Drescher Applications - Checklist HRM3 - requesting the leave signed by department chair and the faculty member letter from the applicant to the Drescher Committee briefly outlining the project and formally requesting the award Addressed to: The Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher State/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees 2 Empire State Plaza, 7th Floor Albany, New York 12223 [http://nysuup.lmc.ny.gov/diversity/drescher.html] letter from the chair supporting the request and indicating why the faculty member is deserving of this; Chair’s letter of support should include any monetary support that the department will be contributing; the college expects that the department will contribute to some degree; letter should be written to the Drescher Committee completed application which is on the web and any attachments with the details of the project/request budget with justification current CV copy of most recent renewal letter original offer letter as evidence of tenure-track position oath card 2 copies plus original need to be submitted applications should be forwarded to the Dean ** Note that the Drescher leave does not automatically stop the tenure clock. A separate request must be submitted – an HRM3, a memo from the faculty member requesting the clock to be stopped with a detailed justification for the request and a memo of support from the Chair.