to 9:05 Office Hours: TTH 4:30-6:00 and by appointment Joaquin Pedroso Office: jpedr002@fiu.edu Office Hours MW 9-10:30 and by appointment Sex, Power and Politics: POT 4309 This course looks at the different kinds and different amounts of power held by women and by men. We will not confine ourselves to examining political power because political power and other kinds of power are significantly related. We will also not confine our analysis to the U.S. This is a political theory course which means that while description is basic, we describe in order to find a good explanation. (FROG) Also, political theory courses often consider “right” as well as “might” and that will be a consideration in our reading and discussion. Further, you will be asked to think abstractly, to conceptualize and to generalize. (GENERALIZATION IS GOOD.) A question to regularly ask yourself is “of what is this an instance?” There will be a lot of reading, most of it interesting and not too difficult. There will be short papers and quizes on the reading which MAY OR MAY NOT be announced in advance, a midterm and a final. In addition, you will be asked to do two “field trips” and give a report. There are many feminisms. We will focus on only three: liberal, Marxist and radical. There is also environmental, post-modern, post-colonial, maternal, queer studies, third wave and more. August 23 Introduction 25 Play reading–whole class participates. Aristophanes, Lysistrata MUST use Dover edition Sept 30 1 John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women Mill continued 5 Liberal Feminism and Some Political Facts of Life (Handout) 7 13 15 Men as Objects, Ehrenreich, The Hearts of Men (Mill paper due) Economic and Educational Facts of Life (Handout) 20 22 Marxist Feminism Lessons from History, Anthropology, Ethnicity 27 29 Sex, Sex Roles, Gender, Morris, Conundrum October 4 The International picture 6 P’Bitek, Song of Lawino (bring book to class) 11 Change, “New Normal”, “Third Wave” 13 Review 18 EXAM 20 Women in the U.S. Military 25 Violence, Force,. Coercion, Nonviolent Power 27 War: Gray The Warriors November 1 Government, Law, Law Enforcement 3 Peace Activism, Stiehm: Champions for Peace 8 Continued 10 Alvarez, In the Time of the Butterflies 15 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas (Field Trip Reports Due) 17 Reports on Reports 22 Radical Feminism 24 THANKSGIVING Dec 29 Mary Daly, Beyond God the Father 1 Review 6 Final Exam 7:15--9:15 Your grade will be computed as follows: Quizes and Homework 20% Field Trips 10% MidTerm 30% Final 40% You will be able to find some of the books on the web, but I have ordered all of them at the bookstore. Generally the edition doesn’t matter, BUT because we will read Lysistrata as a play you must use the version I ordered.