Selecting, Recruiting, Involving, Communicating, Planning and Documenting 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 A group functions more effectively when all its members accept responsibility for the work and life of the group… this shared sense of responsibility is known as shared leadership. 6/29/2016 For such leadership to develop we need to pay special attention to three things. (Gastil 1997) We need to encourage: o Ownership o Learning o Sharing 6/29/2016 Team members can: o Determine Needs o Implement Programming o Evaluate o Promote o Expand Opportunities o Communicate o Advocate 6/29/2016 How do I determine who should be considered for a team member? 6/29/2016 Criteria Commitment Diversity Skills Relationships Experience Network Characteristics Commitment Characteristics Team Member Network Skills Experience 6/29/2016 Diversity Relationships How do I ensure my committee is representative of my county and encompasses the selection criteria? One way to simplify the process is to use a member matrix that includes as many of the criteria as possible. 6/29/2016 Group Size = 9 – 12 o Small enough to create good atmosphere for o o o o group discussion Large enough to provide representation from several areas Provides an ample number of people for subcommittees of 3-5 people Allows for absentees or non-participators Allow for rotation of members so a portion of the group is experienced 6/29/2016 Member Orientation should be: o Concise o Easily Understood o Reaffirm your belief in them o Encourage & Excite 6/29/2016 Important Topics to Cover o Why you were asked to serve o Roles & Responsibilities o Team Member description o Who’s Who – members contact information o Term/Rotation schedule o Team building activity o Requirements and expectations o Assignment to complete before first meeting 6/29/2016 o Team Structure o Operating Guidelines o Extension Overview o Membership Skills and Networks o Overview of Meetings 6/29/2016 o Two weeks before each meeting send: agenda, information about issues for discussion and team reports. o After each meeting: send minutes and notice of next meeting, send a “We missed you note” to absent members. o Set up….. email address, distribution list; add members phone numbers to your office and cell phone lists; Ask each member how they prefer to communicate (phone, email, letter, etc.). 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Why people join? • Enjoy people • Use talents • Like Extension • Enjoy sense of accomplishment • Solve problems “Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress Working together is success” -Henry Ford 6/29/2016 Why people quit? • Not needed • No accomplishment • No influence • No improvement • Inadequate opportunities • Underutilized 6/29/2016 Committee success depends on member involvement Underutilization 6/29/2016 o Know what we want them to do for us…the most important ROLES AND TASKS they can perform to enhance your program. o Know your ADVISORY LEADERS…their skills, networks, and resources. o MATCH people and tasks. 6/29/2016 Goal is to have 3-5 meetings per year with your PDT Each Agent should have a PDT for their Program Area County Council should meet once a year 6/29/2016 Suggested operating guidelines and procedures o Statement of purpose o Role and responsibilities o Description of structure/composition of team o Terms of service o Official year o Number and length of meetings o Officers o Criteria for membership and selection process o Resignation process o Relationship to staff and supporting boards o Attendance requirements 6/29/2016 Document membership o Should be representative of population o Should have rotation system o Maintain list of current member information Document minutes and maintain o Minutes of all meetings including attendance o Send copies of minutes to all members o Correspondence to/from members o REPORT IN GEORGIA COUNTS 6/29/2016 Consider: o Taking a picture of members o Provide picture to newspaper with article o Send a picture to spouse, parent, employer of member with a note regarding importance of leadership team o Provide name tags marketing/nametags.html o Give them a visible role in programs o Introduce members at programs and events 6/29/2016 Program Development Teams 4-H Program Development Coordinators ANR Program Development Coordinators Al Parker Lori Bledsoe Melinda Miller Lee Anna Deal NE District NW District SW District SE District Bobby Smith Jule-Lynne Macie Scott Utley Wade Parker FACS Program Development Coordinators Denise Everson Kisha Faulk Andrea Scarrow Janet Hollingsworth 6/29/2016 NE District NW District SW District SE District NE District NW District SW District SE District